William Joddopken to Joan, Lady Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Joddopken to Joan, Lady Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 115, p. 69
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 2; Kirby, item 34
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
34 William Joddopken to Joan, Lady Plumpton,1 [?6 July 1481] (No. 115,
p. 69)Right worshipful and my especial good Lady, I recommend me unto
your good Ladiship, euermore desiring to wit of your welfare. And,
Madam, I pray you to call to your Ladyship how gude precher I haue
been to my master as gon is, and to you. And, Madam, there is one
duty awing unto me, part wherof was taken or my master deceased,
whose soul God haue mercy, and most part taken to yourselfe since he
died; taken by Henry Fox,2 and by Henry of Sealay, your seruants, of
whilk I send you one bill with Henry Fox. The sum is 19li 2s 9d, wherof
I haue receiued by Henry Fox, in money, 3li, and in 2 fat oxen, price
36s. Sum at I haue receiued is 4li 15s; so remains there behine 14li 6s
9d. Madam, if case be þat ye will haue sende word for Sir John Wixley3
at drawes 6li 6s viijd; so is ther owying over to me 9li jd. And I besech
you, Madam, þat I myght haue my money. I haue forborne it long. Ye
know well, Madam, þe great troble þat I was in, and the great cost
and charges þat I had this last yere past; &, Madam, ye know well I
haue no lyfing but my bying and selling. [p. 70] And, Madam, I pray
you sende me my money as ye will I doe you service, or els to send
me word when I shall haue it, for it cost me much money sending for.
And Henry Fox bad me send my rakning at Ripon, and I should be
answered to my money, for Harry receiued most part of stufe of me.
And if ye will not answere me therfore, Henry must answere therfore.Madam, þar is one Casson in taking, of þat towne to; considring of
gud service [. . .] at Sir John Dedyser, my master, and you in your great
troble. For sute, Madam, I lost all þat I payd for him, and þat was
long of your Ladyship. For when I wold haue followed him, ye dyside
me nay, for ye said ye had rather lose þe towne; & therfor I besech
you to loke if þer be any thing [I] may dow for your Ladyship or for
my master your son, I shalbe redy, with grace of God, who preserue
your Ladyship. Written at York on Friday after St Peter Day.Be your owne William Joddopken
Endorsed (p. 59): To my old Lady Plompton be this bil deliuered
1 Sir William Plumpton’s 2nd wife, and mother of Sir Robert.
2 Henry Fox, valet, and Sir John Whixley, chaplain, were among the trustees for the
settlements made by Sir Robert to increase his mother’s life estate, 25–27 Oct. 1480, CB,
701–3.3 Sir John Whixley and Richard Plumpton, clerk, were appointed by the official of
York to collect the debts and take an inventory of the effects of Sir William Plumpton
who died intestate, 10 Jan.1480/1, CB, 628. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my old Lady Plomptona be this bil delivered.
Right worshipful and my especial good Lady, I recommend me
unto your good Ladiship, evermore desiring to wit of your wel-
fare. And, madam, I pray you to call to your Ladiship how gude
precher I have been to my master, at gon is,b and to you. And,
madam, there is one duty awing unto me, part wherof was taken
or my master deceased, whose soul God have mercy, and most part
taken to your selfe since he died; taken by Henry Fox and by
Henry of Selay, your servants, of whilk I send you one bill with
Henry Fox. The sum is 19li. 2s. 9d. wherof I have received by
Henry Fox in money 3li. and in 2 fat oxen, price 36s. Sum at I
have received is 4li. 16s. so remaines there behind 14li. 6s. 9d.
Madam, if case be that ye will have sende word for Sir John Wix-
ley,c that drawes 6li. 6s. viiid.; so is ther owyng to me 9li. 1d.
And I besech you, madam, that I myght have my money; I have
forborne it long. Ye know well, madam, the great troble that I
was in, and the great cost and charggs that I had this last yere
past; and, madam, ye know well I have no lyfing, but my bying
and selling: and, madam, I pray you sende me my money, as ye
will I doe you service, or els to send me word when I shall have
it, for it cost me much money sending for. And Henry Fox bad
me send my raking at Ripon, and I should be answered to my
money, for Herry received most part of stufe of me; and if ye
will not answere me therfore, Henry must answer therfore. Ma-
dam, that is one Casson in taking, of that towne to; considring of
gud service (a line omitted) at Sir John Dedyser, my master, and
you in your great troble. For sute, madam, I lost all that I payd
for him, and that was long of your Ladyship; for when I wold
have followed him, ye dyside me nay, for ye sayd ye had rather
lose the towne. And therfore I besech you to loke if ther be any
thing I may dow for your Ladiship, or for my master your son;d
I shall be redy with grace of God, who preserve your Ladyship.
Written at York, on friday after St. Peter day.
Be your owne,
(July, anno circiter 1481.) WILLIAM JODDOPKAN.a Joan, daughter of Thomas Wintringham, of Knaresborough, gent. second wife of
Sir William Plumpton, kt. survived her husband, and was living 19 Oct. 12 Hen. VII.
1496. (Chartul. No. 785).b Sir William Plumpton, kt. died 15 Oct. 20 Edw. IV. 1480.
c Sir John Quixlay, chaplain, was with Richard Plumpton appointed by the official
of York, 10 Jan. 1480-1, to take the inventory of the effects of Sir William Plump-
ton, kt. who had died intestate. (Chartul. No. 628)d Robert Plumpton, esq.