MY ryghte worthy and worshopeful lord, I recomaunde me to yow. And for as meche [as I] conseyve verrayly that ye arn Vicar general in Inggelond of the worthy Prelate, the Abbot of Clunie, and have hys power in many grete articles, and mong other in profession of monkes in Inggelond of the seyd ordere. And in my cuntre, but a myle fro the place where I was born, is the poure hous of Bromholm of the same ordre, in wheche arn divers vertuous yongge men, monkes clad and unprofessyd, that have abedyn there. . . . Abbyte ix. or x. yeer; and be lenger delaye of here profession, many inconvenientez arne lyke to falle. And also the priour of . . . hath resigned in to your worthy handes by certeins notables and resonables causes, as it apperyth by an instrument, and a symple lettre under the comune seal of the seyd hous of Bromholm, which the berare of this hath redy to shewe yow, wher up on I prey yow wyt al my herte, and as I evere may do yow service, that it lyke to your grace to graunte
of your charite, by yowr worthy lettres to the priour of Thet- ford in Norfolk, of the seyde ordre of Clunye, autorite and power as your ministre and depute to professe in dwe forme the seyd monkes of Bromholm unprofessed. And that it lyke yow overmore to accepte and admitte the seyd resygnacion by your seyd autoritie and power, wyth the favour of your good lordshepe in comfort and consolacion of your pouere prestes, the monkes of the seyd hous of Bromholm, and there up to graunte your worthy lettres, wittenessyng the same acceptacion and admyssion of the seyd resignacion, and al your seyd lettres to delyvere to my clerke, to wham I prey yow to gyve feith and credence touchant this matier, and to delivere it hym in alle the hast resonable. And I am your man, and evere will be by the grace of God, which evere have yow in his kepyng. Writen at Norwich the
1 of Aprill.
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is printed from a rough draft written on paper, corrected in William Paston’s own hand, and scribbled over, after his fashion, with numerous other drafts and jottings on both sides. Some of these occur upside down between the lines of this letter. At the head of the memoranda on the back are the words, ‘In parliamento, anno H. vj. viijo.’ from which we may infer the date to be at least as early.
1 Blank in MS.