Thomas Playters to Master John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Playters to Master John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43489, f. 5
- Date
- 18 April 1461
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 451; Fenn, Vol I, Edward IV item 2
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (1st transcript)
To my Maister John Paston esquyer.
PLEASE yor Maisterchep to wete that I have spokyn wt
Essex in the matt’ that ye wete of and fynd him be his
talkyng wel dysposed not withstandyng he woll not falle to no
conclusyon to engrose up the mat’ tyll ye chef baron be com to
London and that he be mad p’vy to ye mat’ which we loke after
this same secund saterday after Esterne, and as for Notyngham
he is not yet comyn’ to London.It’ as for tydyng it is noysed and told for trouth of men of
worchip and oyr that ye Erle of Wylchyr is taken Doctr Morton
and Doctor Makerell and be brougth to ye kyng at York Maist’
1 Will’m also spak wt a man that sey hem. It’ Sr. I herd of Sr.
John 2 Borceter and Xpofer Hanson that Herry the sext is in a
place in York schire is calle Coroumbr suche a name it hath
or muche lyke and there is 3 sege leyde abowte and dyv’s squyers
of the Erle of Northumbrlands and gadered them to geder a v or
vj ml men to byger wt the sege that in the mene while Herry
the sexte mygh’ have ben’ stole a way at a lytyll posterne on the
bak syde at whiche byker ben slayn iij m1 men of ye north
Sr. Robt of Ocle and Conyers leyth the Sege on our syde and
thei it is yt have do this acte. Sum sey the Qwen Som’s’ and ye
P’nce schuld be there. It’ it is talked now for trouthe ye Erle of
4 Northumb’land is ded. It’ ye Erle of Devenshire is ded justely
It’ my Lord 5 Ch’unceler is to York. It’ the King and ye
Lords com not here before 6 Whitsontyde, as it is sayde. It’.
Sr. sone uppon the chef Baron comyng I schall send you a lett’
wt godds g’ce who p’serve you and have you in his blyssed
7 Thomas Playters.
11 ? by 3 ?
Saturday, 18th of April,
1461, 1 E. IV.At Cokermouthe was the Erle of Wylchire taken and these
oyr Doctor’. It’ som men talke Lord Wellys Lord Wyllouby
and Skales ben on lyve. It’ Sr. Robt Veer is slayn in Cornewayll
as it is tok for trouthe.From hence we learn some farther particulars relative to the battle of Towton, and
of the Proceedings after it; particularly of the besicging of a place where Henry VI.
was, and from which he might have been easily stolen away.This Account differs from that given by our Historians, who say that the King, &c.
fled directly into Scotland.1 William Paston I believe is here meant.
2 Sir John Bourchier, Query.
3 Our Historians make no mention of this Siege, nor of the ease with which Henry
might have been taken.4 By this Account it appears that the Earl of Northumberland was not slain in the
battle, but died of his wounds some days after.5 George Neville, Bishop of Exeter, and Lord Chancellor.
6 Whitsunday, 20th of May.
7 Thomas Playters was of a good family in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and
at this time seems to have been an attendant about the Court. In 1623, the Family was
honoured with the title of Baronet. Pl. v. No 14. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (2nd transcript)
To my Master, John Paston, Esquire.
PLEASE your Mastership to weet, that I have spoken
with Essex, in the matter that ye weet of, and find him by
his talking well disposed; notwithstanding he will not fall to
no conclusion to engross up the matter, till the Chief Baron be
come to London, and that he be made privy to the matter;
which we look after this same second Saturday after Easter.And as for Notingham he is not yet coming to London.
Item, as for tidings, it is noised and told for truth of men of
worship, and others, that the Earl of Wiltshire is taken,
Doctor Morton, and Doctor Makerell, and be brought to the
King at York. Mastr. 1 William also spoke with a man that saw
them. Item, Sir I hear of Sir John 2 Borceter and Christopher
Hanson that Harry the Sixth is in a place in Yorkshire (which)
is called Coroumber, such a name it hath, or much like.And there is 3 Siege laid about, and divers Esquires of the
Earl of Northumberland and (have) gathered them together
a five or six thousand men, to byger (fight) with the siege, that
in the mean while Harry the Sixth might have been stolen away
at a little Postern on the back side; at which Byker (Fight) be
slain four thousand men of the North. Sir Robert of Ocle (query,
if Ogle) and Conyers lyeth the siege on our side, and they it is
that have done this act. Some say the Queen, Somerset, and the
Prince should be there. Item, it is talked now for truth, the
Earl of 4 Northumberland is dead. Item, the Earl of Devonshire
is dead justly. Item, my Lord 5 Chancellor is to York. Item,
the King and the Lords come not here before 6 Whitsuntide,
as it is said.Item, Sir, soon upon the Chief Baron’s coming I shall send
you a Letter with God’s Grace, who preserve you, and have you
in his blessed keeping.Your,
At Cockermouth was the Earl of Wiltshire taken, and these
other Doctors. Item, some men talk Lord Welles, Lord
Wylloughby, and Scales be on live (alive.)Item, Sir Robert Veer is slain in Cornwall, as it is told for
truth.11 ? by 3 ?
Saturday, 18th of April,
1461, 1 E. IV.From hence we learn some farther particulars relative to the battle of Towton, and
of the Proceedings after it; particularly of the besicging of a place where Henry VI.
was, and from which he might have been easily stolen away.This Account differs from that given by our Historians, who say that the King, &c.
fled directly into Scotland.1 William Paston I believe is here meant.
2 Sir John Bourchier, Query.
3 Our Historians make no mention of this Siege, nor of the ease with which Henry
might have been taken.4 By this Account it appears that the Earl of Northumberland was not slain in the
battle, but died of his wounds some days after.5 George Neville, Bishop of Exeter, and Lord Chancellor.
6 Whitsunday, 20th of May.
7 Thomas Playters was of a good family in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and
at this time seems to have been an attendant about the Court. In 1623, the Family was
honoured with the title of Baronet. Pl. v. No 14. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
To my maister, John Paston, Esquyer.
PLEASE your Maisterchep to wete, that I have spokyn
with Essex, in the matter that ye wete of, and fynd
him be his talkyng wel dysposed, not withstandyng he
woll not falle to no conclusyon to engrose up the mater, tyll
the chef baron2 be com to London, and that he be mad privy
to the mater, which we loke after this same secund Saterday3
after Esterne; and as for Notyngham he is not yet comyn to
London.Item, as for tydyng, it is noysed and told for trouth of
men of worchip, and other, that the Erle of Wylchyr is taken,Doctor Morton,1 and Doctor Makerell, and be brougth to the
kyng at York. Maister William also spak with a man that
sey hem.Item, sir, I herd of Sir John Borceter and Christofer
Hanson, that Herry the sext is in a place in York schire is
calle Coroumbr; suche a name it hath, or muche lyke. And
there is sege leyde abowte, and dyvers squyers of the Erle of
Northumbrelands, and gadered them to geder, a v. or
[five or six thousand] men, to byger [bicker] with the sege, that
in the mene while Herry the sexte myght have ben stole a
way at a lytyll posterne on the bak syde; at whiche byker
ben slayn [3000] men of the North. Sir Robert of Ocle
and Conyrs leyth the sege on our syde, and thei it is that have
do this acte. Sum say the Qwen, Somerset and the Prince
schuld be there. Item, it is talked now for trouthe, the Erle
of Northumberland is ded. Item, the Erle of Devenshire is
ded justely.2 Item, my Lord Chaunceler is to York. Item,
the King and the Lords com not here before Whitsontyde, as
it is sayde. Item, sir, sone uppon the chef baron comyng I
schall send you a lettre, with Godds grace, who preserve you,
and have you in His blyssed kepyng. Your,THOMAS PLAYTERS.
At Cokermouthe was the Erle of Wylchire taken, and
these other Doctors. Item, som men talke Lord Wellys,
Lord Wyllouby, and Skales ben on lyve. Item, Sir Robert
Veer is slayn in Cornewayll, as it is tok for trouthe.1 [From Fenn, i. 222.] This letter relates mainly to occurrences just after the
battle of Towton in April 1461.2 Peter Arderne. 3 18th April in 1461
1 Afterwards Cardinal, the Minister of Henry VII.
2 He was beheaded at York after the battle of Towton.