William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/159
- Date
- 5 December 1483
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 115
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxiij
Ryght worschyppffull Syrs and my specyall goode mast[er]s
affter all drew recommendacyon hadd I lowly recommend me unto
you Furder more plese hytt yowre masterschyppys to understond
that I sent unto yowre masterschyppys at the ostes be George
Reede servaunte wt my lordd of Sent Jonys ij letters oon derectyd
to master Rechardd the toder to yowre masterschypp the whych I
understond be my goddfader Maryons wrytyng that the sayd letters
at that tyme were nott receyved wherof I marvell grettly &c.
Item Syr plese hytt yowre masterschyppys to understonde that
Gyessebryght wan Wynsbarge hath ben here at Callez lattly but
he bowght noo wull but he was here for matters that he hadd to
doo yn owre Courtt and I spake wt hym and I askydd hym wheder
John Delowppys hadd wrytten to Petter Bayle & delytte lyke as
he promysyd me to doo and Gyesbryght sayd to me that John
Delowppys sayd unto hym at hys comyng fourth that he hadd
wrytten to Petter Bayle to delyver yowre masterschyppys as myche
mony as he myght spare and allsoo John Delowppys sayd unto
Gyesbryght that he wold make ower amyche mony yn thys matter
as schall content the hole some of yowre bylles trustyng that
yowre masterschyppys wyll doo them as grett plesser yn tyme to
come &c. Item Syr plese hytt yowre masterschyppys to under-
stondd that oon Tewysday the ij day of December hytt was agreyd
here be Courtt that bylles of xxs of the sarplers payabull at plessur
of the gooddes that cam last from London and allsoo of that ys
come now from Boston schall be sent ower to answer syche
charges as ben grown yn Inglondd and Syr yff the bylles of plessur
com ower I schall send ower to yowr masterschyppys as myche
mony as schall content yowr byll but wheder thes bylles schall
com ower or nott zett wee can nott tell yff we paye the hole
costom here I can send ower noo mony as yett I hawe payd hallffe
yowr costom here all redy and hallff my goddfader Maryon’s and I
hawe taken Rechard Parker John Parkers son of Callez for to re-
ceyve yn thys martt all syche specyalltes of yowrs payabull yn
thys martt fyrst an oblygacyon of Allbryght Allbryght son & Cleys
Peter son and ther fellowys containing xxxijli ster: Item a byll
of Jacobb Gyesbryght son and Jacob Harman son whyche I lent
them to paye at thys martt containing xiijli ster: and the byll of
Crystower of Collyus & Peyrs Joye containing xli fl. whych he wyll
receyve and bryng wt hym home to Callez to answer the rest ofyowre costom &c. Item Syr plese hyt yow to understond that the
alowaunce ys come ower to Callez wherby [I] schall recayve uppon
yowre custom & subsede yowr condyte mony iijs iiijd ster: of the
sarpler whych ze paid yn Inglondd and alsoo the ijs viijd ster: of
the sarpler whyche we payd here to John Narsbye &c. Item Syr
plese hytt yow to understond that Boston flete ys come to Callez
all yn saffte thanckyd be God save the Battowll whych ys yett
behynd and Joye hathe yn an C. sarpelles wull & fell and they here
noo thynge of her here yett I pray Godd send her well hover &c.
Item Syr plese hytt yow to understond that here ys a veryaunce fall
betwyxte owre oste Thomas Graunger and the fellyschypp of owre
logyng for Thomas Graunger promysyd us at hys comyng yn to
owre logyng that we schuld paye noo more for owre burdd but
iijs iiijd fl. a weke, at the hye tabull and ijs viijd at the syde tabull
and nowe hee sayth he wyll have noo lesse than iiijs a weke at the
hye tabull and xld at the syde tabull wherfor the fellyschypp here
wyll departe yn to oder logynges som to oon plase and som to
anoder Wylliam Dalton wyll be at Robard Torneys and Raff-
temyngton and master Brownys man of Stannford schall be at
Thomas Clarkes and so all the fellyschypp departes sawe I wherfor
I lett yowre masterschyppes hawe knowledge that ze may do as
hytt schall lyke yow best No more unto yowre masterschyppys
at thys tyme but Allmyghty Jhesu preserve yow. Wrytten at
Callez the v day of December.per yowre sarvaunte
Wylliam Cely.
Addressed: To my worshyppffull masters Rechard
and George Cely merchauntes of
the Stappell at Callez at London in
Martt Lane soo hit dd.a Henry Percy, created Earl of Northumberland in 1470, when John Neville
surrendered the Earldom in exchange for the title of Marquis of Montagu.
Northumberland was fully in the confidences of Edward IV. and Richard III., but
probably betrayed the latter at Bosworth.b John Lord Howard, created Duke of Norfolk on June 28, 1483. Killed at
Boswortk.c The first three lines crossed out.