William Cely to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- William Cely to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/170
- Date
- 14 April 1484
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 123
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxiiij
Ryght worschyppffull masters after all dew . . . . yowre
masterschypp furder more plese hytt yow . . . . wull flete
aryved at Callez the x day of Aprell . . . . and the most
parte of yowre wull ys londyd and t . . t . . . . furder
more Syr I understond be yowr wrytyng that Petter . . . .
hathe ben wt yowre masterschyppes and schewed [yow] howe hee
w . . . fynd yowre sewerte for syche wulles that John Delowpys
schall take of yowres at Callez Syr yf the sowertes be of substaunce
and abydyng th[en] I wold avyse yow to take hem or elles nott
for what world wee schall hawe wt Flaunders I can nott say I feyr
me they wyll breke wt us for the men that were sent be the
stappell to the lordys Gaunte to labur a safgard for all the felly-
schypp of the stappull be come home agayne da . . lesse for
they were answeryd how that Flaunders hath susteynyd ma[ny]
grett hurttes don be Englysche men and noo restytuschon made
agayne wherfor they can susteyn noo lenger and as for any sawe-
gars they wyll gewe non wherto thys schall growe I can nott saye
wherfor Syr yf ze can hawe goode sewerte of Peter Bayledelett
hytt were well doon what sum ever fortune here after and Syr I
pray yow to wryte me in what case Pe[ter] hath sett yowre
masterschyppys for syche that I delyver John Delowppys here for
Wyllykyn John Delowppy man ys here and he tellyth me that
John Delowpys hath a letter from youre masterschyppys of the
same matter but I schall delyver hym noo wull tell I have
wrytyng from yow agayne how be hytt the man ys goode I nowythe
were we yn sartente of pes betwyxte Flaunders and us but Syr yf
ze com be sett sewer of yowre mony theyr hytt were a goode way
for ther ys noo merchaunte that comyth here that payth redy mony
for any naw wull that he byeth here &c. furder Syr a tochyng
the matter that yowre masterschypp wrote me of Thomas Whyte
meser in serten Syr I spake wt hym and hee dynedd at home wyth
my nostes how be hytt he knew nott me and ther he schewyd how
that that matter ley betwyxte anoder man and yow how be hytt he
sayd sche hadd yow more in fawer than the toder man but Syr ze
hawe hys good wyll &c. Item Syr Wylliam Sallford ys come and
I spake wt hym and wellcomyd hym and he tellyd me how that
yowre masterschypp and that oder gentyll woman wheyr at
apoynt yn that matter of the whych I was ryght gladd and soo he
sayd hee was but he speryd me noo oder questyans nott zett and
Syr hytt ys sayd here be many persones here how that ze sewer to
her wt the whych . . . . well content & ryght glad therof
and Syr . . . . that knowyth yow both merchauntes and
sowdeers . . . . were yow grettly sayng yf that gentell
woman . . . . ub . . tt [t]hat sche ys ze were wurthy to
hawe her and . . . . any makyng of serche of yowre
delynges here I trow ther ys noo man that makyth any yff the[y]
doo they nede goo noo farther than the bokes yn the tesery wher
they may fynde that yowre sallyz made wtyn lesse than thys zere
amountes above ij Ml li. ster.: where that the person that laboryd for
to abe afore yow he & hys broder hadd nott yn thys towne thys
twellwe monthes the oon hallff of that &c. Furder more Syr yowre
masterschypp wrytyth me yf theyr were any goode gaston wyne
here ze wold hawe a tonne therof Syr here ys noo goode wyne to
gett for noo mony as yett but I understond ther schall come from
Bruges som wtin x or xij days whereof I trow I schall gett a tonne
or a pype at leste whych I schall send yow &c. Item Syr I sent
unto yow at the last passage be oon Thomas Bland of Boston a
letter wherin ys wrytten the sale made to Adryan Wylliamson &
hys fellyschypp of Laythea of xv c cottes pelts prys le c xiiij nobulles
argent lxxli ster.: &c. Item Syr thys same day the xiiij day of
Aprell ther cam iij passongers from Dower and ther was ij grett
schyppys of war of Frensche men chasyd them into the hawen
mowthe and the passagers hadd had but a myle to a ron farder they
had be taken and owre men of warre lyeth all yn Cambrezb &c
No more unto yowre masterschypp at thys tyme but Allmyghty
Jhesu preserve yow Wrytten at Callez the xiiij day of Aprell.per yowre servaunt
Wylliam Cely.
Addressed: To my worshypffull mastersa Ra
George Cely merchaunt of the
stappell at Callez at London in
Martt Lane soo hytt dd.a Leyden. b Cambrai. The ‘men of warre? are not ships
a The ‘s’ and ‘R’ crossed out.