W[alter] Elmes to William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- W[alter] Elmes to William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/94
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 141; Kingsford, Vol I, item 141
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[? 1474]
The dispute may have arisen through some question as to Cottesmore's
affairs after the death of Thomas Stonor. The month-mind at Pyrton
Church was no doubt in commemoration of Thomas Stonor. Strictly speaking,
therefore the date should be in May, 1474; but "month-mynd" may pos-
sibly be used loosely for "twelvemonth-mind". "Katermayns " means
Richard Quatermayns. From A.C., xlvi, 94.Jhesus Christoforus.
My rygth wurshupfull Cosyn, I recommaund me unto yow with all
my herte: plesyth hit yow to undyrstond that I bave spokyn with my
cosyn Cottismore, and aftyre the effect that ye and I comynyd, that is
to sey that ye and he to stond and abyde the direction of eny ij wur-
shupfull in your contre: to the wych he is agreable, so ye name soch
as ye afore named, that is to sey Master Fowlere, M. Katermayns,
M. Rede, and if hit plese yow to name M. Harcort: I suppose he wull
be with yow at Pyrton. And the mene seson that no rent be levyd till
such direction be had by such as ye afore rehersyd me of: which shall
cawse grete amyte and the sonner the better: I suppose yf hit wulle be
at the month mynd, at wych seson I suppose some of the afore rehersyd
will be ther: and I suppose ye shall fynd hym a good and kynd brothyr.
No mor to yow at this tyme, but Almyghty God preserve you fro all
adversyte.W. Elmes.
To my ryзth wurshipful Cosyn, Wyllyam Stonor.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
STONOR[? 1474]
The dispute may have arisen through some question as to Cottesmore’s
affairs after the death of Thomas Stonor. The month-mind at Pyrton
Church was no doubt in commemoration of Thomas Stonor. Strictly speaking,
therefore the date should be in May, 1474; but “month-mynd” may pos-
sibly be used loosely for “twelvemonth-mind”. “Katermayns” means
Richard Quatermayns. From A.C., xlvi, 94.Jhesus Christoforus.
My rygth wurshupfull Cosyn, I recommaund me unto yow with all
my herte: plesyth hit yow to undyrstond that I have spokyn with my
cosyn Cottismore, and aftyre the effect that ye and I comynyd, that is
to sey that ye and he to stond and abyde the direction of eny ij wur-
shupfull in your contre: to the wych he is agreable, so ye name soch
as ye afore named, that is to sey Master Fowlere, M. Katermayns,
M. Rede, and if hit plese yow to name M. Harcort: I suppose he wull
be with yow at Pyrton. And the mene seson that no rent be levyd till
such direction be had by such as ye afore rehersyd me of: which shall
cawse grete amyte and the sonner the better: I suppose yf hit wulle be
at the month mynd, at wych seson I suppose some of the afore rehersyd
will be ther: and I suppose ye shall fynd hym a good and kynd brothyr.
No mor to yow at this tyme, but Almyghty God preserve you fro all
adversyte.W. Elmes.
To my ryЗth wurshipful Cosyn, Wyllyam Stonor.