William Stonor to Thomas Stonor, his father
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Stonor to Thomas Stonor, his father
- Reference
- SC 1/46/277
- Date
- [?6 February 1474
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 136; Kingsford, Vol I, item 136
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[? 6 FEBRUARY, 1474]
The most prominent Marmyon in Oxfordshire at this time is William, who
was on the Commission of Peace from 1461 to Dec., 1473, but does not
appear in the Commission of Feb., 1474 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV, i, 570;
ii, 625) If, as is possible, Wiliiam Marmyon is here referred to the date
must be 1474. William Stonor's own age makes an earlier date than 1470
unlikely, and since in 1472, 2nd Feb. was on a Monday and in 1473 on a
Tuesday, these years are less likely. From A.C., xlvi, 277.60My ryght reverent and wurshypfull fadyr, I recomaund me unto your
good fadyrhod in the most umbull vyse that I kan or may, mekely
besechyng your fadyrhod of your dayly blessyng: lykyth your fadyrhod
to wyt that my modyr ys in good hele, blessyede be alle myty Jhesu,
my brethern and my susters and my nevue Cottysmore. I beseche
your good fadyrhod that yt wylle plese yov to speke with the Abbot of
Dorchester that I may have suche fe as Marmyun had with hym with
every thyng acordyng as he had: for I trust thorov your good fadyrhod
that I may have hyt. And I beseche your fadyrhod to wryte for me
to the pryor of Wychyswyde for such fe as he had there: and I trust
thorov your fadyrhode to spede with hym: for I have sente unto hym,
and he hath answeryd that he wyll do to the pleasyre of your fadyrhod
what he kan do: for he seyth he knovyth your fadyrhod, but he knovyth
not me. And I mekely beseche your fadyrhod to wryte to the pryor of
Byssam: and I trust to spede ther in lyke wyse thorov the helpe of
your gode fadyrhod with the grace of Jhesu, hom I mekely beseche to
spede yov yn alle your maters, and to preserve your fadyrhod yn alle
maner of weyys, Amen. I- wrytyn þat Stonore the Sunday nexte after
Kandelmas day.By your chyld Wyllm. Stonor.
To my Ryght reverent and wurshipfull fadyr, my fadyr Stonor.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
[? 6 FEBRUARY, 1474]
The most prominent Marmyon in Oxfordshire at this time is William, who
was on the Commission of Peace from 1461 to Dec., 1473, but does not
appear in the Commission of Feb., 1474 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV, i, 570;
ii, 625). If, as is possible, William Marmyon is here referred to the date
must be 1474. William Stonor’s own age makes an earlier date than 1470
unlikely, and since in 1472, 2nd Feb. was on a Monday and in 1473 on a
Tuesday, these years are less likely. From A.C., xlvi, 277.My ryght reverent and wurshypfull fadyr, I recomaund me unto your
good fadyrhod in the most umbull vyse that I kan or may, mekely
besechyng your fadyrhod of your dayly blessyng: lykyth your fadyrhod
to wyt that my modyr ys in good hele, blessyede be alle myty Jhesu,
my brethern and my susters and my nevue Cottysmore. I beseche
your good fadyrhod that yt wylle plese yov to speke with the Abbot of
Dorchester that I may have suche fe as Marmyun had with hym with
every thyng acordyng as he had: for I trust thorov your good fadyrhod
that I may have hyt. And I beseche your fadyrhod to wryte for me
to the pryor of Wychyswyde for such fe as he had there: and I trust
thorov your fadyrhode to spede with hym: for I have sente unto hym,
and he hath answeryd that he wyll do to the pleasyre of your fadyrhod
what he kan do: for he seyth he knovyth your fadyrhod, but he knovyth
not me. And I mekely beseche your fadyrhod to wryte to the pryor of
Byssam: and I trust to spede ther in lyke wyse thorov the helpe of
your gode fadyrhod with the grace of Jhesu, hom I mekely beseche to
spede yov yn alle your maters, and to preserve your fadyrhod yn alle
maner of weyys, Amen. I- wrytyn þat Stonore the Sunday nexte after
Kandelmas day.By your chyld Wyllm. Stonor.
To my Ryght reverent and wurshipfull fadyr, my fadyr Stonor.