To myn ryght worshypfull [m]ayster, John Paston, at London, atte the Temple.
PLEASE youre maystership that as to morwen a newe inquirendum shal be taken at Wycham Markette for the parsonage of Rendelesham for one Mayster John Clerke, a chapeleyn of the Lady Roos; and Sir Thomas2 shuld a ben there, but he is hurte of an hors, and also hit was so late warnyng that we myght not ben there; and, as Mayster Steven seyth, hit should not a avayled, thow one hadde bene there, and elles I wold a labored theder myn self. But he seyth and [i.e. if] ye wold speke to myn Lord Norwych, and enforme hym of the trought of the mater, he shal never presente ner inducte non tyl the ryght of the patentes be discussed, and also we may after wardes hald a melius inquirendum. Mayster Steven hath wreten to Sir John Bulman all the tytles and presentacions, and therefore, if hit please yow to comon with hym, ye shall understande all the mater by hym how myn Lord is disposed. And [if] Mayster Robert Eppeswell is now at London, hit were shame that they shuld have ther entent. Sir Phillip Wentworth groundeth not
his presentacion by the patent, but by the endenture a twyxt the wedewe and hym, &c. Myn mayster is as freshe as ever he was this ij. yere, thanked be God. And youre mater that ye have meved of to Sir Thomas for the porchase, &c., myn mayster is weel agreed therto, but fyrst hit was taken strangely, &c. Almyghty Jesu preserve yow, myn worship- full mayster, to youre desyre after his pleser and youre trewe entent.
Hastly at Norwyche, on Seynt John Day, at vij. of the clokke at even.
Youre owen man,
Per mandat’ T. H.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It appears by the Bishops’ Registers at Norwich that John Clerk was instituted to the living of Rendlesham on the 20th June 1459 on the King’s presentation. This letter must have been written four days later in ignorance of the fact. Clerk’s predecessor was John Sybton, administration of whose goods was granted on the 19th May 1450.
2 Sir Thomas Howes.
1459 JUNE 24
1459 JUNE 24