William Maryon to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Maryon to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/106
- Date
- 14 April 1482
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 81
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciijxxij
Ryght reverent Syr and my specyall frende I recommend me
unto you. Ferder mor and yt plese you ye schall understonde
that y have ressayved a letter from you wreten at Calles the
xxviij daye of Marsche leyke af y wreten unto yow in my last
letters that y well understonde that ye have sould all my fellys at
Calles safying ijc xxv felles for the whyche salys Syr y thanke
yow harteley & also Syr y pray you that ye woll delyver unto
Robard Eryk xxx or xlli ster: lyke af ye and he can agre and as
ye do wyth oder men for lyke if ye do hould me greyd both in
mony and in dayes saffying he hitt promysed me xli her in hand
at my plesser and therfor I wold that he had the lengar day of
the rest they yt be mehellmas day and as for yowre broder Rechard
Cely ye schall understond that he ys at hys plasse in Hessexe for
he wos y porposed for to abe at thys day in Cottyswold safyng
Wylliam Breton sent hem word fro Hamton that he myt nat
attend unto hem Nat Tyell ys be xiiij dayes after Ester and be
that day yowre broder porposed be the leve of God to be at
Nortlache a an at that day Wylliam Breten hat y promesed therfor
to met hem also ye shall understond that my misterys yowre
moder ys in good hell thanked be God savyng her leghe ys not
yt all holl but y trust to God yt stondyd in good casse Syr sche
recommaunds har unto you and sche sends you God ys blessyng
and harys and so sche doyt in good fayyt every day seyt ye
departed yowre broder Robard and all the houssould faryt well
thanked be God. Wreten at London the xiiij day of Aperell, &c.Be youre owne
Wylliam Maryon.
Addressed: Unto George Cely marchant of the
stapull at Calles thys letter be
delyverde.On the Dorse, in a different handwriting:
Logyd at the howyse in Barow.
Of Claysse Peterson and his fellows.
iiijd ob . . . . . .
xxjli flemish.
iiijd ob . . . . . .
xiijli xvs flemish.
xxxiiij lewis vijs . . . .
xjli xviijs fl.
x andreus iiijs viijd . . .
ixli vjs viijd fl.
xxvj new crouns vs viijd. . .
vijli vijs iiijd fl.
xxj owlld crouns vs vjd. . .
vli xvs vjd
xxx postlates ijs viijd. . .
ivli iijd fl.
lxxijli xvijs ixd fl.
iiijd ob . . . . . .
vli vs fl.
ijd qa . . . . . .
ijli xivs fl.
ix lewys vij. . . . . .
iijli iijs fl.
iiijd . . . . . .
vjli fl.
xix crownys vij . . . . .
iijli ijs fl.
iij crownys vs vjd. . . . .
vij andres iiijs viijd . . . .
xxxijs viijd fl.
iiij rydars iiijs xd . . . .
xvs iiijd fl.
an rynyshe gylden. . . .
iiijs vjd fl.
ijd qa . . . . . .
vli fl.
iij postlates . . . . .
viijs fl.
xij hettinus (?) iiijs ijd. . .
ijli xvs fl.
in pensse. . . . .
xs fl.
iiijd ob. . . . . .
vijli xixs fl.
Summa. .
xlli xijd fl.
ijd qa . . . . . .
xxjs fl.
xxxj rydars gyll iiijs xd. . .
le plese vli xviijs xd fl.
in whyght mony. . . .
xvijd fl.
Summa . .
vijli xvd fl.
Summa totallis .
cxxli fl.
a Northleach.