William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/189
- Date
- 19 November 1487
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 131
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxvij
Ryght worschyppfull Syrs and my reverent mastyrs afftyr all
dew recommendacion precedyng I lowly recommend me unto
yowre mastyrschyppis Fyrddyr more plese hytt yowre mastyr-
schyppis to understond that I am comon to Callez yn saffte
thanckyd be allmyghty Godd for I was never yn soo grett
jebardy comyng owte of Flaundyrs yn my lyffe for men awarre
lyinge be the waye waytyng for Englysche men & alsoo I and
my cumpany was arestyd ij days at Dunckyrkea but for Syr
Jamys Tyrrells sak wee were lett goo & soo syr the world goyth
marvyllyusly in Flaundyrs now for hytt ys open warre betwyxte
Gaunte & the Kynge of Romayns & syr as for makyng over of
yowre mony syns thys trubbull begonn I cowde nott mak over a
peny savyng an xlviijli st: whereof I schall send you the bylles at
the nexte passage but Syr John Delowppis schewyd mee at my
departyng that I schuld wryte unto yowr mestyrschyppis to under-
stond wheder there schall be any jebardy to bryng warys owte of
the est partyes yn to Ynglond now from hensforth or nott as he
supposyth that that acte of the contrary schall be put yn suss-
pence for dyversse causys wherfor syr he avysyth yow to bestowe
yowre mony yn grosse warys now betymys at thys Barow martt
yn sych warys as yowre mastyrschyppis thynckyth wyll be best at
London wheder hytt be in madder wax or fustyans but I trow
madder be best and soo be that ye wyll Gomers de Sore schall bye
hytt for yore mastyrschyppis & schyppyd hytt yn spaynysch
schyppis yn hys owne name for John Delowppis & hee ar purposyd
to bye myche madder to send yn to Ynglond and yff soo be that
hit fallyth to puffe ther wyll be goode doon uppon madder yff hytt
be bowght betymes & John Delowppis sayth yff yowre master-
schyppis wyll he wull bestowe yowre mony as well as hys owne &
he sayth that that ys the best ways to make over yowre mony for
the exchaunge ys ryght nowght. No more unto yowre mastyr-
schyppis at thys tyme but Allmyghty Jhesu preserve yow
Wrytten at Callez the xix day of November.per yowre servaunte
Wylliam Cely.
Addressed: To my ryght worschyppffull mastyrs
Richard and George Cely mer-
chauntes of the Stappell of Callez
at London yn Mart LaneSo yit dd:
On the Dorse, in another handwriting (George Cely?s?):
George Cely
Rychard per Olowe
Awerey per Stewen
George per Pont
Christoffer per GeorgeIn another handwriting (Rich: Cely?s?):
Shewid by this letter that Wylliam Cely pro-
posith to sende over a letter of payment of
xlviijli st: at the next passagea Dunkirk.