Will of Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Will of Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- C 47/37/9/22
- Date
- 1474
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 137; Kingsford, Vol I, item 137
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This is an imperfect draft or copy of the Will. The date must be later
than 8 October, 1468, since Richard Drayton is dead. Apparently all Stonor's
daughters were unmarried, so the date must be before the marriage of one of
them to John Cottesmore (see Nos. 110 and 128). The date of that marriage
was therefore probably not before 1470. The will may be compared with the
Arbitrament between William Stonor and his mother, No. 157. See further
vol. ii., p. 184. From Ch. Misc., 37, ix, 22.. . . of Stonore. And also I wyll that the issues and profetes except
wode . . . off my maneres of Henbury in Saltmerche with the ap-
purtenauncis, Harnell, Dughton with the appurtenauncis, Burton and
Cundecote with the appurtenauncis in the Counte of Glouc., Watt-
combe with the appurtenauncis, with all other londes and tenements
with their appurtenauncis in the townes of Watlyngton, Cuxham,
Standell, Clayer, Tame, Ricote and all other londes and tenements
I-called Tettesworthlond, Saddelereslond, and Lyncolneslond in the
pariche of Watlyngton, and the ij partes of the maner of Bryghtwell
sumtyme Parkes maner, with all there appurtenauncis in the Counte of
Oxford, Penyton Meysey with the appurtenauncis in the Counte of
Shuthhampton, londes and tenementes in Redyng, Tylehurst, Bene-
sheves, Burughfeld, Erie, Whytle, Shenefeld in the Counte of Barkeshyre,
be receyved by the handes of myne excecutours to the contentacion and
payment of my dettes, and after my dettes payed the issues and profetes of
the seyd maneres to be receyved by the seyd excecutours for the marriage
of my doghters that is to sey for Jane CC. mark, Mare CC. mark, and
Elizabeth CC. mark, and yf eny of them dye, as God defend, afore her
maryage than the payment of her that is dede to sese. Also hyf eny of
my seyde doghters wulle be Relygius than I wull that she that so wull
be have a C. markes and her habites accordyng. And aftyr this done I
wulle that my ffeffees make astate to William my sunne and heyre, or els
stonde ffeffees to his use in maner as I shalle declare, in my Maner of
Stonor. And as for the advowsons that long to the maneres above
seyde I wulle that William Stonore have the nomynacion of the
chapileyn and he to be presentyd by the ffeffees. Also I wulle that the
issues and profetes of my maneres of Rotherfeld Pipard and Bluntis with
their appurtenauncis be receyvyd of myne excecutours for the con-
tentacion and payment of the det that I ove to my ffadyr Drayton
excecutours, that is to seye yn iij obligacions vj.xx markes and every
obligacion xl. markes, and ij obligacions of xl. li. eche of them in xx. li.:
the Remenaunt of the seyde Maners over the payment to my ffadyr
Drayton is excecutours be for the contentacion of my dettys: and aftyr
my dettes payyd I wulle that my ffeffees of the seyd maner of Ritherfeld
Pippard and Bluntes make astate of the seyd Ritherfeld Pippard and
Bluntes with the avowson of the churche of Ritherfeld Pippard to
Thomas my son and to his heyres of the masculine gender of his body
lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche issue remayne therof to
William my son and his heyres and to the issu of hys body lawfully
begoten, and for defaute of suche issue remayne ther to Edmond my son
and to the issue of his body lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche
issue to the ryght heyres of me the seyd Thomas Stonore, with this that
the seyd Thomas my son cleym not nor demaund as by the wey of
mater of record eny lond in Cleve in the Counte of Kent. Also I wulle
that my ffeffees of my maneres of Mychell Court and Paynell Court in
Burwardescote make astate to Edmond Stonore my son by dede in-
dented of the seid Maneres of Mychell Court and Paynell Court in
Burwardescote with the afowson of the churche there to hym and to hys
heyres of masculine gender lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche
issu the seid Maneres with the afowson to William my son and heyr and
to the issu of hys body lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche issu
to Thomas my son and to the issu of hys body lawfully begoten, and for
defaute of suche issu to myn heyres. Also I wyll that my ffeffees of my
Maneres of Stonore with the appurtenauncis in the Counte of Oxon.,
Ermyngton in the Counte of Devonshyre with the afowson of the
churche ther, the hundered of Ermyngton61 with all the appurtenauncis
within the seyd shyre, the Maner of Horton with the Chauntery with
all the appurtenauncis longing ther to, Mortemer place with the ap-
purtenauncis, londes in Cleve in the Counte of Kent, the Mote at
Westm. with all the londes that longeth ther to with all other londes and
tenementes, rentes, services, medowes, lesues, and pastures in Westm.
and in the paryche of Seynt James and in the Counte of Midd. &c. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
This is an imperfect draft or copy of the Will. The date must be later
than 8 October, 1468, since Richard Drayton is dead. Apparently all Stonor’s
daughetrs were unmarried, so the date must be before the marriage of one of
them to John Cottesmore (see Nos. 110 and 128). The date of that marriage
was therefore probably not before 1470. The will may be compared with the
Arbitrament between William Stonor and his mother, No. 157. See further
vol. ii., p. 184. From Ch. Misc., 37, ix, 22.. . . of Stonore. And also I wyll that the issues and profetes except
wode . . . off my maneres of Henbury in Saltmerche with the ap-
purtenauncis, Harnell, Dughton with the appurtenauncis, Burton and
Cundecote with the appurtenauncis in the Counte of Glouc., Watt-
combe with the appurtenauncis, with all other londes and tenementes
with their appurtenauncis in the townes of Watlyngton, Cuxham,
Standell, Clayer, Tame, Ricote and all other londes and tenementes
I-called Tettesworthlond, Saddelereslond, and Lyncolneslond in the
pariche of Watlyngton, and the ij partes of the maner of Bryghtwell
sumtyme Parkes maner, with all there appurtenauncis in the Counte of
Oxford, Penyton Meysey with the appurtenauncis in the Counte of
Shuthhampton, londes and tenementes in Redyng, Tylehurst, Bene-
sheves, Burughfeld, Erle, Whytle, Shenefeld in the Counte of Barkeshyre,
be receyved by the handes of myne excecutours to the contentacion and
payment of my dettes, and after my dettes payed the issues and profetes of
the seyd maneres to be receyved by the seyd excecutours for the mariage
of my doghters that is to sey for Jane CC. mark, Mare CC. mark, and
Elizabeth CC. mark, and yf eny of them dye, as God defend, afore her
maryage than the payment of her that is dede to sese. Also hyf eny of
my seyde doghters wulle be Relygius than I wull that she that so wull
be have a C. markes and her habites accordyng. And aftyr this done I
wulle that my ffeffees make astate to William my sunne and heyre, or els
stonde ffeffees to his use in maner as I shalle declare, in my Maner of
Stonor. And as for the advowsons that long to the maneres above
seyde I wulle that William Stonore have the nomynacion of the
chapileyn and he to be presentyd by the ffeffees. Also I wulle that the
issues and profetes of my maneres of Rotherfeld Pipard and Bluntis with
their appurtenauncis be receyvyd of myne excecutours for the con-
tentacion and payment of the det that I ove to my ffadyr Drayton
excecutours, that is to seye yn iij obligacions vj.xx markes and every
obligacion xl. markes, and ij obligacions of xl. li. eche of them in xx. li.:
the Remenaunt of the seyde Maners over the payment to my ffadyr
Drayton is excecutours be for the contentacion of my dettys: and aftyr
my dettes payyd I wulle that my ffeffees of the seyd maner of Ritherfeld
Pippard and Bluntes make astate of the seyd Ritherfeld Pippard and
Bluntes with the avowson of the churche of Ritherfeld Pippard to
Thomas my son and to his heyres of the masculine gender of his body
lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche issue remayne therof to
William my son and his heyres and to the issu of hys body lawfully
begoten, and for defaute of suche issue remayne ther to Edmond my son
and to the issue of his body lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche
issue to the ryght heyres of me the seyd Thomas Stonore, with this that
the seyd Thomas my son cleym not nor demaund as by the wey of
mater of record eny lond in Cleve in the Counte of Kent. Also I wulle
that my ffeffees of my maneres of Mychell Court and Paynell Court in
Burwardescote make astate to Edmond Stonore my son by dede in-
dented of the seid Maneres of Mychell Court and Paynell Court in
Burwardescote with the afowson of the churche there to hym and to hys
heyres of masculine gender lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche
issu the seid Maneres with the afowson to William my son and heyr and
to the issu of hys body lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche issu
to Thomas my son and to the issu of hys body lawfully begoten, and for
defaute of suche issu to myn heyres. Also I wyll that my ffeffees of my
Maneres of Stonore with the appurtenauncis in the Counte of Oxon.,
Ermyngton in the Counte of Devonshyre with the afowson of the
churche ther, the hundered of Ermyngton with all the appurtenauncis
within the seyd shyre, the Maner of Horton with the Chauntery with
all the appurtenauncis longing ther to, Mortemer place with the ap-
purtenauncis, londes in Cleve in the Counte of Kent, the Mote at
Westm. with all the londes that longeth ther to with all other londes and
tenementes, rentes, services, medowes, lesues, and pastures in Westm.
and in the paryche of Seynt James and in the Counte of Midd. &c.