Walter Elmes to [Sir William Stonor]
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Walter Elmes to [Sir William Stonor]
- Reference
- SC 1/46/45
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 288; Kingsford, Vol II, item 288
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR][16 APRIL, 1481]
This was clearly written a few days after the previous letter, to Sir William
Stonor. Consequently the year must be 1481, as the only possible year in
which Palm Sunday was later than 13 April. From A.C., xlvi, 45.After all humble recommendacion &c. I have spokyn with John
Harecort,54 and he sweryth he wull do for yow, and purposyth to sytt in
the Ester wyke, but he wuld fayne have Stepenhyth endityd: but þat
shuld not help your mayne. Sir W. Norreys wull do for yow, and sey
whatt he kanne. Ye must be here fore the newe Reconisaunce. I
wrote to yow þat Bradbury wull delyvere your gayne in stuffe and ware,
but not in money. I purpose to be homwarde to morowe, yf I may,
and shall do and make all thynges suere as by woode advyse kan be
made or I goo. If ye have any certeynte of your men I wuld advyse
yow to come shewe hit, for my lord of Gloucester, my lord Chamber-
leyne be gon, and now be her your frendys. No more to yow, but
Jhesu preseve yow. At London the morowe after Palme Sonday. I
purpose to come home bye Wynsore and fett your money.Your servaunt W. Elmes.
No endorsement.
1 Elmes first wrote "xij"; and then added a third minim making "xijj".
2 i.e., a warrant for the great seal
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR][16 APRIL, 1481]
This was clearly written a few days after the previous letter, to Sir William
Stonor. Consequently the year must be 1481, as the only possible year in
which Palm Sunday was later than 13 April. From A.C., xlvi, 45.After all humble recommendacion &c. I have spokyn with John
Harecort, and he sweryth he wull do for yow, and purposyth to sytt in
the Ester wyke, but he wuld fayne have Stepenhyth endityd: but þat
shuld not help your mayne. Sir W. Norreys wull do for yow, and sey
whatt he kanne. Ye must be here fore the newe Reconisaunce. I
wrote to yow þat Bradbury wull delyvere your gayne in stuffe and ware,
but not in money. I purpose to be homwarde to morowe, yf I may,
and shall do and make all thynges suere as by woode advyse kan be
made or I goo. If ye have any certeynte of your men I wuld advyse
yow to come shewe hit, for my lord of Gloucester, my lord Chamber-
leyne be gon, and now be her your frendys. No more to yow, but
Jhesu preserve yow. At London the morowe after Palme Sonday. I
purpose to come home bye Wynsore and fett your money.Your servaunt W. Elmes.
No endorsement.