Thomas Ramsey to William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Ramsey to William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/110
- Date
- 24 January 1477
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 179; Kingsford, Vol II, item 179
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
As to the projected Rokes marriage, see note on No. 87, and for the
trouble with Stonor's servants, compare No. 182. "Christofre" is probably
Christopher Holand. See Nos. 233 and 283. From AC., xlvi, 110.12This wreten with my owne hand witnessith, that I, Thomas Ramsey,
by the agrement and assent of my worshipffull and reverent Cosyn,
William Stonore, have resceyved of my seid cosyn Stonore for the
costis, labour, and besynes that I have had, beyng Executor to Thomas
Stonore, ffadir to my seid Cosyn William, x. li. This my writing at
Hucham, the xxiiij day of January, the xvj yere of the reigne of King
Edward the iiijth.Th. Ramsey.
Worshipfull and reverent Cosyn, I recomaund me to yow, thanking
yow of all kyndnes. Pleasith yow to know I spake with Mastres Rokes,
and told her how ye wold be right gladde if the mariage myght be
betwene my cosyn, your suster, and her son, &c. Syr, she seid the
gladdest thing to my cosyn, her husbond and her was to thynk they
shold have had grete streynght and kyndnes by you and yours, wher
she told me she thought ye and yours shew gretely the contrarie; for
your servaunts and longyng to yow, Harry Parson, Christofre and John
Parson, came into ther tenauntes housis and toke a wey conynges, fox
nettes: wich conynges were take in ther owne ground and by ther
comaundement. Syr, for Goddes ys sake, ye be now in grete worship,
kepe ye now grete sadde rewle. What ye wol I do in this or eny odir
thing, to my power I am yours. God kepe you and yours. At
Hucham, the day forseyd, xxiiij day of Januarie.T. Ramsey.
To my worshipfull and reverent Cosyn Stonore.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
As to the projected Rokes marriage, see note on No. 87, and for the
trouble with Stonor’s servants, compare No. 182. “Christofre” is probably
Christopher Holand. See Nos. 233 and 283. From A.C., xlvi, 110.This wreten with my owne hand witnessith, that I, Thomas Ramsey,
by the agrement and assent of my worshipffull and reverent Cosyn,
William Stonore, have resceyved of my seid cosyn Stonore for the
costis, labour, and besynes that I have had, beyng Executor to Thomas
Stonore, ffadir to my seid Cosyn William, x. li. This my writing at
Hucham, the xxiiij day of January, the xvj yere of the reigne of King
Edward the iiijth.Th. Ramsey.
Worshipfull and reverent Cosyn, I recomaund me to yow, thanking
yow of all kyndnes. Pleasith yow to know I spake with Mastres Rokes,
and told her how ye wold be right gladde if the mariage myght be
betwene my cosyn, your suster, and her son, &c. Syr, she seid the
gladdest thing to my cosyn, her husbond and her was to thynk they
shold have had grete streynght and kyndnes by you and yours, wher
she told me she thought ye and yours shew gretely the contrarie; for
your servaunts and longyng to yow, Harry Parson, Christofre and John
Parson, came into ther tenauntes housis and toke a wey conynges, fox
nettes: wich conynges were take in ther owne ground and by ther
comaundement. Syr, for Goddes ys sake, ye be now in grete worship,
kepe ye now grete sadde rewle. What ye wol I do in this or eny odir
thing, to my power I am yours. God kepe you and yours. At
Hucham, the day forseyd, xxiiij day of Januarie.T. Ramsey.
To my worshipfull and reverent Cosyn Stonore.