William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/163
- Date
- 29 February 1484
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 118
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxiij
Ryght worschyppffull masters after all dew recomendaschon I
lowly recomend me unto yowre masterschyppes Furder more
plese hytt yowre masterschyppys to understond that I have receyved
a letter lattly from yowre masterschyppys beryng date the xvj day
of Fevere be the tenor wherof I understond that Peter Bayle hath
ben wt yowre masterschyppes for that John Delowpys myght have
the rest of yowr Cottes wull and how that yowre masterschyppys
hath grauntyd hym wt that ze may be payd of the oon hallff at
London betwyxte thys and Ester and the rest wtin iiij monthys
after the delyverey of the sayd wull &c. Syr hytt ys soo that
Gyesbryght and Wyllykyn beth here and thys letter that yowre
masterschypp sent unto me was hadd to Bruges wt sarten letters
of John Delowpys and so John Delowpys sent hytt heder agayne
and a letter to Gyesbryght and Wyllykyn how that Peter Bayle
wrote unto hy[m] how that he hath a promyse of yowre master-
schypp lyke as ze have wrytten in yowre letter to me but I sayd
unto them that I hawe promysyd the wull before to anoder man
but newer the lesse I hawe taken a goddes peny of hem acordyng
to the pryce of the place and when hytt ys wayedd they shall mak
a byll in John Delowppys name and Gyesbryght of the hole sum
of mony that the wull schall drawe unto & the byll made payabull
at London at yowre plesor and allsoo Gyesbryght hath promysyd
me that hytt schall be payd be Ester the hole sum at the farthest
Syr I hope hytt ys sewer I nowzth for they ar fast men and allsoo
that Peter Bayle hath promysid to content yowre masterschyppes
howsom ever the world goys and allsoo I thyncke Flaunders wyll
nott breke wt us for we putt hem in noo missetruste here for ther
ys noo man here that sellyth new wull but hytt schall be Ester
mart or hee schall hawe hys mony &c. Item Syr yowr master-
schypp wrytyth me that I wrate yow nott whatt mony I receyvedd
for the iij sarpplleres wull I sold unto Wylliam Kenett Syr hytt
was all in nemyng grottes sawe xxiiijli ster: in carowlles whych I
schall send ower unto yowre masterschypp yff yee wyll that I
schall soo doo And I trow I schall gett more yff ze wyll hawe
more &c. Item Syr plese hytt yowre masterschyppys to understond
that the Dewk Maxymelyanys ys in Flaunders wyth mych pepull
and he hath sarten townys in Flaunders submyttyd unto hym and
as on Tewsday the xxv day of Fevere he was wt a thousand horsys
at Bruges gattesa for to acomon yn but they schytte the gattes
and wold nott lett hym com yn than he sawe that and sent a
messonger to the gattes desyryng that som of the rewlers of the
town schuld com to the gates and speke wt hym but noon wylld
come wherfor he retornyd backe agayne unto hys oste and soo he
lyeth styll wt in iiij Dewch meyll off Brugys and hys desyre ys no
more but to hawe vj persones at hys wyll that ys iij of Bruges ij
of Gaunte & oon of Ypre wherfor the comon pepull wold hawe
hym full fayne sawe v or vj of the hedys be of a contrary openyon
but folke that cam from Bruges sayth that they thyncke hytt
schall nott be longe or they wyll lett hym in at Bruges &c. Item
Syr on Fryday the xxvij day of Feverell cam passage from Dower
and they saye that oon Thursday affore cam forth a passonger
from Dower to Calles ward and sche was chasyd wt Frensche men
and drevyn in to Donkyrkea hawen &c. Item Syr plese hytt yow
to understond that I hawe sold to Claysse Petterson and hys
fellowys of Dellffb yowr cottes felles that cam last and they hawe
cast ower iiijxx reffewsse felles and the rekenyng of the sayd felles
ys on the toder syde wrytten no more unto yowre masterschyppys
at thys tyme but allmyghty Jhesu preserve an kepe yow Wrytten
at Callez the xxix day of Fevere.per yowre servaunt
Wylliam Cely.
Jhesu Mliiijxxiijc
Md: the xxviij day of Fevere anno ut suppra sold per me
Wylliam Cely in the name of my masters Rechard and George
Cely to Claysse Peterson, Wylliam Ardson, John Wylliamson,
Deryck Johnson of Dellff iijMljccl Cottes pell prys le c xiiij nobulles
sterlyng.Argent. . .
cxlvijli ster:
Item to be receyved in redy mony the on hallff
sum . . . . . . . .lxxiijli xs ster:
Item lent them be an oblygacyon to pay the xx
day of August next ensewyng . . .xxxvjli xvs ster:
Item lent them be anoder oblygacyon payabull
the xx day of Fevere nexte . . . .xxxvjli xvs ster:
Item Syr as for the lxxiijli xs ster: whych I schulde a receyvedd
in hondd I hawe receyvedd therof but xxli xs ster: in nemyng
grottes and crownys and the rest ys liijli ster: whych I lent them
be a byll of her hond to paye at passe for they browght but lyttull
mony heder wt hem becausse of trublyng be the waye wt soudears
of Mexymelyanys but the men ar sewer I nowzth they have
bowghte here abowe xvjMl felles at thys tyme.Addressed: To my worschyppffull masters
Rechard and George Cely mar-
chauntes of the Stappell at Callez
at London in Martt Lane soo
hitt dd.a See Kervyn de Lettenhove, Histoire de Flandre, Livre xviii.
a Dunkirk. b Delft. c iiijc omitted by mistake.
a Hollanders, probably.