William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/168
- Date
- 10 April 1484
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 122
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxiiij
Ryght worschyppffull Syrs & my specyall goode masters Affter
all dew recomendacyon hadd I lowly recomend me unto yowre
masterschyppys Furder more plese hytt yowre masterschyppys
to understond that I hawe sold to Adryan Wylliamson & hys
fellows of Laytha xvc of yowr Cottes felles schyppyd in Jowlle
Anno Mliiijciiijxxij whych sale ys conteynyd hereafter in thys letter
Furder more lyke hytt yowre masterschyppys to wytt that I hawe
receyved a letter from yow beryng date the second day of Marche
and in the same letter the nomber and wayght of yowre wull
schyppyd at thys tyme and allso in the sayd letter yowre warant
of xxs of the sarplar conteynyng xxvijli ster. Item Syr I hawe
receyved anoder letter from yowr masterschyppes beryng date the
ij day of Aprell the whych letter I hawve redd and well
understond and acordyng to yowre sayd letter I schall demene
mysellfe that schall be to yowre plessur of the whych I schall
wryte yow in my nexte letter more at large &c Furder more
plese hytt yow to understond that thys day the x day of Aprell
the wull flete came to Callez all in saffte thanckyd be God ther be
Frensche men on the see but they sturryd nott at thys seson and
wee knowe noon oder wyse here but wee schall hawe warre be lond
wt Fraunce thys somer &c. Syr I wold awrytt yowre master-
schyppys of moo matters but my space was but schortt and the
passage tarryd nott but zede att the same tyde that hytt came
from Dower but I schall wrytt yow more att large wt the nexte
passage &c. No more unto yowre masterschyppys at thys tyme
but Allmyghty Jhesu preserve yow Wrytten at Callez le x day of
Aprell &c.per yowre servaunt
Wylliam Cely.
Md: the iiij day of Aprell anno ut supra sold per me
Wylliam Cely for and in the name of my masters
Rechard & George Cely to Adryan Wylliamson
Deryck Deryckson Garrad Laurenson Garrad
Stevenson Henryck Ottson Claysse Doo & Gyes-
bryght Moresson of Laythe xvc Cottes peltes prys
le cxiiij nobulles, Argent} lxxli ster:
Item receyved in Lond in nemyng grottes
} xxxvli ster:
Item lent them be ther oblygacyon payabull at
Senschyon martte nexte sum} xxxvli ster:
Addressed: To my worshyppffull masters Rechard
and George Cely merchauntes of
the Stappull at Callz at London
in Martt Lane soo hit dd:On the Dorse, in a different handwriting:
Item Delyvyred unto John Veneke yn fyne gowllde to make
a Ryng for my wyffe xxvi penny wayghgh d qa suma lvjs Suma
liij s. vjda Leyden.
a Crossed out.