PLEASE your maistershyp to wete that aftyr recomenda- cion that I sende Thomas More to myne oncle the parson2 wyth certeyn credence to hafe aunsuer uppon by hym for myn acquytaille another day, yff onye thyng falle sinistrely only yn theyr deffaut, as God defend, not be my wille, for I hafe as feythfulle demesned me seth I rode to London thys terme, and hedertoo as anye maner creatur yn reson coude desyre me; and hafe demened me at London accordyng to the message sent me by the baylly of Drayton, and I vele but littille that my gode wille ys allowed.3 I hafe also, seth I came to Norwiche, enformed hym whate proffyt ease and avaylle I may help stand hem both yn my maister godes and yn hys lyvelode; yff he or hys frendys set littlle by it, I may nat do wyth all. And the blessed Trinite be with yow, because ye wolle the wellfare off my maister, whoos soule God hafe pytie on and bryng hym owte of peyn, as the well- fare of the parties it meovyth me wryte to yow the rathyr. I enformyd yow for trouth, and as I wille prefe, that I was the
principall doer and cause that both Maister Paston and myne oncle came fyrst yn the testament viij. yeer goon, to a gode entent; and yff they wold wyrke ayenst me to minussh my power, theyr disposicion woll be construed ferther than they wille it were, and they not so avaylled as they weene yn all thynges. The blessed Trinete be wyth yow. Wryt on Passyon
Memorandum to Thomas More that because ye myzt foryete myne erand to Maister Bernay, I pray you rede hym my bille, and that he wille take it to a gode entent; for how so evyr I wryte I meene well, and so shall.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] In this letter reference is made to a ‘testament’ drawn up by Sir John Fastolf eight years previously. This, however, cannot be his last will, as that would carry the date to a year after John Paston’s death, who seems to be here spoken of as living. The settlement referred to is doubtless the testament- ary declaration of 1457 mentioned in No. 541.
2 Sir Thomas Howes.
3 i.e. Little
credit is given me for my good will.