RYGHT worchipfulle Sir, yours goode cosynes and frendes avyse yow to come to Walsyngham, and that ye be there to morw betymes at vj. on the clok; for the Lord Moleyns offreth a trete for the goodes, and amendes to be made, or he goth ought of this contre, and if it be not taken, his men shulle justifie; wherupon your title might be hurte. The Lord Skales, the Justis, and other knygtes and squyeres merveyle grettly ye come not, and thow they that have not so true and evident mater as ye have concelle yow to be absent; yet I wolde ye dede as ye be desyrd be that fela- ship, for many wolde yow right welle. Whanne ye come, I shalle telle yow more.
The Lorde Moleyns shulde not have be aquyte of his comaundement, hadde he not sworen on a boke, sweche evidens was ayens hym; and ther is no jentelman wolde aquite his men for no goode, &c.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter has no address, but there can be no doubt from the contents it was intended for John Paston. It was evidently written about the same time as the last, while the Sessions was sitting at Walsingham, and Paston’s suit against Lord Molyns was still pending.
MAY (?)