1454 NOV. 3
1454 NOV. 3
To myn ryght worshipfull mayster, Sir John Fastolf.
PLEASE youre maystership, the cause of myn terying is that I must ben at Norwyche on Monday at the shyre to stoppe the oughtlawrye of John Porter, wheche but if be holpen, he shalben dowble oughtlawed bothe atte the sewt
of the Kyng for a reskuse, as for serteyn money he oweth to on Hewghe, a man of court. And also the next day I shuld ben, if it please yow, at Saxthorp with a certeyn person, as I shal telle youre maystership here after, of whom I shuld have certeyn evydences of the maner of Saxthorp, and rentall, and fyrmall as I am promysed. And, Sire, as for alle the maters that I went fore in to Essex and Suffolk, I have spedde theym, as I shal declare to youre maystership at myn comyng, and brought wryghtyng from theym. And as for myn Lord of Norffolk, towchyng your money, he seyth ye shal have hit with inne this xiiij. dayes. Hit was his fyrst mater to me after I hadde delyvered his rynge. The money is redye, but he seyd that he must have stoor with inne hym, for he loked dayly whan the Kyng wold send for hym. But as sone as Barette, his tresorer, come home—whom he hath sent for money,—ye shall in contynent after have your Cli. [£100]. I made to his Lordship as I hadde no thyng know in the mater for onely for the excuse of Sir Thomas, &c. And I beseche the blessed Trinyte preserve yow, myn ryght wurshipfull mayster, after his pleasaunce and youre herts desyre, &c.
Wreten in hast at Wroxham, the Sonday after Allehallwen day.
Youre bedeman and
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] For the date of this letter, see preliminary note to No. 258 (vol. ii. p. 333, Note 1). John Porter, who was at this time in Fastolf’s service, seems to have gone immediately after into that of the Duke of Norfolk.—See Nos. 268, 278.