Thomas Mull to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Mull to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/62
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 121; Kingsford, Vol I, item 121
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[MAY, 1472]
Margery, daughter of Sir Thomas Etchingham, married William, son of
Walter Blount, Lord Mountjoy, who was killed at Barnet on 14 April, 1471.
Margery subsequently married Sir John EIrington and died in 1481; she was
buried at St. Leonard, Shoreditch (Stow, Survey, ii, 75). Cicely, widow of
Sir Thomas Kyriel, died on 19 April, 1472 (Chancery Inq. p.m., Edward
IV, file 42). Since Lady Kyriel was lately dead, and since this letter was
probably not much earlier than the next, the date must have been quite early
in May, 1472. Sir John Fogge was Treasurer of the Household to Edward
IV. From AC., xlvi, 62.Right worshipfull Brother, I recommaund me unto you: lykith you
to wete that my Cosen Willyam hath ben with a full goodly Gentil-
woman, and comynde with her after love's lore: and for certein I knowe
that ych of them ys verely well content of other. Shee was late wyf
unto the son of my lorde Montjoy: and for the certente what my cosen
shall have with her, yf God provide for them that they shall go throwe
in mariage, suer yt is that of her ffader's enheritaunce she hath in pos-
session C. marks of lande, and after the deth of her ffader shee shall
have over that the half of al the residue of al the lande of her ffader,
and of my lorde Mountjoyes lande shee hath iiijxx marcs of annuite fe
by dede endentid, for wher the lande was in value C. marcs shee hath
layn it ayen to my seid lord for yelding her yerly iiijxx marcs. Thes
certentees I have by my bedfelow Thomas Powtrell, which ys of councell
with my seid lorde, and was of councell at the mariage makyng, when
my seid mastres was maried to the son of my seid lord; and as I
understond by my seid bedfelowe the hole value of syr Thomas Ichyng-
ham is londe, as it was at the tyme of the seid mariage makyng shewyd
in writyng, was betwen CCC. and CCCC. marcs, not fully CCCC. and
better then CCC., but how much it ys oute of the remembraunce of my
seid bedefelowe. And for certeine shee is well named, and of worship-
full disposicion. I have ben with my Cosen Willyam there, and seyn
my seid Mastres, and comynde with her. And I fele by them both that
and ye woll, with mercy of our lorde the mater shall take gode ende.
I know verely my Cosen woll in no wise in this cas doo but as your good
ffaderhode woll he doo. Wherfor in the name of God beth in this cas
and in al other good ffader to my Cosen in councelyng, helping, and
preferring after your hertes plesyr: for and I sholde mary I wolde he
sholde chese for me. I wot well ye woll lyke my Mastres right well
when ye se her, and better when ye comyn with her. Nowe ys al in
you; in which and in al other God be your guyde. Syr, as for the
manor of Clyf, I have comynd with Webley, þat is of my lorde Cobham
is councell: I hope the mater shall take goode ende by trete, of which
I shall have worde þis halidayes. Notwithstanding þer is an attourne
recordid for syr John Fog and his felowes, in hap that we accorde not.
Jhesu preserve you and my gode Suster to your hertes plesyr. Sir, as-
it is seid, ther is of late fallyn to my Mastres ffader, syr Thomas Yching-
ham, CCC. marcs more after the deth of my lady Kyriell.T. Mull.
To my right worshipfull Brother, Thomas Stonor.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
[MAY, 1472]
Margery, daughter of Sir Thomas Etchingham, married William, son of
Walter Blount, Lord Mountjoy, who was killed at Barnet on 14 April, 1471.
Margery subsequently married Sir John Elrington and died in 1481; she was
buried at St. Leonard, Shoreditch (Stow, Survey, ii, 75). Cicely, widow of
Sir Thomas Kyriel, died on 19 April, 1472 (Chancery Inq. p.m., Edward
IV, file 42). Since Lady Kyriel was lately dead, and since this letter was
probably not much earlier than the next, the date must have been quite early
in May, 1472. Sir John Fogge was Treasurer of the Household to Edward
IV. From A.C., xlvi, 62.Right worshipfull Brother, I recommaund me unto you: lykith you
to wete that my Cosen Willyam hath ben with a full goodly Gentil-
woman, and comynde with her after love’s lore: and for certein I knowe
that ych of them ys verely well content of other. Shee was late wyf
unto the son of my lorde Montjoy: and for the certente what my cosen
shall have with her, yf God provide for them that they shall go throwe
in mariage, suer yt is that of her ffader’s enheritaunce she hath in pos-
session C. marks of lande, and after the deth of her ffader shee shall
have over that the half of al the residue of al the lande of her ffader,
and of my lorde Mountjoyes lande shee hath iiijxx marcs of annuite fe
by dede endentid, for wher the lande was in value C. marcs shee hath
layn it ayen to my seid lord for yelding her yerly iiijxx marcs. Thes
certentees I have by my bedfelow Thomas Powtrell, which ys of councell
with my seid lorde, and was of councell at the mariage makyng, when
my seid mastres was maried to the son of my seid lord; and as I
understond by my seid bedfelowe the hole value of syr Thomas Ichyng-
ham is londe, as it was at the tyme of the seid mariage makyng shewyd
in writyng, was betwen CCC. and CCCC. marcs, not fully CCCC. and
better then CCC., but how much it ys oute of the remembraunce of my
seid bedefelowe. And for certeine shee is well named, and of worship-
full disposicion. I have ben with my Cosen Willyam there, and seyn
my seid Mastres, and comynde with her. And I fele by them both that
and ye woll, with mercy of our lorde the mater shall take gode ende.
I know verely my Cosen woll in no wise in this cas doo but as your good
ffaderhode woll he doo. Wherfor in the name of God beth in this cas
and in al other good ffader to my Cosen in councelyng, helping, and
preferring after your hertes plesyr: for and I sholde mary I wolde he
sholde chese for me. I wot well ye woll lyke my Mastres right well
when ye se her, and better when ye comyn with her. Nowe ys al in
you; in which and in al other God be your guyde. Syr, as for the
manor of Clyf, I have comynd with Webley, þat is of my lorde Cobham
is councell: I hope the mater shall take goode ende by trete, of which
I shall have worde þis halidayes. Notwithstanding þer is an attourne
recordid for syr John Fog and his felowes, in hap that we accorde not.
Jhesu preserve you and my gode Suster to your hertes plesyr. Sir, as
it is seid, ther is of late fallyn to my Mastres ffader, syr Thomas Yching-
ham, CCC. marcs more after the deth of my lady Kyriell.T. Mull.
To my right worshipfull Brother, Thomas Stonor.