Walter Elmes to Sir William Stonor, knight of the king's body
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Walter Elmes to Sir William Stonor, knight of the king's body
- Reference
- SC 1/46/152
- Date
- 13 April [1481]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 287; Kingsford, Vol II, item 287
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR13 APRIL [1481].
This letter was clearly written shortly before No. 288, and since that letter
was written the day after Palm Sunday, the only possible year is 1481. This
agrees with the reference to Bradbury, who took over the bond for the Fennes
on 7 April, 1481. In 1481 the 13 April was a Friday, which also suits
this letter. From A.C., xlvi, 152.53Aftyr all humble recommendacion. I certyfye yow þat Wheteley
hath sheywyd to my lord of Gloucester and his Councell your labor in
serchyng dyvers townys. And they marveyle that ye have sowth them
ther, and say that yf ye wold ye kowde goo thydyr wer they be and fett
them. Yf ye have very and trewe word that they be in Centwary, yf
ye so certyfye I thinke ye shalbe excusyd. And thus is a sure wey for
all partys. As for the copye of the byll, þat is put ayenst yow, I send
you the copye thereof. As for youre mater of the grete summe, I pray
yow to pondre in youre owne mynde wich of the ij weyys ye lyke best
and I shull be glad to performe your entent. Wherefore I pray yow to
wryte me certeynly wych of thes ij weyys ye wull take, for in this mater
I wull nothyng take apon my sylfe, but wych ye wull have done shall
be done: and that I may have redy wrytyng fro yow at furthyst by
Sonday none, that I may make a ende on Monday, for then my hors
wulbe with me: my howswyffe thouthe never so long after me, and
lokyth her tyme every day: wherefore I wull no longer tary than Mon-
day. As for Bradbury wull delyver yow in on yere for all v yeres in
stuffe, yf ye nede, and I kan have no more money of them till ther
wrytyng be made uppe: and so I kan not pay Master Powle. And yf
ye wull that Bradbury have hit not, I pray yow send all them iij a letter,
howe ye fere to dele with them for your jeoparde and theres for fere of
þe kyng: wych shall be a excuse for me also. They wull be loth to
leve the money I fere me, now they have yt. And yf ye dele not with
them, ye must be her in hast to be suerte with that othyr persones and
discharge thos othyrs or ye have þe money. I remytte all to your
wysdome, and þat I may sone have word fro yow. John Cheynye is
owt a hawkyng, as sone as he comyth home I shall delyver yowr letter.
The Kyng purposyth to be at W[ynd]sore. In hast as I hope my lady
is in good hele, and all yours. No more to yow at this tyme, but almyty
Jesu preserve [yow]. At London þe xiij1 day of Apryll in hast.Yours to my lytyll powere W. Elmes.
I have delyvered my Lord Chaunceler the money: but I kanne have
no letter of hym. He is so bysye with the Kyng. He would have sene
my lorde prevy seale letter2 fayne afore.To my worshipffyll Master Sir W. Stonore, knyth for the Kyngs body.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
This letter was clearly written shortly before No. 288, and since that letter
was written the day after Palm Sunday, the only possible year is 1481. This
agrees with the reference to Bradbury, who took over the bond for the Fennes
on 7 April, 1481. In 1481 the 13 April was a Friday, which also suits
this letter. From A.C., xlvi, 152.Aftyr all humble recommendacion. I certyfye yow þat Wheteley
hath sheywyd to my lord of Gloucester and his Councell your labor in
serchyng dyvers townys. And they marveyle that ye have sowth them
ther, and say that yf ye wold ye kowde goo thydyr wer they be and fett
them. Yf ye have very and trewe word that they be in Centwary, yf
ye so certyfye I thinke ye shalbe excusyd. And thus is a sure wey for
all partys. As for the copye of the byll, þat is put ayenst yow, I send
you the copye thereof. As for youre mater of the grete summe, I pray
yow to pondre in youre owne mynde wich of the ij weyys ye lyke best
and I shull be glad to performe your entent. Wherefore I pray yow to
wryte me certeynly wych of thes ij weyys ye wull take, for in this mater
I wull nothyng take apon my sylfe, but wych ye wull have done shall
be done: and that I may have redy wrytyng fro yow at furthyst by
Sonday none, that I may make a ende on Monday, for then my hors
wulbe with me: my howswyffe thouthe never so long after me, and
lokyth her tyme every day: wherefore I wull no longer tary than Mon-
day. As for Bradbury wull delyver yow in on yere for all v yeres in
stuffe, yf ye nede, and I kan have no more money of them till ther
wrytyng be made uppe: and so I kan not pay Master Powle. And yf
ye wull that Bradbury have hit not, I pray yow send all them iij a letter,
howe ye fere to dele with them for your jeoparde and theres for fere of
þe kyng: wych shall be a excuse for me also. They wull be loth to
leve the money I fere me, now they have yt. And yf ye dele not with
them, ye must be her in hast to be suerte with that othyr persones and
discharge thos othyrs or ye have þe money. I remytte all to your
wysdome, and þat I may sone have word fro yow. John Cheynye is
owt a hawkyng, as sone as he comyth home I shall delyver yowr letter.
The Kyng purposyth to be at W[ynd]sore. In hast as I hope my lady
is in good hele, and all yours. No more to yow at this tyme, but almyty
Jesu preserve [yow]. At London þe xiij1 day of Apryll in hast.Yours to my lytyll powere W. Elmes.
I have delyvered my Lord Chaunceler the money: but I kanne have
no letter of hym. He is so bysye with the Kyng. He would have sene
my lorde prevy seale letter2 fayne afore.To my worshipffyll Master Sir W. Stonore, knyth for the Kyngs body.
1 Elmes first wrote “xij”; and then added a third minim making “xijj”.
2 i.e., a warrant for the great seal