To the right worchipfull and reverent and myn good mayster Paston, Squyere, be this taken.
MY ryght worchipfull mayster, I recomaunde me to yow, besechyng yow to hold me excusyd that I awaytyd noon otherwyse opon yow and my mastras at my comyng from Norwich; for yn good feyth I was soo seke that I hadde moche labour to come home, and sythen that tyme I have hadde my parte, &c. And, Sere, as for Berney, he begynnyth to falle ought of the popell conceyte faster than ever he fell yn, for serteyn causez, &c. I shalle telle yow yn haste. But, Sere, blyssyd be God, as for yow, your love yncresith amonge hem, and so I prey God it mot, for and I herde the contrarie, ye shuld sone have wetyng. The under- shrefe dotht Mortoft favour, and lete hym goo yn Norwich as hym lyst, and al the contre abought me sey right evyll of hym for a mayntenor of the Kynges enime; for there ben an C. [hundred] purposid to ride to the Kyng for hym, and he come neer this contre, for they sey thow he hadde never doo with his handes he hath seid a now to die. I have warend the under-shreffe ther of, &c. Sere, forther, I am yn bildyng of a pore hous. I truste God that ye shulle take your loggyng ther yn here after whan ye come to your lordshippis on tho partes. And I durste be soo bolde on your maystershep to aske of yow xij. copill of oken sparris, I wold hertilly prey yow not to have them, but ther they may be for bore beste, and that is at a yard of yourz yn Saxthorpe, callid Barkerz. I have eshe but noon oke, but litell now comyth the fellyng ther of, &c. And me semyth ye myght take mony for wood ther that stant and seryth and doth no good but harme, and
with yn fewe yeres ye shulnot wete where it is become, &c. Also ther be serteyn materz betwyn soom of your tenuantez and me. I abide your comyng and doo not [naught?] at the reverens of yow; they be knowelle yn the contre. And God have yow yn his kepyng.
Wretyn on Palme Sunday.
Be your servaunt,
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter must be after the death of Sir John Fastolf, and before John Paston had gone to take possession of his lands in Norfolk. Saxthorpe was one of Fastolf’s manors which so came to him. The year may therefore be presumed to be 1460.