Walter Elmes to Sir William Stonor, knight of the king's body
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Walter Elmes to Sir William Stonor, knight of the king's body
- Reference
- SC 1/46/154
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 282; Kingsford, Vol II, item 282
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[3 JAN. 1481 ]
The letter contains an obvious reference to the arrangements for the ward-
ship of the Fenns. The appointment of the fresh trustees took place on 7
April, 1481 (Letter Book, L. 176; see also No. 287). This points to 3 Jan.,
1481, as the date for this letter. The reference to the Exeter Almshouse (see
Nos. 285 and 289) makes an earlier date impossible, and a later one unlikely.
The date, 1481, confirms (by the reference to Colet) the dates assigned to
Nos. 273 and 276. Agas Lovell may be one of the Lovell wards referred to
in No. 237. Hugh and Margaret are the Fenns. From AC, xlvi., 154.After all dewe recommendation, plesyth hit yow to undyrstond that
I merveyle gretely þat ye send not Thomas Mathewe with the evydens
&c. Thonkyng yow all weyys of youre grete bownteowsnesse unto me
and in especyall of your offer to me grauntyd: wherfor I am bownd to
be your trewe servaunt, and Bedeman whylys I lyve. Syr, I have re-
membryd me of your comynycacion of Agas Lovell, whome, yf hit lykyd
yow that I myte have undyr the forme folowyng, I trust hit shuld be to
yow moste proffyte and avayle, and I and all myn to be your perpetuall
Bedemen: yff hit lyke yow to take me CCCC. li. accordyng to your
offre, I shall ffynd yow suerte to pay yow att viij yeres end your CCCC.
li. ageyne, and CCCCC. marcs for the ward of the seyde Agas, wych
wull drawe nye to the hole stokke of your ij chyldryn, Hewe and
Margarete: and so there stok shall be redy at all tymes, with the on
half in myne hondys, and that othyr half now in your owne hondes, at
your day to do þat with what ye wull, and thus shall ye be purveyd
of money and your stokk not brokyn. And as for the contentacion of
Harry Colett, yf hit lyke yow to delyver me the next obligation of Bet-
son of C. li., I shall at my charge schevyshe so much and rathyr than
fayle the hole: so now lakkyth non other but suerte in the Yeld hall,
wych wull be gevyn apon such feoffement as ye spake of. Syr, I beseche
yow remembre this, and bete hit ryth well in your mynd. And I trust
hit shalbe your avayle and wurshuppe both to make your power alye,
wych shall ever be bownd to pray for yow, and so1 yow the profyte and
wurshuppe, and to me and myn a makyng for ever. Syr, yf this wey
lyke yow, I pray yow to send me a byll fro yow to your Almes hows at
Exeter, that I may be sonner spede mee for Harry Colettes payment.
Furthermore, I beseche yow that þis sympyll byll may recommaund me
my good lady, your wyffe, and to all yowrs. And our blessyd lord hold
his holy hand over yow and them with long lyff and grete wurshupp
here to endure, Amen. I trust, thou I be fer fro yow, that þis lytyll
byll [wull cause]2 this cold whedere, and my erand wull make me and
shew me present. Scrybylyd with hond of hym þat is yowr servaunt to
the extreme of my lytyll power.W. Elmes.
At Andever the Wenesday after Newe Yeres day at vj at Clokk in þe
mornyng.To my ryth wurshipfull Master, Syr Wylyam Stonor, knyth for the
kynges Body.1 So MS., apparently an error either for "so to" or for "to".
2 These two words have been crossed out; probably Elmes meant to erase this
"cold whedere" also. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[3 JAN. 1481]
The letter contains an obvious reference to the arrangements for the ward-
ship of the Fenns. The appointment of the fresh trustees took place on 7
April, 1481 (Letter Book, L. 176; see also No. 287). This points to 3 Jan.,
1481, as the date for this letter. The reference to the Exeter Almshouse (see
Nos. 285 and 289) makes an earlier date impossible, and a later one unlikely.
The date, 1481, confirms (by the reference to Colet) the dates assigned to
Nos. 273 and 276. Agas Lovell may be one of the Lovell wards referred to
in No. 237. Hugh and Margaret are the Fenns. From A.C., xlvi., 154.After all dewe recommendacion, pltsyth hit yow to undyrstond that
I merveyle gretely þat ye send not Thomas Mathewe with the evydens
&c. Thonkyng yow all weyys of youre grete bownteowsnesse unto me
and in especyall of your offer to me grauntyd: wherfor I am bownd to
be your trewe servaunt, and Bedeman whylys I lyve. Syr, I have re-
membryd me of your comynycacion of Agas Lovell, whome, yf hit lykyd
yow that I myte have undyr the forme folowyng, I trust hit shuld be to
yow moste proffyte and avayle, and I and all myn to be your perpetuall
Bedemen: yff hit lyke yow to take me CCCC. li. accordyng to your
offre, I shall ffynd yow suerte to pay yow att viij yeres end your CCCC.
li. ageyne, and CCCCC. marcs for the ward of the seyde Agas, wych
wull drawe nye to the hole stokke of your ij chyldryn, Hewe and
Margarete: and so there stok shall be redy at all tymes, with the on
half in myne hondys, and that othyr half now in your owne hondes, at
your day to do þat with what ye wull, and thus shall ye be purveyd
of money and your stokk not brokyn. And as for the contentacion of
Harry Colett, yf hit lyke yow to delyver me the next obligacion of Bet-
son of C. li., I shall at my charge schevyshe so much and rathyr than
fayle the hole: so now lakkyth non other but suerte in the Yeld hall,
wych wull be gevyn apon such feoffement as ye spake of. Syr, I beseche
yow remembre this, and bete hit ryth well in your mynd. And I trust
hit shalbe your avayle and wurshuppe both to make your power alye,
wych shall ever be bownd to pray for yow, and so1 yow the profyte and
wurshuppe, and to me and myn a makyng for ever. Syr, yf this wey
lyke yow, I pray yow to send me a byll fro yow to your Almes hows at
Exeter, that I may þe sonner spede mee for Harry Colettes payment.
Furthermore, I beseche yow that þis sympyll byll may recommaund me
my good lady, your wyffe, and to all yowrs. And our blessyd lord hold
his holy hand over yow and them with long lyff and grete wurshupp
here to endure, Amen. I trust, thou I be fer fro yow, that þis lytyll
byll [wull cause]2 this cold whedere, and my erand wull make me and
shew me present. Scrybylyd with hond of hym þat is yowr servaunt to
the extreme of my lytyll power.W. Elmes.
At Andever the Wenesday after Newe Yeres day at vj at Clokk in þe
mornyng.To my ryth wurshipfull Master, Syr Wylyam Stonor, knyth for the
kynges Body.1 So MS., apparently an error either for “so to” or for “to”.
2 These two words have been crossed out; probably Elmes meant to erase this
“cold whedere” also.