20 DECEMBER, [1476]
The year is fixed by No. 179, in which Ramsey acknowledges payment of the ?10 for his feeing. Thomas Ramsey of Hucham, or Hitcham, Bucks., near Taplow, was one of Thomas Stonor's executors—see No. 157. From A.C., xlvi,.III.
My worschipfull and most reverent Cosyn, I recomaund me to yow as hertly as I can. I wold I had be at home whan ye had the labour to cum hedir: but I was at Hampden for my kynde Brother, Syr Adam, on whos soule God have mercy: we Ramseys go awey ffast: as God wol, so most hit be. Cosyn, I pray yow to send me the x. li. I spake to yow for: and here I send my writing, chearchyng myself as for that hit liked yow to speke to me at Stonor; yet I mervaile for I schall never do nor sey but hit shalbe my feeyng, and non odir. So God help me at my most nede, whom I beseche to kepe yow, my cosyn, your wyff, and all yours. At Hucham the xx day of Decembre.
Thomas Ramsey.
To my worshipfull Cosyn Stonor.