Walter Herne to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Walter Herne to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/174
- Date
- 11 June [1478]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 215; Kingsford, Vol II, item 215
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR11 JUNE [1478]
The date cannot be earlier than 1478 as Stonor is a knight. Other refer-
ences to Warner's financial troubles make this year probable, see Nos. 203,
205-6 and 226. John Twynho occurs as Recorder of Bristol in 1478 (Ricart's
Kalendar, p. xxiv), From A.C., xlvi, 174.Ryght honorable and ryght worshipfull Maistir, with all my servyse
to you I me recommaunde as louly as I can, letyng your Maistirshepe
wete that I have recevyde a letter fro you by your servaunt Morice
Escourt for a place in Watlyngton of myn, that Roberte Warner toke of
me by the yere and was my tenaunt, and aftyr that the same Roberte
and I ware in a bargeyn and concludyd that the seyde Roberte sholde
have the seyd place to hym and to his heires appon the condicion he
paide and contente me as he and I ware agreide: whareoff he kepte no
poyntment, for I sholde have xl markes in hande and thereoff I hadde
no peny not by a yere after: and he to pay me yerely v marke for my
rente into the tyme that I was contente and payde of the hoole somme
that he and I was fully agreyde off. And as for certeyn reparacion
that was don by hym, was at my charge: for he toke hitt uppe of hys
rente that he sholde have payde me &c. Syr, and hyt pleasyde your
Maystyrshepe I spake to you of this mater in Westmyster Halle, and
your Maystyrshepe seyde to me that ye wolde nott have to do with hytt
in no wyse: and ther I movyde your Maystyrshepe that oon Shepe-
wesshe hadde be with me to take the place of me for certeyn termys,
and seyde to me that he trystyde ye ware hys specyall goode Maystyr:
and I seyde to hym that I wolde owe hym the better wyll for your
sake. And thus I enformyde your Maystyrshepe in Westmyster Halle.
And (as)1 ye answeryd me ayen that then he ware in goode case.
And after that Shepewesshe came by me fro Brystowe, and toke a place
of me for yeres. And the rathir for your sake I grauntyd hym. And
thereoff I sende you a letter. Syr, your Maystyrshepe nott dyspleasyde
(sic) that where ye write that I sholde promyse your Maystyrshepe to
receyve the money of the bargeyn that was betwene Roberte and me at
resonable dayes: fforsothe he nothyr I comenyde never of no soche
mater, nothir ye spake to me nothing thereoff for the seyde Roberte,
nothir no nothir man in hys name were nevyr feffyde ne sesyde on the
seyde place. Syr, I have be Godes presoner and kepte my bedde and
my chamber thys iiij wekes and more trystyng to God to rekover
whan hyt pleasith hym. Wherefor I hertyly desire and praie your
Maystyrshepe that my tenaunt Shepewesshe may be sufferyde in reste
and peas to occupy my p[lace] acordyng to the covenaunt that I have
made with hym into [such t]yme that Maystyr Twenyho the Recorder
of Brystow and I may comyne with you of this mater, whiche shal nott
be longe by [the] grace of God: for he and other persones stonde
ffeffyde and seasyde in the place as well as I. And as for Shepewesshe,
he seyde never to me that he [was] nevyr your manyall man nothir
servaunt, but he seyde to me he trystyde ye ware his good Maystyr at
all tymys. And yiff hyt lykyde your [good] maystyrshepe, I praie you
to yeve credence to your servaunt Moryce Estcourt, the berer hereoff.
And Almyghty God have you and all yours in hys . . . on. Wretyn
at Tettbury the xj day of June.Your owne in all man & servaunt Watyr Herne.
To my ryght honorable and my specyall goode Maystyr, Syr-
Wyllyam Stonore, knyght.1"As" marked for omission.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR11 JUNE [1478]
The date cannot be earlier than 1478 as Stonor is a knight. Other refer-
ences to Warner’s financial troubles make this year probable, see Nos. 203,
205-6 and 226. John Twynho occurs as Recorder of Bristol in 1478 (Ricart’s
Kalendar, p. xxiv). From A.C., xlvi, 174.Ryght honorable and ryght worshipfull Maistir, with all my servyse
to you I me recommaunde as louly as I can, letyng your Maistirshepe
wete that I have recevyde a letter fro you by your servaunt Morice
Escourt for a place in Watlyngton of myn, that Roberte Warner toke of
me by the yere and was my tenaunt, and aftyr that the same Roberte
and I ware in a bargeyn and concludyd that the seyde Roberte sholde
have the seyd place to hym and to his heires appon the condicion he
paide and contente me as he and I ware agreide: whareoff he kepte no
poyntment, for I sholde have xl markes in hande and thereoff I hadde
no peny not by a yere after: and he to pay me yerely v marke for my
rente into the tyme that I was contente and payde of the hoole somme
that he and I was fully agreyde off. And as for certeyn reparacion
that was don by hym, was at my charge: for he toke hitt uppe of hys
rente that he sholde have payde me &c. Syr, and hyt pleasyde your
Maystyrshepe I spake to you of this mater in Westmyster Halle, and
your Maystyrshepe seyde to me that ye wolde nott have to do with hytt
in no wyse: and ther I movyde your Maystyrshepe that oon Shepe-
wesshe hadde be with me to take the place of me for certeyn termys,
and seyde to me that he trystyde ye ware hys specyall goode Maystyr:
and I seyde to hym that I wolde owe hym the better wyll for your
sake. And thus I enformyde your Maystyrshepe in Westmyster Halle.
And (as)1 ye answeryd me ayen that then he ware in goode case.
And after that Shepewesshe came by me fro Brystowe, and toke a place
of me for yeres. And the rathir for your sake I grauntyd hym. And
thereoff I sende you a letter. Syr, your Maystyrshepe nott dyspleasyde
(sic) that where ye write that I sholde promyse your Maystyrshepe to
receyve the money of the bargeyn that was betwene Roberte and me at
resonable dayes: fforsothe he nothyr I comenyde never of no soche
mater, nothir ye spake to me nothing thereoff for the seyde Roberte,
nothir no nothir man in hys name were nevyr feffyde ne sesyde on the
seyde place. Syr, I have be Godes presoner and kepte my bedde and
my chamber thys iiij wekes and more trystyng to God to rekover
whan hyt pleasith hym. Wherefor I hertyly desire and praie your
Maystyrshepe that my tenaunt Shepewesshe may be sufferyde in reste
and peas to occupy my p[lace] acordyng to the covenaunt that I have
made with hym into [such t]yme that Maystyr Twenyho the Recorder
of Brystow and I may comyne with you of this mater, whiche shal nott
be longe by [the] grace of God: for he and other persones stonde
ffeffyde and seasyde in the place as well as I. And as for Shepewesshe,
he seyde never to me that he [was] nevyr your manyall man nothir
servaunt, but he seyde to me he trystyde ye ware his good Maystyr at
all tymys. And yiff hyt lykyde your [good] maystyrshepe, I praie you
to yeve credence to your servaunt Moryce Estcourt, the berer hereoff.
And Almyghty God have you and all yours in hys . . . on. Wretyn
at Tettbury the xj day of June.Your owne in all man & servaunt Watyr Herne.
To my ryght honorable and my specyall goode Maystyr, Syr
Wyllyam Stonore, knyght.1 “As” marked for omission.