William Cely to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/185
- Date
- 17 September 1487
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 129
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu mliiijciiijxxvij
Ryght worschyppffull Syr and my reverent mastyrs aftyr all
dew recommendacion precedynge I lowly recommend mee unto
yowre mastyrschyppes Fydyr more plese hytt yowre mastyr-
schyppys to understond that I hawe receyved yowr lettyr datyd at
London the fyrst day of September be the tenour ther of I under-
stond yowre mastyrschyppes hath tak up be exchaunge of John
Raynold mercer lxli ster: payabull the xxv day of thys month & of
Deago Decastron spaynard odyr lxli ster: payabull the xxvj day of
the same month the whych schall be both content at the day and
as for mastyr Lewys Mere lomberd ys pd and I hawe the byll hys
atorney ys a wranglyng felow he wold non odyr mony but nemyng
grotes &c. Item Syr I understond be yowr sayd letter that yowr
masterschyppes hath receyved noo wrytyng from mee syns Addlyn-
ton was here wherof I marvell for I wrate ij letters to yow whyle
I was at Bruges specyfying of divers matters of Flaunders the ton
was sent from Callez be Jamys Jarfford mercer the toder be Pery-
man pakker of Clyftea wulles he ys logyd at the Crosse Keyeb Syr
I hawe ben at Callez thys ix days and abowte the latter endd of thys
weke I purpose to Brugewardde agayne and I leve Thomas Colton
& Roberd Hubberd atorneys tyll I come and I schall leve wt
Thomas Colton vjli fls: for yowre mastyrschypp yff ye com and as
for yowre black box I leve hytt wt Thomas Graunger Syr as for
goyng ynto Flaundyrs ys goode I nowyth as yett but all the
jebardy ys yn comyng home for and yff owre men of war take ther
fyscher as I feyr they wyll ther wyll be many Englysche men
stoppyd yn Flaundyrs and allsoo the towne of Donkyrk ys nott
content and that wee schall well know yff soo be that they mete
wt any merchauntes of substaunce and Syr as for a lettyr of
atorney under the stappell sell I can hawe non wt owte I bryng a
letter of atorney from yowre mastyrschyppes owte of Inglond for
yowre mastyrschypes hath ben at Callez diversse tymes syns I was
entryd yowr atorney wherfor yowr presence hath deffetyd that
entre and a lettyr of atorney ys nedfull now at thys tyme. Item
Syr receyved of John Saunders a letter wheryn enclossyd ij letters
of payment one of Benyngne Decason derectyd to Gabryell Desurte
& Peter Sauly genovo. . . conteynyng lxlister: Item Anoder letter
of Jacob van de Base derectyd to Anthony Corsy & Marcy Strossy
spaynarddes conteynyng xxixli xixs iiijd ster: &c. Item Syr yowre
wull ys awarddyd be the sarpler that I cast owte last &c. Item
Syr thys same day yowre masterschypp ys alectyd & apoyntydd
here be the Courtt oon of the xxviij the whych schall asyste the
mayer of the stappell now at thys parliament tyme where som ever
hytt be holden and to labore sarten matters for the place wherof
ys ynstruccyons sent to the mayer be wryttyng &c. Item Syr I
send yow enclossyd yn thys letter a byll of the copy of John
Delowppys boke of syche parcelles as he sayth he hath pd to see
yff yowre rekenyng and hys agree. No more unto yowre mastyr-
schypp at thys tyme but allmyghty Jhesu preserve yow Wrytten
at Callez the xviij jor de September.per yowre servaunte
Wylliam Cely.
Addressed: To my ryght worschyppful master
George Cely merchaunt of the
stappell of Callez at London yn
Martt Lane so ytt dd:On the Dorse, in a different handwriting (Rich. Cely’s?):
William Cely promysid
to pay to{John Reynolds Moer
{Dygo de Castro Spanyerd.} lxli st:
} lxli ster:takyn up by exchaunge of theym.
Item the seid William hath paid to the Attorney of Master
Lewys de More his dutee & receyvid his bill.Item delyverd to William Cely—
a letter of payment of Benygne Decason conteyning lxli
a letter of payment of Jacob van de Basse conteyninge xxixlixixsiiijd
a Probably Clive, Cleeve, or Bishop’s Cleeve, in Gloucestershire.
b A house called ‘Causkey,’ probably the Cross Keys, stood at the corner of
St. Nicholas and Great Friar Street, Calais.