95 William Markenfield1 to Sir Robert Plumpton [after 1490]2 (No. 77, p.
Right worshipfull cousin, I comennd me vnto you, letting you wyt þat ther is a neighbour of myne, this bearer, William Medley, nativ, which geysted with two of your servantsa in Haywras × bests, Thomas Ward and Wylliam Thorp; and [. . .]b <when> this poore man come at Michellms for his cattell, ther lacked one of the best, [. . .]c which was delyuered him other cattel for his both, þat was fare fro <the> value <of> his. Wherfore, cousin, I hartely pray you to be his good master to this man, and þat ye wold call your said servants afore you, & þat he myght be payd for his best þat he lacks, as I may doe for you in like cause, which I shalbe glad to doe, as God knows, who euermore preserue you to his pleasure.
By your cousin William Merkinfeildd
Endorsed: To my cousin Sir Robart Plompton be thes deliuered
a Marginal note: a guist.
b A word deleted.
c A word deleted.
d Appended: Copied the 15 day of March 1612.
1 William Markenfield, younger brother of Sir Thomas Markenfield, of Markenfield, near Ripon (d.1497), Test.Ebor., v, 232–5.
2 Sir Robert’s lease of Haverah park commenced 26 Aug. 1490, 90; App. II, 52.