Writs directed to Edmund de Stonore as Sheriff of Oxfordshire and precepts issued by him: Precept to the Bailiff of Chadlington
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Writs directed to Edmund de Stonore as Sheriff of Oxfordshire and precepts issued by him: Precept to the Bailiff of Chadlington
- Reference
- C 47/37/1/4-5
- Date
- January 1378
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 13; Kingsford, Vol I, item 13
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This may have reference to the same matter as the letter from Sir John
de Nouwers, No. 14. From Ch. Misc., 37, i, 4, 5.Edmundus de Stonore, vic. Oxon., ballivo hundredi de Chadlyngton
salutem. Summone per bonos summonitores xxiiij [legales] homines
de balliva tua de visneto de Keyngham, quod sint coram justiciariis
domini Regis ad assisas in comitatu Oxon. [capiendas] assignatis apud
Oxon., die Jovis proximo ante festum Convercionis Sancti Pauli, ad re-
cognoscendum super sacramentum suum si Willelmus d[e Wynd]esore,
chivaler, et Alicia, uxor ejus, Johannes Nouwer, chivaler, Willelmus
Hervy, Edmundus Te[ttes]worth, Johannes Davy de London, Robertus
..., Willelmus Hankyn, Johannes Mylyn, et Willelmus Carter de
Keyngham, injuste et sine judicio disseisiverunt Johannem atte Halle
de Sib ... de libero tenemento suo in Keyngham post primam, &c.
Et interim habeant visum, et nomina juratorum imbreviari facias. Et
pone per vadium et salvos plegios predictos Willelmum, Aliciam,
Johannem Nowers, Willelmum, Johannem Davy, Robertum, Willelm-
um, Johannem Mylyn et Willelmum, vel ballivos suos si ipsi inventi non
fuerint, quod tunc sint ibi audituri illam recognicionem. Et habeas ibi
summonitores, nomina plegiorum, et hoc preceptum.Endorsed are the names of the Sureties of John de Nouwers and
Hervy, and of Hankyn and Carter. "De omnibus aliis non habeo
plegios, quia nil habent in balliva mea."Attached is a parchment slip headed Hundryde Chadlynton, with the
names of the 24 jurors - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
This may have reference to the same matter as the letter from Sir John
de Nouwers, No. 14. From Ch. Misc., 37, i, 4, 5.Edmundus de Stonore, vic. Oxon., ballivo hundredi de Chadlyngton
salutem. Summone per bonos summonitores xxiiij [legales] homines
de balliva tua de visneto de Keyngham, quod sint coram justiciariis
domini Regis ad assisas in comitatu Oxon. [capiendas] assignatis apud
Oxon., die Jovis proximo ante festum Convercionis Sancti Pauli, ad re-
cognoscendum super sacramentum suum si Willelmus d[e Wynd]esore,
chivaler, et Alicia, uxor ejus, Johannes Nouwer, chivaler, Willelmus
Hervy, Edmundus Te[ttes]worth, Johannes Davy de London, Robertus
. . ., Willelmus Hankyn, Johannes Mylyn, et Willelmus Carter de
Keyngham, injuste et sine judicio disseisiverunt Johannem atte Halle
de Sib . . . de libero tenemento suo in Keyngham post primam, &c.
Et interim habeant visum, et nomina juratorum imbreviari facias. Et
pone per vadium et salvos plegios predictos Willelmum, Aliciam,
Johannem Nowers, Willelmum, Johannem Davy, Robertum, Willelm-
um, Johannem Mylyn et Willelmum, vel ballivos suos si ipsi inventi non
fuerint, quod tune sint ibi audituri illam recognicionem. Et habeas ibi
summonitores, nomina plegiorum, et hoc preceptum.Endorsed are the names of the Sureties of John de Nouwers and
Hervy, and of Hankyn and Carter. “De omnibus aliis non habeo
plegios, quia nil habent in balliva mea.”Attached is a parchment slip headed Hundryde Chadlynton, with the
names of the 24 jurors.