William Reynolds, of Cromer, to Agnes Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Reynolds, of Cromer, to Agnes Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 225
- Date
- 1453
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 231; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 33
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
TO AGNES PASTON1To my ryght reverent and wourchipfull mastras, my Mastras Paston,
the modyr of my maister John Paston, be this delyvered.RYGHT reverent and wourchipful Mastras, with most
humble and louly servyce in moste goodly wice I re-
comaund me to your contynuell supportacion. Please
it your good grace to have notycion that I have late a place of
yours in quiche John Rycheman dvellyd, for it stode at a
grete dyspeyr and I have late it for XVs., but up your good
grace, for the lockis of the dores arn pulled of and born a
waye, and the wyndowes ben broken and gone and other
bordys ben nayled on in the stede of the sayd wyndowes.
Also, the swynysty ys doun, and all the tymbyr and the
thatche born a way; also the hedge ys broken or born a
wey, quiche closed the gardeyn; querthorgh the place ys evyl
apeyred to the tenaunt. On Sent Marckes daye I entred the
seid place and lete it to your be hove, and on the day after
cam Henry Goneld and seyd my latyng schald not stond, and
went and seled the dores; querfor I beseche your graciows
favor that my latyng may stond, for I have late alle your
londis everychone. I know not oon rode unlate, but alle
ocupyed to your profyghte. The tenaunt quich by your lycens
schuld have youre place to ferme by my latyng ys gretely be
hated with oon Johane, the wyfe of Robert Iclyngham, chap-
man, quich ys voysed for amysse governyd woman of hyr body
by the most parte of owr town wel recordyth the same, and
sche dvellyth al by your seyd place; and by cause this seid
tenaunt ys gretely ayens hir for hir ungoodly governaunce,
therfor sche mad menys to one Abraham Whal, quiche ys one
of hir supportores, and he hath spoke with the seyd Henry
Gonelde that he myght seke a remedye to cause this seyd
tenaunt to be a voydyd and kept oute your seid place and not
come ther inne.He that is bryngger of this bylle ys the man to quich I
have late to ferme by the licens of you; therfore I beseche
your gracaus favor to be schewed onto hym, and mekeli I
beseche your contynuell supportacion that ye wuld send me
wrytyng under your seele how I schal be demened. Nomor,
&c. Wrytin at Crowmer the nest day after Sent Marc.—Be
your servaunt at alle tymes,WILLIAM REYNOLDES of Crowmer.
The following memoranda are written on the back:—
Firmale terræ ten’ Roperes in Crowmer Anno xxxjo.
In primis Gylmin (?) tenet ad firmam ij. acras ad terminum ——1
annorum et reddit per annumxxd.
Item, Johannes Parnell tenet iij. rodas ad terminum xij. annorum et
reddit per annumxijd.
Item, Willelmus Reynoldes pro iij. rodis in ij. peciis ad terminum x.
annorum et reddit per annumixd.
Item, Thomas tenet pars (sic) terræ et reddit per annum
ijd. ob.
Item, Ricardus Child pro prato et j. inclausura vocata Longclos ad
terminum annorum et reddit per annumiijs. iiijd.
Item, Rogerus Caryour pro j. orto per annum
1 [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 225.] This letter is shown by the memoranda on the back
to be of the year 1453, i.e. 31 Henry VI. Agnes Paston had tenants at Cromer, and
her property there descended to her grandchildren, as she outlived her son John.1 Blank in MS.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1453
[Add. MS. 34,889, f. 225]
This letter, No. 1080 in the Inventory, is shown by the memoranda on
the back to be of the year 1453, i.e. 31 Henry VI. Agnes Paston had
tenants at Cromer, and her property there descended to her grandchildren,
as she outlived her son John.To my ryght reverent and wourchipfull mastras, my
Mastras Paston, the modyr of my maister John
Paston, be this delyvered.RYGHT reverent and wourchipful Mastras,
with most humble and louly servyce in
moste goodly wice I recomaund me to
your contynuell supportacion. Please it
your good grace to have notycion that I have
late a place of yours in quiche John Rycheman
dvellyd, for it stode at a grete dyspeyr and I have
late it for xvs., but up your good grace, for the
lockis of the dores arn pulled of and born a waye,
and the wyndowes ben broken and gone and other
bordys ben nayled on in the stede of the sayd
wyndowes. Also, the swynysty ys doun, and all the
tymbyr and the thatche born a way; also the hedge
ys broken or born a wey, quiche closed the gardeyn;
querthorgh the place ys evyl apeyred to the tenaunt.
On Sent Marckes daye I entred the seid place and
lete it to your be hove, and on the day after cam
Henry Goneld and seyd my latyng schald not stond,
and went and seled the dores; querfor I beseche
your graciows favor that my latyng may stond, for I
have late alle your londis everychone. I know not
oon rode unlate, but alle ocupyed to your profyghte.
The tenaunt quich by your lycens schuld have youre
place to ferme by my latyng ys gretely be hated with
oon Johane, the wyfe of Robert Iclyngham, chap-
man, quich ys voysed for amysse governyd woman
of hyr body by the most parte of owr town wel
recordyth the same, and sche dvellyth al by your
seyd place; and by cause this seid tenaunt ys gretely
ayens hir for hir ungoodly governaunce, therfor sche
mad menys to one Abraham Whal, quiche ys one of
hir supportores, and he hath spoke with the seyd
Henry Gonelde that he myght seke a remedye to
cause this seyd tenaunt to be a voydyd and kept
oute your seid place and not come ther inne.He that is bryngger of this bylle ys the man to
quich I have late to ferme by the licens of you; ther-
fore I beseche your gracaus favor to be schewed onto
hym, and mekeli I beseche your contynuell supporta-
cion that ye wuld send me wrytyng under your seele
how I schal be demened. Nomor, &c. Wrytin at
Crowmer the nest day after Sent Marc.—Be your
servaunt at alle tymes,WILLIAM REYNOLDES of Crowmer.
The following memoranda are written on the back:—
Firmale terræ ten’ Roperes in Crowmer Anno xxxjo.
In primis Gylmin (?) tenet ad firmam ij. acras ad ter-
minum——1 annorum et reddit per annumxxd.
Item, Johannes Parnell tenet iij. rodas ad terminum xij.
annorum et reddit per annumxijd.
Item, Willelmus Reynoldes pro iij. rodis in ij. peciis ad
terminum x. annorum et reddit per annumixd.
Item, Thomas tenet pars (sic) terræ et reddit per
annumijd. ob.
Item, Ricardus Child pro prato et j. inclausura vocata
Longclos ad terminum annorum et reddit per
annumiijs. iiijd.
Item, Rogerus Caryour pro j. orto per annum
1 Blank in MS.