Thomas Pratt to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Pratt to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/65
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 105; Kingsford, Vol I, item 105
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[c. 1470]
Some indication of the date is given by the reference to William Marmyon,
who probably died about the end of 1473, see No. 135. Pratt may possibly
have been employed at Stonor and wrote this letter thence. But there is
nothing to show what "town" or "court" he refers to. From A.C., xlvi, 65.41Jhesus.
Ryзt reverent and moste wurchypffull Master, I recommend me unto
зow, desyryng to here of зowr welfare. My Mastres, yowr wyffe, recom–
mend her to зow, and sche ffaryth well and all зwr howsolde, blyssyd be
God. Furthermore, I have spokyn with my Master Wyllyam Marmyun,
and he hath spokyn with the Warden and with John Denyun, and as for
the nexte corte they hathe founde a wey pat ther schull no thyng be do,
yn so myche as ye be absent, and therffor ye schull nat dowt as for the
nexte corte, and my master wyll enduse them whan that they come that
they schull put all maner of maturs uppon xij wurchypfull men of the
same towne. And my Mastres hath sent yow yowr iij botelles be the
brynger of thys letter. No more to зow at thys tyme, but God have
зow, body and sowle, yn hys kepyng, Amen.Be зour servant and the Bedeman
Thomas Pratt.To my Ryзht reverent Master, Thomas Stonor,
thys Ire. be delyvered yn hast. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
[c. 1470]
Some indication of the date is given by the reference to William Marmyon,
who probably died about the end of 1473, see No. 135. Pratt may possibly
have been employed at Stonor and wrote this letter thence. But there is
nothing to show what “town” or “court” he refers to. From A.C., xlvi, 65.Jhesus.
RyЗt reverent and moste wurchypffull Master, I recommend me unto
Зow, desyryng to here of Зowr welfare. My Mastres, yowr wyffe, recom-
mend her to Зow, and sche ffaryth well and all Зowr howsolde, blyssyd be
God. Furthermore, I have spokyn with my Master Wyllyam Marmyun,
and he hath spokyn with the Warden and with John Denyun, and as for
the nexte corte they hathe founde a wey þat ther schull no thyng be do,
yn so myche as ye be absent, and therffor ye schull nat dowt as for the
nexte corte, and my master wyll enduse them whan that they come that
they schull put all maner of maturs uppon xij wurchypfull men of the
same towne. And my Mastres hath sent yow yowr iij botelles be the
brynger of thys letter. No more to Зow at thys tyme, but God have
Зow, body and sowle, yn hys kepyng, Amen.Be Зour servant and the Bedeman
Thomas Pratt.
To my RyЗht reverent Master, Thomas Stonor,
thys Ire. be delyvered yn hast.