William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/184
- Date
- 12 September 1487
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 128
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxvij
Ryght worschyppppffull Syrs and my reverent masters aftyr
all dew recommendacyon precedyng I lowly recommend mee unto
yowre masterschyppes Fyrdyr more plese hytt yowre master-
schyppes to understond that I hawe receyved of John Delowppys
uppon payment of the byll the whych ys sent me be Adlyngton
but iijc li. fl: wherof I hawe payd to Gnyott Strabant iiijxxiiijli vjs.
vjd fl: Item I hawe made yow ower be exchaunge wt Benyngne
Decasonn lomberd an c iiijxx nobulles ster: payabull at usuance I
delyverd hit at a xjs ijd ob. fl. le nobull hit amounteth—cli xvijs vjd fl:
Item I hawe made yowre ower be exchaunge yn lyke wyse wt
Jacob van de Base iiijxxix nobulles & vjs ster: payabull at London
at usaunce yn lyke wyse I delyverd hit at a xjs ijd fl. for every
nobull ster: hit amounteth fl.—lli fl. and the rest of yowre iijc li.
remayns styll by me for I can make yow over no more at thys
seson for here is no moo that wyll take any mony as yett. And
mony goyth now uppon the bursse at a xjs iijd ob. the nobull and
non odyr mony but nemyng grotes, crownys, Andrew gylders &
reynysche gylders and the exchaunge goyth ever the lenger warsse
and wars Item Syr I send yow enclossyd yn thys sayd letter the
ij fyrst letters of the payment of the exchaunge above wrytten
Benyngne Decasonns letter ys derectyd to Gabryell Defuye & Petyr
Sanly Geneways & Jacob van de Base ys derectyd to Anthony
Corsy & Marcy Strossy spaynardes yn Lomberd Strete yee schall
here of them &c Item Syr John Lowppys long sore aftyr yowre
comyng that he myght mak a bergeyne wt yow for yowre wulles
he desyryth to hawe ij sarplers to prove hytt bye tyll yowre master-
schyppes come he sayth yee schall be to far owte of the weye wt
owte yee gree & bergeyne togeder Syr hytt ys well don that ye
tak yowr markett betyme for diversse consederacions &c allsoo the
margett wax very slack here &c. Item Syr plese hytt yowre
masterschyppys to understond that I hawe sold yowre felles to
Jacob Gyesbryghtson & John Doo of Dellf sum vijc felles the res
. . . reffewce prys le c xvj nobulles vs ster: sum xxxixli . . .
the whych to be pd be a byll of ther handdes yn thys bam . . .
Item Syr as tochyng the iijc li. fl. receyved be me now of be Joh[n
Lowpys] I hawe wrytten hytt uppon the byll and hath the byll bye
me scy . . . how be hitt John sayth be hys boke thys byll ys pd owte
& mor to ffor he sayth ther was pd yow yn Ynglond be Allvard
uppon the same byll the vj day of Apryll clvjli xvijs vjd fl. besyde
the lli ster: tak up of Alverd at xs ixd but he sayth at yowre comyng
yee and he schall close that rekenyng And Syr I promysyd hym to
a delyverd hym ij sarplers of yor wull tyll yowr comyng and he
schuld mak mee a byll payabull at yowre plessyrs for the same at
the pryce of the place but Syr I can nott hawe yowr wull yett
awarddyd for I hawe doo cast owte a sarpler the whych ys poyntyd
be the lefftenaunte to be casten owte to wardd the sortt bye as the
ordenaunce ys now made that the lefftenaunte schall poynt the
warddyng sarplers of every mans wull the whych sarpler that I
hawe casten owte ys no xxiiij and theryn ys found be Wylliam Smyth
paker a lx myddyll flessys and hytt ys a very gruff wull and soo I
hawe causyd Wylliam Smyth prevely to cast owte anoder sarpler
no viij and packyd up the wull of the fyrst sarpler yn the sarpler
of no viij for thys last sarpler ys fayr wull I nowzth and therfor
I muste understond how many be of that sortte and the nombyr of
the [sic] for they must be pakkyd agayne hytt ys a very reddleyr and
grett flesys &c Item syr yff yowre masterschypps hawe pd yowre
marke of the sarpler I pray yow send me the warant from the
solyster that hytt myght be deductyd uppon yowre custom & sub-
sede here &c. No more unto yowre masterschyppes at thys tyme
but allmyghty Jhesu preserve & kepe yow and all yowres long yn
goode helth and prossperyte for allmyghty God resettythe sore here
yn Callez and the marchys wt thys grett plage of sycknessa that
raynyth I beseche of Hys mercy to serce hytt Wrytten at Callez
the xij jor de September.be yowre servaunte
Wylliam Cely.
Syr the brynger of thys letter ys John Saunders.
Addressed: To my ryght worschyppfull mastyrs
Richard and George Cely mer-
chauntes of the stappell of Callez at
London yn Martt Lane so ytt dd:a Was this the sweating sickness, the disease peculiarly fatal to Englishmen?