William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to Richard Cely jnr. and George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/142
- Date
- 3 September 1482
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 102
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxij
Ryght worschyppffull masters affter dew recomendaschon I
lowly recomend me unto yowre masterschyppys furder more plese
hit yowre masterschyppys to be enfformyd that I hawe receyved a
letter from yowre masterschyppys be Wylliam Daltons man whychI hawe redd and well understond and I schall I do all thynges acordyng to hyt as nye as I can and as for yowre chamberynge that was at makyng at Bregys when Andryan yowre oste was at Calles I delyverd hym mony to paye for the makyng of hyt and he hath sent hyt to Callez reddy and I hawe receyved hyt every thyng acordyng to yowr remembraunce sawe the cortens be stayned but on the ton syde and ther ys no demy corten but they be all hole that ze may slycte whych ye thyncke best and as sone I can have any schypp that come to London I schall send hytt unto yowre masterschypp &c Syr as for a gosse hawke I can gett non here yett for all that come to Calles my lordd Chamberleyna beyth hem upp and they be any thyng wurth &c. And as for yowre man that ze delyverd yowre mony to for hawkes I here nott of yett &c Furder mo more plese hytt yowre masterschypp to understond that here ys an ordynaunce made be all the fellyschypp the laste courtte day [that all the wull and]b that we schall receyve from that day forward redy mony yn Calles and xxvjs viijd fl. for the pownde ster: mony as hytt was corrant affore the Dowches of Borgayne dyed for all wull and fell that shall be sold at Calles from hens forwardd but therof the town of Laythe and Dellffec schall paye but hallffe yn hondd at Calles at xxvjs viijd the mony as hytt was corrant affore the Dowches a Borgeynd dyed and the rest at vj monthys and vj monthys at xxviijs the pownd mony as hytt ys corant at the martt &c Furder more plese hytt yowre masterschppys to understond that I hawe born ynto the plase yowre bylles of Costom and subsede whych be abelyd yn courtt and I hawe born yn yowre byll off xxs of the sarpler made payabull at plesur amountyth xxxvli xs ster: and hytt ys wrytten uppon yowre last byll payabull the xx day of Feverell as all oder mens ys yn lyke case and the bylles of xxs of the sarpler schall be sent ynto Inglond to the solyster schorttly &c and as for yowre byll of costom & subsede that ys payabull the xx day of October hit amountes lxxixli xiijs vd ob ster: whych moste be purveyd ffor
agaynest thys payment yn thys nexte martt for the mony the
whych I schuld a receyved owte of the plase for yowre warrantes of
xvs of the pownde I can hawe but xiiijli fl. yett for hytt hawe be
spoken of in Courtt and ther be dyversse that be yn casse lyke as
yew and the Courtt sayth they can tak noo derecschon for hyt
tell hytt be grown yn tresory for the whych they saye ye moste
forbere a seson &c no more unto yowre masterschyppys at thys
tyme but Jhesu kepe yow Wrytten at Calles the iij day of
September.per yowre servaunte
Wylliam Cely.
Addressed: To my worshyppffull masters Rechard
& Georg Cely merchauntes of the
stappell aff Callez at London yn
Martt Lane se hit dd:a Lord Hastings. b The words between the brackets are crossed out.
c Leyden and Delft. d The Duchess Mary.