Thomas Savage, archbishop of York, to William Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Savage, archbishop of York, to William Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 20, p. 199
- Date
- 25 November [1502]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 134; Kirby, item 169
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
169 Thomas Savage, archbishop of York,1 to William Plumpton, 25 November
[1502] (No. 20, p. 199)Trustie and welbeloueda I greate you well, and let you wit that on the
behalfe of Dame Elizabeth Sutell and other the inhabitants dwelling in
the lordship of Plompton, I am informed that wheras acording to the
kings lawes theare hath bene exhibite a repleue for such cattel as ye
latle hau taken for a distres within the said lordship; yet not onely will
not obey the same, but continueth in maner contrary to the kings laws,
right, and good consiences, as well in taking their cattell as other
houshold stuf; if it so be, to their vtter vndowing, if ye that should be
sufred, as by their lamentable complaints mad at large I am informed.
Wherfore, the premeses considred, I desire you, and in the kings name
commaund you, imeadetly and furthwith, vpon the deliuery of this
repleuie, that ye obay the preceps of the same, acording to law.2 And
els, vpon the sight of this my writting, that ye, or your councell learned
in your name, dres you to appear afore me, thear to shew me som
reasonable cause what so to doe ye make refusall. And of this faill not,
as ye will answer at your perrill. At my castell of Cawood, the xxv day
of November.Yors Th: Eborumb
Endorsed: To my trustie and wellbeloued William Plompton esquire to
this deliuereda Marginal note: 20 letter by Thos Eborum.
b Marginal note: Copied the 9 June 1626, Friday.
1 Thomas Savage, archbishop of York 1501–7, younger son of Sir John Savage of Clifton,
Macclesfield (d.1497), succeeded William Senhouse, bishop of Carlisle, as lieutenant in
the North in 1502, the year of the latter’s translation to Durham, Reid, 86, Test.Ebor., iii,
308–23.2 After complaints that the Plumptons were felling timber at Plumpton the king directed
letters to the archbishop of York giving him authority to enforce a previous order by the
chancellor, John Morton, requiring them to desist, pending the verdict of a royal
commission of enquiry into the verdict of the York assize court, Yorkshire Star Chamber
Proceedings, iv, 26–7; 166n. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my trustie and well-beloved William Plompton, Esquire, be thes
delivered.Trustie and welbeloved I greate you well, and let you wit that
on the behalfe of dame Elizabeth Sutell,a and other the inha-
batants dwelling in the lordship of Plompton, I am informed, that
whereas acording to the Kings lawes theare hath bene exhibite
a repleve for such cattell, as ye latle hav taken for a distres
within the said Lordship; yet not onely will not obey the same,
but continueth in maner contrary to the Kings laws, right, and
good consciences, as well in taking their cattell, as other houshold
stuf; if it so be, to their utter undowing, if ye that should be
sufred; as by their lamentable complaints mad at large, I am in-
formed. Wherfore, the premeses considered, I desire you, and in
the Kings name command you, imeadetly and furthwith, upon the
delevery of this replevie, that ye obay the precept of the same,
according to law; and els, upon the sight of this my writting, that
ye, or your councell learned in your name, dres you to appear
afore me, thear to shew me som reasonable cause, what so to doe
ye make refusall. And of this faill not, as ye will answer at your
perrill. At my castell of Cawood, the xxv day of November.Yors, TH. EBORUM.b
(25 Nov. 1502.)
a Dame Elizabeth Sotehill or Sutell, widow, died 21 Sept. 22 Hen. VII. 1506, leav-
ing her twin grand-daughters, Joan and Elizabeth, daughters of Henry Sotehill, her
son, her cousins and next heirs, and then in infancy, having only completed their first
year on the feast of the Ascension of our Lord last past, 21 May 1506. (Esc. 22
Hen. VII. n. 102.)b Thomas Savage, Archbishop of York. Translated from London 12 April 1501.
Ob. 2 Sept. 1507.