William Rowkshaw to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Rowkshaw to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 149, p. 92
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 54; Kirby, item 72
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
72 William Rowkshaw1 to Sir Robert Plumpton 4 April [1484 ? 1489] (No.
149, p. 92)Right reuerent & worshipfull and my specyall gud master, I hartely
comend me vnto you, thanking your mastership of your tender &
loving favour shewed to my poore kynsman, John Wynpenne, now late
brynging a letter from my lord to your mastership & me, & other moe.
Beseching you to be his gud master touching his right according to
conseyence, this holy tyme, vpon Wedensday at your [. . .]a <court>.
And wher your mastership wold pat I should wayt vpon you [p. 93]
ther pat tyme, I wold haue bene bene right glad so to doe, but because
?at I vnderstand ?at Richard Danby,2 to whom my lord hath wrytten,
lyke as to other, cannot be ther as than. Wherfore I besech your
mastership, at ?e reverence of God, & be way of almes & charytie, to
assigne a tyme & place wher the sayd Mr Danby, [. . .]b Richard Grene,3
[and I] myght awayte vpon you for the sayd matter, and I shalbe redy
both for ?at & to your service, by the grace of God, who euermore
preserve & kepe your worship & good health. Wrytten the iiij day of
Aprill, at Qatton.By your loving servant William Rowkshaw prestc
Endorsed (p. 92): To the right reuerent & worshipfull & my especiall
good <singuler> master Sir Robart Plompton knighta Corte deleted.
b MS and I.
c Appended: Copied ?e 20th day of Aprill 1613.
1 Chaplain to the earl of Northumberland, who, in 1473 and 1484, respectively,
presented him to the East Riding rectories of Lowthorpe, near Driffield, and Watton,
near Leconfield, where there was a Gilbertine priory. He died 1504, Test.Ebor., iv, 231?2;
VCH, Yorks, iii, 254.2Of Crayke (d.1504), lawyer, younger son of Sir Robert Danby, CJCP, of Farnley,
near Leeds, and Thorpe Perrow, who died by suicide, 1472. Richard was filacer, 1485,
Hastings, 85; J. Fisher, History and Antiquities of Masham and Mashamshire (1865), 249?51.351, 55.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the right reverent and worshipfull and my especiall good sin-
guler master, Sir Robart Plompton, knight.Right reverent and worshipfull and my specyall good master, I
hartely comend me unto you, thanking your mastership of your
tender and loving favour shewed to my poore kynsman, John Wyn-
penne, now late brynging a letter from my lord to your mastership,
and me, and other moe. Beseching you to be his good master
touching his right according to conscyence, this holy tyme, upon
Wedensday at your court. And wher your mastership wold that I
shold wayt upon you ther that tyme, I wold have bene right glad
so to doe, but because that I understand that Richard Danby, to
whom my lord hath wrytten, lyke as to other, cannot be ther as
than. Wherfore I besech your mastership, at the reverence of
God, and be way of almes and charytie, to assigne a tyme and
place, wher the sayd Mr. Danby, Richard Grene, and I myght
awayte upon you for the sayd matter, and I shalbe redy both for
that, and to your service, by the grace of God, who evermore pre-
serve and kepe your worship and good health. Wrytten the iiij
day of Aprill, at Qatton.a
By your loving servaunt,
WILLIAM ROWKSHAW, preist.a Watton, in the east riding of Yorkshire, where was a priory of Gilbertines.