To myn wurchipfull broder, Jon Paston.
RYTHTHE wurchipfull broder, I recomand [me] to zow. Lekit it zow to wethe [wit], Jon of Dam is come to towne, and purposit hym to tary here a day ar ij. ar longar, I can thynk, and he be desyryd. Were fore I pray
zow, and as I have afore this tyme desiryd zow the same, that suche materis as hathe be comunyd now lathe be twyx myn moder, zow and hym, may take some good conclucyon be twyx owre selff here at horn. And in myn consayt, savyng zow better avyse, it were so most convenyent and wurchipfull for us all, and comforthe to all owre fryndis. And for this ententhe I wold tary here the lengar; for I wold be as glad as any man a lyve that suche an ende mythe be take be twix us that iche off us all schuld inyoy the wylleffar off odyr, qweche I trust with zowr good help schall be rythe wyll, and I dowthe nat myn mastyr Markam wyll be will plesyd thus.
I have tydynges from London, and a monge odyr tydynges I have knowlage that Cirstofre Hanson is passid to God on Saterday last past, at ij. of clok after mydnythe. It is good to take hede there to, &c.
Item, I sent to zow to have had zowre avyse qwat menys were best to make for the mater towchyng the Lord Scrop, qwere in I had an answer, but me thowthe it was not to the poynthe. I sopose, and I purposyd to make the labore that ze sent me word I schuld do towchyng me, I can thynk I schuld sone be answerid, meche sonar than he. I must send some answer to hym, were in I wold have zowr consayll; for he desirid the same, and I wold not he schold thynk that he were forgotyn be us.
Be zowr pore broder,
I can thynk and he were here he wold be a feythfull frynd to zow; but and so were that ze thowthe that it were for to labore for any oder man, me thynkit it were for zow to remembre myn nevew. That were somewat lykly, and there to wold I be glad to help and lene to the toder. For as for me, I know so moche that sche will none have but iff he have, ar be leke to have, meche more lond than I have; and iff I knewe the contrary, it schuld nat be left for the labore, but I wold not be in a folis paradyce, and ze be myn good brodir. I trust thow to do rythe will, &c.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The reference to the death of Christopher Hanson proves this letter to have been written in July 1462, as the precise date of his death is given in Letter 528.
1462 JULY
1462 JULY