William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/165
- Date
- 17 March 1484
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 119
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxiij
Ryght worschyppffull Syrs and my specyall good masters affter
all dew recommendacyon I lowly recommend me unto yowre
masterschyppys Furder more plese hytt yowre masterschyppys to
understond that I sent unto you at the last passage be oon Roger
Kynton a letter conteynyng the rekenyng of the sale of iij Mlljcl
peltes sold to Claysse Peterson and hys fellyschypp Item I sent
unto yowre masterschyppys at the sayd passage be oon John
Clyffton a letter of the sale made to John Delowpys and Gyesbryght
van Wynsbarge of vj sarppellers & a poke fyne Cottes and I sent
unto yowre masterschyppys closyd in the same letter a le[tter] of
payment of the John Delowpys and Gyesbryght payabull at Ester
ne[xt] conteynynge ccxlijli xvijd ster. &c Item Syr oder sales I
hawe made non zett but I trust I schall doo schorttly here hath ben
Holloa . . . moo I understond wyll be schorttly I myght a sold
yowre old [felles] but I wold sell som of yowre new felles wt all &c
Item Syr . . . ys myche adoo betwyxte the Dewk Maxymelyanys
and sarten townys of Flaunders the Dewk hath ben affor Bruges
wherfor Gaunt and Bruges and oder townys of Flaunders be afferdd
of hym for they kepe strayght watche and wardd in every town
dayly and they of Bruges hathe beheddyd v or vj of the dwellars
of Bruges that toke Dewk part but noo man saythe nor doythe
nothyng to noon Englysche man but that they may resorte too and
froo as they have doon in tymes past sawyng only men ben afferdde
of Frensche men for they hawe taken ij Englysche men comyng
from Bruges betwyxte Donckyrck and Gravenynga on ys John
Eston and the toder ys oon Jamys Robard Stockers man. Item
Syr on Fryday last past on Richard Awrey that was master of my
lord Denmanisb schypp zede forthe a warfare in a schypp of hys
owne and toke in merchauntes and sett them alond at Dower and
at Dower toke in passage to Callez wardd agayne and as he cam to
Callez wardd ij men of warre of Frensche mett wt hym and fawght
with hym and theyr he was slayne and diversse moo of hys company
they saye viij or ix persones oon whos sowlles Jhesu hawe mercy.
And so on Fryday at affternonne the Frensche men browghte hem
into Donkyrke hawen and Wylliam Bryerley ys in the same schypp
and diversse londd men moo what they ar I can nott tell yow Item
Syr understond that schyppyng ys begon at London Syr I pray
God . . . may be ynowghe schyppyd to pay thys hallff zerys wages
that ys [dew] at the vj day of Apryll nexte for that most be payd
all off [thys] schyppyng for here ys nothyng toward hytt and allsoo
[a grett] partt of the prest mony that was prestyd yn october to
pay the flete wt most be repayed of the same for mych of hytt ys
oons past but yowres ys repayd wher ffor Syr all syche goodes that
comyth now at thys schyppyng moste paye sole costom at the ryvall
of hytt &c. Furder more plese hytt yow to understond that Roger
Wyestan of Laysetterc ys chosen leftenaunte for the next seson affter
thys man and he to be here at Callez be the last day of Apryll &c.No more unto yowre masterschyppys at thys tyme but Allmyghty
Jhesu preserve yow Wrytten at Callez the xvij day of Marche.per yowre servaunt
Wylliam Cely.
Addressed: To my worshyppffull masters Rechard
and George Cely merchauntes of
the stappell at Callez at London
in Martt Lane Soo hit dd.a Dunkirk and Gravelines . b Vide Letter of March 25, 1484.
c Leicester.