To the right worchipfull and my good maister John Paston.
RYGHT worchipfull and my good mayster I recomaunde me to yow. And, sir, yf the Coronacion had be on Relik Sunday,2 as it was apoyntyd, I shuld have waytid on yow. And as for my Lord of Norffolks mene, I told my mastres your wyfe, here disposission as I coude know, the wheche I sopose she told yow, as I can espye some of his meny was grette cause of T. D.3 deth, &c. Also ye have knowlych how Fastolff4 is com yn to my Lord of Norffolks hous, for ij. causez, as I understande; on is to enfors my Lords entre yn Castre be his cleym; an other is to helpe his fader yn lawe5 ayens Felbrigge, &c. For love of Good take good awayte to your person, for the word [world] is right wilde, and have be sythyn Heydonz sauffe gard was proclamyd at Walsyngham; for yn good feyth I trow, but if [i.e. unless] he be ponysshid the countre wille rise and doo moche harme, and also for the comyssion Sir Miles Stapilton and Calthorp, that arn among the comunes ought of conseite and reputid the Kyngs enmez, as the brenger of this bille can telle yow, to whom I beseche yow to be good mayster, for he hath doo the Kyng good servyse as ony pore man of our contre, and yet is he callid traitor be sweche as he can telle yow, soportid be Roger Bolwer and Aleyn Roos, Heidonz owyn men [chif constablez].6 And it plese yow that John Yve and John Brigge myght have your warentez for cheffe constable, &c., for they ocupye yn Kyng Herris name. Forther, sire, I am gretly yn your danger and dette for my pension, for it is told
me ye have paied, and at your comyng I shalle make amendez with your good maistreship, and suche servyse as lith yn my pore powere is, and shalbe, redy at alle tymez with Godds grace, how have yow yn His kepyng. Wretyn yn hast at Dallyng, on Sent Thomas Even, &c.
Be your Servaunt,
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] From the reference to the coronation, it is quite evident that this letter must have been written in the first year of King Edward the Fourth.
2 12th July in 1461.
3 Thomas Denys.
4 Thomas Fastolf of Cowhaw.
5 This would seem to be John Wyndham, but I find no mention of such a relationship between him and Fastolf.
6 Interlined.