William Cely to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/85
- Date
- 31 October 1481
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 66
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxj
Ryght worshyppffull Syr after dew recommendaschon I lowly
recommend unto yow lettyng yow understonde that my master
bath schyppyd hys felles at the portte of London now at thys
schyppyng yn October yn the yere abowesayde whych felles ze
muste receyve and paye the frayghte fyrste be the grace of God in
the Mary of London, Wylliam Sordyvale master, vij packes sum
ijml viijc fell lying be afte the mastea j pack lyeth upprest and sum
of that packe ys somer felles markyd wt an O and than lyeth iij
packys felles of Wylliam Daltons and under them lyeth the toder
vj packys of my masters. Item yn the Cristower of Raynamb
Harry Wylkyns master, vij packes and a hallffe cottes fell sum
iijM1 pelt lying be affte the maste and under them lyeth a ij c felles of
Wether Fyldes, Wylliam Lyndys man of North Hampton and the
partyschon ys made wt small cordys. Item yn the Thomas of
Maydeston Harry Lawsson master vj pokes sum ij M1 iiij c pelt
wherof lyeth v packys nexte before the maste under hatchysc noo
man abowe them and j pack lyeth yn the sterne shete of the vj
packes felles beth sum somer felles markyd wt an O lyke wyse.
Item yn the Mary Grace of London John Lokyngton master vj pack,
sum ij M1 iiij c pelt lying be affte under the felles of Thomas
Graunger, the partyschon betwyxte them ys made wt rede, sum of
the felles my master hath schyppyd at thys tyme, xxvj packes and
a hallffe wherof be wynter felles of the contrey v clvj felles and they
be markyd wt an C. and of somer felles ther schuld be v jc and moo
but parte of them be lefte behynde for we hawe ij packes we cowde
hawe noo pwoyntment for them and all the somer felles be markyd
wt an O. Item Syr ye schall receyve of the Mary of Raynam,b
John Danyell master, yowr male wt yowr gere and a esex chesye
markyd wt my masters marke. Item Syr ye schall receyve of the
Crystower of Raynam Harry Wylkyns master, a fardell of pelltes
markyd wt incke my godfader Maryons marke and wt chauke my
masters marke and parte of them be my masters and parte my
godfader Maryons and my masters be markyd wt a C. No more
unto yow at thys tyme but Jhesu kepe yow. Wrytten at London
the laste day of October.per yowre servaunte
Wylliam Cely.3
Item Syr ye schall receyve be the grace of God of the Myhell
of Hull Andrew Goodes master j pack fell conteynyng iiij c felles
wherof sum of them be of the vj c xliij somer felles and ye muste
paye noo frayte for them for the frayte was payd at London.Item Syr ye schall receyve be the grace of God of the Thomas
of Newhythe a Robard Ewen master j pack hallf a c xiiij felles lying
nexte the maste affte warde under the felles of Thomas Bettsons
and a few broken felles and pesys bownde togeder markyd wt my
master marke and they lyeth uprest nexte the maste and they be
the laste end of all my masters felles, sum to all yn packys xxviij
packys and a hallff lxiiij felles.Addressed: To George Cely merchaunte of the
stapell of Caleys be thys dd.a The Mary was apparently a single-masted vessel with deck cargo.
b Rainham, in Essex. c A single-masted vessel, but decked.