William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/187
- Date
- 29 October 1487
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 130
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxvij
Ryght worschyppfull Syrs and my reverent mastyrs afftyr all
dew recomendacion preceding I lowly recomend me unto yowr
masterschyppes Fyrdyr plese hytt yowr masterschyppys to under-
stond that the world ys here nowe very caswell for ther ys many
wayns laden wt Englysche mennys gooddys now arestyd at Ostend
& at oder dyversse placys & noo gooddes may passe throw as yett
noo ways for Englysch men hath taken many of ther fyscher men
whych causeth here a grett rombur but wee understond as many
as hath sengler safcondutes ther gooddes schall be delyverd & lett
passe throw but as for the generall they wyll nott obeye for they
anull hytt saying that the Englysche schyppes forffetyd hytt when
they departed owte of Selonda they beyng under arest wherefor
the generall standyth in non affecte and soo many as be here
havyng noo sengler safcondute ar in jeberdy wherfor Syr I pray
yow that I may hawe in as goodely haste as may be yowr letter
atorney under seall autetyc that I may be yn asewerte be the
menys of yowre safcondute as yowre aturney for safcondutes ar
now put yn ure &c Item Syr as for yowr mony I hawe made
ower as yett but xxxli ster: with John Etwell mercer at a xjs & iij
monthys thys rombur causyth that noo man dar charge here no
more as yett & as for heryng I hawe ben at Cama diversse tymes
the roue ys at ixli xs & yett non to gett yn regard but ther ys
wrack I nowzth & viijli the last & soo ther ys a schypp at Sclewceb
that goyth to Callez callyd Rumbold Wylliamson wherein I hawe
leyd yow iiij last heryng iij wrack & on rooue the wrack cost
viijli & the roue ixli the whych I trust to God schall come full well
to Callez for Syr Jamys Tyrrellc hath gooddes in the same schyppe
&c. Item Syr ther ys a grett rombur at Gaunt the cheyff of the
town be com & fledd to Bruges I fere mee Gaunt wyll be Frensche
schortly &c. No more unto yowre masterschyppes at thys tyme
but allmyghty Jhesu preserve yow Wrytten at Bruges the xxixth
day of October.per yowr servaunt
Wylliam Cely.
Addressed: To my ryght worshyppfull mastyrs
Rechard & George Cely mer-
chauntes of the Stappell of Callez
at London in Martt LaneSo itt dd:
a Zealand.
a Perhaps Cadsand. b Sluys.
c Sir James Tyrrell, a trusted servant to Edward IV., Richard III., and
Henry VII. Executed 1502 for conspiracy with the Earl of Suffolk, and alleged to
be guilty of the murder of Edward V. and the Duke of York.