To his worshipfull master, Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
Right worshipfull Sir, in my lowliest wyse I comend me to you.
Sir, I purpose with the grace of God to be with you or Martyn-
mas,a if I may. This day I must ryde to Yorke, and how long I
shall tary ther, I can not shew you. And as for compleanyng to
my lord Archbishop of any ryott,b the tyme is not now. When I
speake with you, I shall shew you more of my mynd, with the
grace of Jesu, who, I besech, preserve you, &c.
Your servant
(November 1502.) WILLIAM ELESON.
a 11 Nov.
bTo the attempt on the part of the lessors of the plaintiffs, Rocliffe and Sotehill, to
eject Sir Robert Plumpton from his manor of Plumpton, a forcible resistance had been
made by him and his servants, and a riot had ensued in which his servant, Geffrey
Towneley, appears to have lost his life. (See Memoirs.)