William Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 92, p. 52
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 142; Kirby, item 176
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
176 William Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton [21 March 1502/3] (No.
92, p. 52)Right worshipfull father & mother I recomend me unto you, praying
you of your dayly blessing, & all my bretheren & systers is in good
health, blessed be Jesu, & prays you of your dayly blessing, & my lady
mother also. Sir, I marvell greatly þat I haue no word from you, and
my cousin Gascoygne1 also, vnder what condition I shalld behaue me &
my servants. Sir, it is sayd þat Sir John Roclife will ploue, but we are
not certayne, & þat they come, my cousin Gascoyn saith well therin,
for he will see yam on þat mannor þat they will not like, & bytts me &
my servants kep house, & he will send vs x bowes & vs ned. Sir, your
frinds trowes ye beleve fayr words & fayr heightes, & labors not your
matters, for they trow þat þis is not the kings mynd nor knowes not of
ther [. . .]a dealings, þat they indyte you & me & your servants, as ye
may se be the iudgment herof.Sir, I haue sent you ij letters derected from my lord Archbishops,
the which I haue answered him þat I will keepe the kings peace; &
also I meane sent him word whether the tenants should occupy or no.
And it is my cousin Gascoyns mynd þat they shalt occupy for the
tyme, & therfor I besech you send me word how I shold do in euery
case, & my servants also. Sir, your frinds thinkes þat thes indytements
ar for you, and it be shewed to þe king of his counsell. Both my cousin
Gascon and my brother Elson,2 as your counsell, gives you so to doe.
And also I besech you send me word as shortly as ye may possibly. No
more at this tyme, but the Trenetie kepe you. From Plompton on Saint
Benedict Day.By your son William Plompton esquerb
Endorsed: To the worshipfull Sir Robart Plompton kt be thes deliuered
in hasta king deleted.
b Appended: Copied þe 24 of March 1612.
1 Sir William Gascoigne, App. III.
2 William Elleson, 129, 164.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the worshipfull Sir Robart Plompton, knyght, be thes delivered
in hast.Right worshipfull father and mother,a I recomend me unto you,
praying you of your dayly blessing; and all my brethern and sisters
is in good health (blessed be Jesu) and prays you of your dayly
blessing, and my lady mother also. Sir, I marvell greatly that I
have no word from you (and my cousin Gascoyne also) under what
condition I shall behave me and my servants. Sir, it is sayd
that Sir John Roclife will ploue, but we are not certayne; and if
that they come, my cousin Gascoyn saith well therin, for he will
se them on that mannor that they will not like : and bytts me and
my servants keep house, and he will send us x bowes, and us ned.
Sir, your frinds trowes ye beleve fayr words and fayr heightes, and
labors not your matters; for they trow that ys not the Kings
mynd, nor knowes not of ther dealing, that they indyte you, and
me, and your servants, as ye may se by the Judgment herof. Sir,
I have sent you ij letters, derected from my lord Archbishop; the
which I have answered him, that I will keepe the Kings peace.
And also I meane sent him word, whethe the tenants should occupy
or no. And it is my cousin Gascoyns mynd, that they shall occu-
py for the tyme; and therfor I besech you send me word, how I
shold do in every cause, and my servants also. Sir, your frinds
thinkes that thes indytements ar for you, and it be shewed to the
King or his Counsell. Both my cousin Gascon, and my brother
Elson,b as your counsell, gives you so to do. And also I besech
you send me word, as shortly as ye may possibly. No more at
this tyme, but the Trenietie kepe you. From Plompton, on saint
Benedic day. By your son,(21 Mar. 1502-3.) WILLIAM PLOMPTON, Esquier.
a It appears from this letter of their son, that Sir Robert and Lady Plumpton were
both at this time in London, soliciting the King's interference.b See Letter CIII. note a.