Two letters from William Ebesham to Sir John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Two letters from William Ebesham to Sir John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43491, ff. 12-13
- Date
- ?1469
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 695; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 24
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
To my moost worshupfull Maist’ Sr. John Paston, knyght.
MY moost woorshupfull and moost speciall Maist’ with all
my s’vyce moost lowly I recomande unto your gode
Maistirship besechyng you moost tendirly to see me sumwhat
rewardid for my labour in the Grete Booke which I wright unto
your seide gode Maistirship I have often tymes writyn to Pam-
pyng accordyng to yor desire to enfo’me you hou I have
labourd in wrytyngs for you. And I see wele he speke not to
your Maist’ship of hit and God knowith I ly in 1 Seint warye
at grete costs and amongs right unresonable askers, I movid
this mat’ to Sr. Thomas late and he tolde me he wolde move
your Maistirship therein, which Sr. Thomas desirid me to re-
membir wele what I have had in money at soondry tymes of hym.(Then comes the Account, as stated more at large in the fol-
lowing Bill.)And in espīall I beseche you to sende me for Almes oon of yor
olde Gownes which will coūtirvale much of the p’mysses I wotewele, and I shall be yours while I lyve and at yor comandement
I have grete myst of it God knows whom I beseche p’s’ve you
from all adu’site, I am sumwhat acqueyntid with it.Yor. verry mā,
8 ¼ by 10 ¼.
W. Ebesham.
About 1469,
9 E. IV.Wheels, &c. are a part of the Paper
Mark, the other Part is cut off.
Pl. x. No 7.About 1469,
9 E. IV.*Folowyng apperith p’celly dyvers and soondry maner of Wri-
tyngs which I William Ebesham have wreetyn for my gode
and woorshupfull Maistir Sr. John Paston and what money I
have Resceyvid and what is unpaide.“ ffirst I did write to his Maist’ship a litill booke
of Pheesyk for which I had paide by Sir Thomas
Leevys in Westm’ - - - - - - - - -s.
“Itm I had for the wrytyng of half the Prevy seale
of Pampyng - - - - - - - - -viij
“It’ for the wrytynge of the seid hole 1prevy
seale of Sr. Thom’sij
“Itm I wrote viij of the 2Witnessis in p’chement
but astir xiiijd a peece for which I was paide of Sr.
Thomas - - - - - - - - - -x
“Itm while my seide Maist’ was over the see in
Midsom’t’meCalle sett me a warke to wryte two tymes the
prevy seale in papir and then aft’ cleerely in p’chementiiij
And also wrote the same tyme oon mo of the leng-
ist Witnessis and other dyvers and necessary wrytyngs
for which he p’misid me xs. whereof I had of Calle
but iiij viij car. vs iiij - - - - - -v
“I resceyvid of Sr. Th. at Westm’ penultīo die
3 Oct. Ao viijo - - - - - - - -iij
" Itm I did write to quairs of papir of witnessis eu’y
quair conteynyng xiiij leves aft’ ijd a leff - - -iiij
“ Itm as to the 4 Grete Booke - - - -
ffirst for wrytyng of the Coronacon and other tretys
of Knyghthode in that quaire which conteyneth a
xiiij levis and more ijd a lef. - - - -ij
“Itm for the tretys of Werre in iiij books which
conteyneth lx levis aftir ijd a leaff - - - -x
“Itm for 5 Othea pistill, which conteyneth xliij
leves - - - - - - - - -vij
Itm for the Chalengs and the Acts of Armes which
is xxviijti lefs - - - - - - -iiij
“Itm for de 6 Regīe p’ncipu’ which conteyneth xlvti
leves, aftir a peny a leef, which is right wele worthiij
“Itm for 7 Rubrissheyng of all the booke
“ S’m rest’ - - -
* S’m non solut’ - -
S’m To1. - -
William Ebesham.
8 ? by 11 ?
Paper Mark,
Bull’s Head and Star.
Pl. X. No 1.Before the invention of Printing, the number of Writers and Copiers was very great;
most monasteries and religious houses having an office called a Scriptorium, wherein several
Writers were almost constantly employed in copying Books on various subjects, Missals
and Books of Psalms, &c. richly and elegantly adorned with Illuminations, &c. Men
of Fortune and Learning likewise occasionally employed Copyiers to transcribe Books for
their Libraries.W. Ebesham, (Pl. V. No 20.) was one of those who pursued this employment, and
wrote a good hand ; he complains of poverty, and petitions to have his Account dis-
charged.One of the Articles in the bill is dated 30th of October 1468, 8 E. IV. what follows
therefore was done after that day, so that perhaps the bill was not delivered, nor this
Letter written, before the next year, 1469.1 Why he was in Sanctuary I know not, but it appears that it was expensive being
there.* We are here furnished with a curious Account of the Expences attending the transcrib-
ing of Books previous to the noble art of Printing. At this time the common wages of a
Mechanic were with diet 4d. and without diet 5d. ½ or 6d. a day, we here see that a Wri-
ter received 2d. for writing a folio leaf, three of which he could with case finish in a day,and I should think that many quick writers at that time would fill four, five, or even six
in a day, if so, the pay of these greatly exceeded that of common handicrast men.1 Some Grant, or other matter, which was to pass the Privy Seal.
2 The Depositions of Witnesses.
3 This exactly ascertains the Date of this Receipt to be the 30th of October, 1468,
8 E. IV.4 This Great Book seems to have contained various Treatises.
5 Othea means a Treatise on Wisdom.
6 De Regimine Principum.—A Treatise concerning the Government of Princes, and
by being written for a penny each leaf, I suppose it was in quarto.7 This either means ornamenting the whole with red Capital Letters, or writing the
heads of the several Treatises or Chapters in red Letters.* “Und p’o mo libro script’ xxvijs cu’ diu’ chal.” This in the Original follows “Sum’
non sol. 41s. 1d.”The following Account of Payments for Writing, &c. is extracted from an Original
Quarto, M. S. in the Editor’s possession, containing
The various Expences of Sir John Howard, Knight, of Stoke by Neyland, in Suffolk,
(afterwards Duke of Norfolk.) p. 136.Item the vijth yere of Kynge Edward ye iiijth and ye xxviij day of July (1467.)
My Mast’ rekened wt Thomas Lympnor. of Bury and my Mast’ peid hymS.
For viij hole 1 Vynets - - -
p’se ye vynett xijd - - - -
Itm, for xxj dī vynets - - -
p’se ye dī vynett. iiijd - - -
It’ for Psalmes Lettres 2 xvc and dī - -
ye p’se of C iiijd - - -
It’ for p’ms Letters 3 lxiijc - - - - - - -
p’se of a C jd - - -
It’It’ for wrytynge of a quare and dī - - -p’se ye quayr xxd - -
It’ for wrytenge of a Calender - - - - - - - -
It’ for iij quayres of Velym p’se ye quayr xxd - - - -
It’ for notynge of v quayres and ij leves p’se of ye 4 quayr viij
It’ for Capital Drawynge iijc and dī ye p’se - - - - - -
It’ for floryshynge of Capytallis vc - - - - - - -
It’ for byndynge of ye 5 Boke - - - - - - -
The wyche p’cellis my Mastr paid h[SYM] yis day and he is content.
This is an Account of a Limner or Illuminator of Manuscripts, who resided at Bury.
1 Borders, Flowers, or Flourishes at the beginning of a Book, Chapter, &c.
2 xvc and dī = 1500 and an half.
3 lxiijc = 6300.
4 A Quire of Velum from this entry seems to consist of four leaves, and his receiving only 3d.
for noting two leaves might be accounted for, by the last leaf not being full; the Drawing and
Flourishing of the Capital Letters seems very cheap.5 12s. appears a great price for binding a Book, but it is so stated in the original account.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
To my most worshipful Master, Sir John Paston, Knight.
MY most worshipful and most special Master, with all my
service, most lowly I recommend (me) unto your good
Mastership, beseeching you most tenderly to see me somewhat
rewarded for my labour in the Great Book which I wrote unto
your said good Mastership ; I have oftentimes written to Pam-
pyng, according to your desire, to inform you how I have
laboured in writings for you, and I see well he speak not to your
Mastership of it; and God knoweth I lie in 1 Sanctuary at
great costs, and amongst right unreasonable askers.I moved this matter to Sir Thomas (Lewis) lately, and he told
me he would move your Mastership therein, which Sir Thomas
desired me to remember well what I have had in money at sun-
dry times of him.(Then comes the Account, as stated more at large in the fol-
lowing Bill.)And in especial I beseech you to send me for Alms one of
your old Gowns, which will countervail much of the premises Iwot well; and I shall be yours while I live, and at your
commandment; I have greatly missed of it God knows, whom I
beseech preserve you from all adversity; I am somewhat ac-
quainted with it.Your very man,
8 ¼ by 10 ¼.
About 1469,
9 E. IV.Wheels, &c. are a part of the Paper
Mark, the other Part is cut off.
Pl. x. No 7.About 1469,
9 E. IV.* Following appeareth, parcelly, divers and sundry manner of
Writings, which I William Ebesham have written for my
good and worshipful Master, Sir John Paston, and what money
I have received, and what is unpaid.“First, I did write to his Mastership a little Book
of Physic, for which I had paid by Sir Thomas Lewis,
in Westminster - - - - - - - - -s.
20“Item, I had for the writing of half the Privy Seal,
of Pampyng - - - - - - - - -8
“Item, for the writing of the said whole 1 Privy
Seal, of Sir Thomas - - - - - - - - -2
“Item, I wrote eight of the 2Witnesses in parch-
ment but after 14d a-piece, for which I was paid of
Sir Thomas - - - - - - - - -10
“ Item, while my said Master was over the sea in
Midsummer term, Calle set me at work to write two
times the Privy Seal in paper, and then after clearly in
parchment - - - - - - - - -4
And also I wrote at the same time one or more of
the longest Witnesses, and other diverse and necessary
Writings, for which he promised me 10s. (whereof I
had of Calle but 4s. 8d.) due 5s. 4d. - - -5
“Item, I received of Sir Thomas at Westminster
30 3 October 8 E. IV. 1468 - - - - -3
“Item, I did write two Quires of paper of Wit-
nesses, every Quire containing 14 leaves after 2d. a
leaf - - - - - - - - -4
“Item, as to the 4 Great Book - - -
First, for writing of the Coronation; and other
Treatises of Knighthood, in that quire which con-
taineth a 13 leaves and more, 2d. a leaf - -2
“Item, for the Treatise of War in four books,
which containeth 60 leaves after 2d. a leaf - -10
“Item, for 5 Othea, an Epistle, which containeth
43 leaves - - - - - - - -7
“Item, for the Challenges, and the Acts of Arms
which is 28 leaves - - - - - -4
“Item, for De 6 Regimine Principum, which con-
taineth 45 leaves, after I penny a leaf, which it is
right well worth - - - - - - -3
“Item, for 7 Rubrishing of all the Book -
Sum received - - -
* Sum unpaid - - -
Sum Total - -
8 ? by 11 ?
Paper Mark,
Bull’s Head and Star.
Pl. X. No 1.Before the invention of Printing, the number of Writers and Copiers was very great;
most monasteries and religious houses having an office called a Scriptorium, wherein several
Writers were almost constantly employed in copying Books on various subjects, Missals
and Books of Psalms, &c. richly and elegantly adorned with Illuminations, &c. Men
of Fortune and Learning likewise occasionally employed Copyiers to transcribe Books for
their Libraries.W. Ebesham, (Pl. V. No 20.) was one of those who pursued this employment, and
wrote a good hand ; he complains of poverty, and petitions to have his Account dis-
charged.One of the Articles in the bill is dated 30th of October 1468, 8 E. IV. what follows
therefore was done after that day, so that perhaps the bill was not delivered, nor this
Letter written, before the next year, 1469.1 Why he was in Sanctuary I know not, but it appears that it was expensive being
there.* We are here furnished with a curious Account of the Expences attending the transcrib-
ing of Books previous to the noble art of Printing. At this time the common wages of a
Mechanic were with diet 4d. and without diet 5d. ½ or 6d. a day, we here see that a Wri-
ter received 2d. for writing a folio leaf, three of which he could with case finish in a day,and I should think that many quick writers at that time would fill four, five, or even six
in a day, if so, the pay of these greatly exceeded that of common handicrast men.1 Some Grant, or other matter, which was to pass the Privy Seal.
2 The Depositions of Witnesses.
3 This exactly ascertains the Date of this Receipt to be the 30th of October, 1468,
8 E. IV.4 This Great Book seems to have contained various Treatises.
5 Othea means a Treatise on Wisdom.
6 De Regimine Principum.—A Treatise concerning the Government of Princes, and
by being written for a penny each leaf, I suppose it was in quarto.7 This either means ornamenting the whole with red Capital Letters, or writing the
heads of the several Treatises or Chapters in red Letters.* “Und p’o mo libro script’ xxvijs cu’ diu’ chal.” This in the Original follows “Sum’
non sol. 41s. 1d.”The following Account of Payments for Writing, &c. is extracted from an Original
Quarto, M. S. in the Editor’s possession, containing
The various Expences of Sir John Howard, Knight, of Stoke by Neyland, in Suffolk,
(afterwards Duke of Norfolk.) p. 136.Item the vijth yere of Kynge Edward ye iiijth and ye xxviij day of July (1467.)
My Mast’ rekened wt Thomas Lympnor. of Bury and my Mast’ peid hymS. D.
For viij hole 1 Vynets - - -
p’se ye vynett xijd - - - -
Itm, for xxj dī vynets - - -
p’se ye dī vynett. iiijd - - -
It’ for Psalmes Lettres 2 xvc and dī - -
ye p’se of C iiijd - - -
It’ for p’ms Letters 3 lxiijc - - - - - - -
p’se of a C jd - - -
It’It’ for wrytynge of a quare and dī - - -p’se ye quayr xxd - -
It’ for wrytenge of a Calender - - - - - - - -
xij It’ for iij quayres of Velym p’se ye quayr xxd - - - -
It’ for notynge of v quayres and ij leves p’se of ye 4 quayr viij
It’ for Capital Drawynge iijc and dī ye p’se - - - - - -
iij It’ for floryshynge of Capytallis vc - - - - - - -
v It’ for byndynge of ye 5 Boke - - - - - - -
The wyche p’cellis my Mastr paid h[SYM] yis day and he is content.
This is an Account of a Limner or Illuminator of Manuscripts, who resided at Bury.
1 Borders, Flowers, or Flourishes at the beginning of a Book, Chapter, &c.
2 xvc and dī = 1500 and an half.
3 lxiijc = 6300.
4 A Quire of Velum from this entry seems to consist of four leaves, and his receiving only 3d.
for noting two leaves might be accounted for, by the last leaf not being full; the Drawing and
Flourishing of the Capital Letters seems very cheap.5 12s. appears a great price for binding a Book, but it is so stated in the original account.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To my moost worshupfull maister, Sir John Paston,
Knyght.MY moost woorshupfull and moost speciall maister, with
all my servyce moost lowly I recomande unto your
gode maistirship, besechyng you most tendirly to see
me sumwhat rewardid for my labour in the Grete Booke2
which I wright unto your seide gode maistirship. I have
often tymes writyn to Pampyng accordyng to your desire, to
enforme you hou I have labourd in wrytyngs for you; and
I see wele he speke not to your maistership of hit. And God
knowith I ly in seint warye [sanctuary] at grete costs, and
amongs right unresonable askers. I movid this mater to Sir
Thomas3 late, and he tolde me he wolde move your maistir-
ship therein, which Sir Thomas desirid me to remembir wele
what I have had in money at soondry tymes of hym.1. . . . . . .
And in especiall I beseche you to sende me for almes oon
of your olde gownes, which will countirvale much of the
premysses I wote wele; and I shall be yours while I lyve, and
at your comandement; I have grete myst of it, God knows,
whom I beseche preserve you from all adversite. I am
sumwhat acqueyntid with it. Your verry man,W. EBSHAM.
Folowyng apperith, parcelly, dyvers and soondry maner of
writyngs, which I William Ebesham have wreetyn for my gode
and woorshupfull maistir, Sir John Paston, and what money I
have resceyvid, and what is unpaide.First, I did write to his
maistership a litill booke of
Pheesyk, for which I had paide
by Sir Thomas Leevys2 in
Item, I had for the wrytyng
of half the prevy seale of Pam-
Item, for the wrytynge of
the seid hole prevy seale of Sir
Item, I wrote viij. of the
Witnessis in parchement, but
aftir xiiijd. a peece, for which I
was paide of Sir Thomasxs.
Item, while myseide maister
was over the see in Midsomer-
termeCalle sett me a warke to
wryte two tymes the prevy sealein papir, and then after cleerely
in parchementiiijs. viijd.
And also wrote the same
tyme oon mo of the lengist
witnessis, and other dyvers and
necessary wrytyngs, for which
he promisid me xs. whereof I
had of Calle but iiijs. viijd. car.
vs. iiijd.vs. iiijd.
I resceyvid of Sir Thomas
at Westminster, penultimo die
Oct., anno viij.iijs. iiija.
Item, I did write to quairs
of papir of witnessis, every quair
conteynyng xiiij. leves after ijd.
a leffiiijs. viija.
Item, as to the Grete Booke
—First, for wrytyng of the
Coronacion, and other tretys
of Knyghthode, in that quaire
which conteyneth a xiij. levis
and more, ijd. a lefijs. iia.
Item, for the tretys of Werre
in iiij. books, which conteyneth
lx. levis aftir ijd. a leaffxs.
Item, for Othea1 pistill,
which conteyneth xliij. levesviis. ija.
Item, for the Chalengs, and
the Acts of Armes which is
xxviijti lessiiijs. viija.
Item, for De Regimine Prin-
cipum, which conteyneth xlvti
leves, aftir a peny a leef, which
is right wele worthiijs. ixd.
Item, for Rubrissheyng of
all the bookeiiis. iiijd.
Summa rest’
xxijs. iiijd.
Summa non solut’
xljs. jd., unde
pro magno1 libro scripto xxvijs cum diu’
chal.2Summa Totalis
iijli. iijs. vd.
In further illustration of the payments made in that age for writing, etc., Sir John
Fenn gives the following extracts from an original quarto MS. then in his possession,
containing—The various expences of Sir John Howard, Knight, of Stoke by Neyland,
in Suffolk (afterwards Duke of Norfolk), page 136.Item, the vijth yere of Kynge Edward the iiijth, and the xxviij. day of July
(1467). My master rekened with Thomas Lympnour of Bury, and my master
peid hym—For viij. hole vynets . . . prise the vynett, xiid.,
Item, for xxj. demi vynets . . . prise the demi vynett, iiijd.
Item, for Psalmes lettres xvc. and di’ . . . the prise of C.
iiijd.vs. ijd.
Item, for p’ms letters lxiijc. . . . prise of a C., jd.
v. iijd.
Item, for wrytynge of a quare and demi . . . prise the quayr,
xxd.ijs. vjd.
Item, for wrytenge of a calender,
Item, for iij. quayres of velym, prise the quayr, xxd.
Item, for notynge of v. quayres and ij. leves, prise of the
quayr, viij[d.]iijs. vijd.
Item, for capital drawynge iijc. and di’, the prise,
Item, for floryshynge of capytalls, vc.
Item, for byndynge of the boke,
cs. ijd.
The wyche parcellis my master paid hym this day, and he is content.
This is an account of a limner or illuminator of manuscripts, who resided at
1 [From Fenn, ii. 10.] By the date of one item in the account subjoined
to this letter it must have been written after the year 1468, probably in the year
following.2 This ‘great book’ has been identified, on evidence which at first sight seems
conclusive, with MS. 285 in the Lansdowne library in the British Museum. But
probably this latter is only another transcript by Ebesham of a very similar volume.
See Account of this MS. in ‘Sailing Directions for the Circumnavigation of England,’
published by the Hakluyt Society in 1889.3 Sir Thomas Lewis, a priest.
1 Here (according to Fenn) follows the account as stated more at large in the
subjoined Bill.2 Fenn’s modern transcript reads Lewis. Is ‘Leevys’ in the other a misprint for
’Lewys’?1 Othea means a treatise on Wisdom.—F. The name is derived from the Greek
’Ω θεà but was used in the Middle Ages as a proper name. See a poem beginning’Othea of prudence named godesse,’
mentioned in the Third Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, p. 188.
1 magno, ‘mo’ in Fenn.
2 So in Fenn. Qu. cum diurnali challengiorum? Fenn omits the whole of this
clause, unde . . . . chal’, but notices its occurrence in a footnote.1469(?)