Thomas Kela to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Kela to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43490, f. 25
- Date
- February 1477
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 899; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 74
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
Un to my Ryght Wurschypfull Maist’ John Paston Swhyer be
this bill deliu’ed, &c.RYGHT Wurschypfull Sr. I recomande me un to yowe,
lettyng yowe knowe as for the Yonge Gentylwoma’
sche owyth yowe hyr good herte and love as I knowe be ye
comynicacīon yt I hafe hade wt hyr for ye same.And Sr. ye knowe what my Maistr and my Lady hath p’fered
wt hyr CC merke. And I dar sey yt hyr chambr and arey-
ment schall be worthe C merk and I harde my Lady sey yt
and the case required both ye and sche schuld hase yowr
borde wt my Lady iij yer aftr.And I undrstand by my Lady yt sche wold yt ye schuld labur
ye mat’ to my Maistr for it schuld be the bettr.And I harde my Lady sey yt it was a febill oke
yt was kit down at the first stroke.And ye be beholdyng un to my Lady for hyr good wurde for
sche hath neu’ preysyd yowe to mech.Sr. lyke as I p’mysyd yowe I am yowr mā and my good will
ye schall hase in worde and dede, &c.And Jhs hafe yowe in hys m’cyfull kepyng, &c.
Be yor man,
Thomas Kela.
11 ¾ by 3 ¼.
February, 1476-7.
16 E. IV.This Letter seems written by a common Friend of both the parties, who appears solici-
tous for the marriage taking effect. Pl. VI. No 28.He informs J. Paston that in addition to the fortune intended to be given by Sir
Thomas Brews, the Furniture of her Chamber and her Apparel should amount to the
sum of 100 marks, or 66l. 13s. 4d.And he hints, as from Lady Brews, that they should be entertained at her Table for
three years after their marriage.At the bottom of the Original Letter is written by J. Paston “brought by Will’m
“Chele.” - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
Unto my right worshipful Master, John Paston, Esquire, be
this bill delivered, &c.RIGHT worshipful Sir, I recommend me unto you, let-
ting you know, as for the young Gentlewoman, she
oweth you her good heart and love; as I know by the com-
munication that I have had with her for the same.And Sir, ye know what my Master and my Lady have pro-
ferred with her 200 Marks (133l. 6s. 8d.) and I dare say, that
her Chamber and Arayment (Apparel) shall be worth 100 Marks
(66l. 13s. 4d.) And I heard my Lady say, that and the case re-
quired, both ye and she should have your board with my Lady
three years after.And I understand by my Lady, that she would that ye should
labour the matter to my Master, for it should be the better.And I heard my Lady say,
“That it was a feeble Oak,
“That was cut down at the first stroke.
And ye be beholden unto my Lady for her good word, for
she hath never praised you too much.Sir, like as I promised you, I am your man, aud my good
will ye shall have in word and deed, &c.And Jesu have you in his merciful keeping, &c.
By your man,
11 ? by 3 ?.
February, 1476-7.
16 E. IV.This Letter seems written by a common Friend of both the parties, who appears solici-
tous for the marriage taking effect. Pl. VI. No 28.He informs J. Paston that in addition to the fortune intended to be given by Sir
Thomas Brews, the Furniture of her Chamber and her Apparel should amount to the
sum of 100 marks, or 66l. 13s. 4d.And he hints, as from Lady Brews, that they should be entertained at her Table for
three years after their marriage.At the bottom of the Original Letter is written by J. Paston “brought by Will’m
“Chele.” - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
Un to my ryght wurschypfull maister, John Paston,
Swhyer, be this bill delivered, &c.RYGHT wurschypfull sir, I recomande me un to yowe,
lettyng yowe knowe, as for the yonge gentylwoman,
sche owyth yowe hyr good herte and love, as I knowe
be the comynicacion that I hafe hade with hyr for the same.And, sir, ye knowe what my maister and my lady hath
profered with hyr CC. merke. And I dar sey, that hyr
chambr and areyment schall be worthe C. merk. And I harde
my lady sey, that and the case required, both ye and sche
schuld hafe yowr borde with my lady iij. yer aftr.And I understand by my lady, that sche wold that ye
schuld labur the mater to my maister, for it schuld be the
bettr.And I harde my lady sey,
That it was a febill oke,
That was kit down at the first stroke.And ye be beholdyng un to my lady for hyr good wurde,
for sche hath never preysyd yowe to mech.Sir, lyke as I promysyd yowe, I am yowr man, and my
good will ye schall hafe in worde and dede, &c.And Jesus hafe yowe in Hys mercyfull kepyng, &c.
Be yor man, THOMAS KELA.
1 [From Fenn, ii. 216.]