Thomas Henham to William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Henham to William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/100
- Date
- 1 May 1476
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 163; Kingsford, Vol II, item 163
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
There is a merchant's mark similar to that on the last letter. The wool
was housed by Easter Eve (13th April) Henham having reached Calais
on "Sher Thursday" or Shrove Thursday, the same day that he left
Sandwich. From AC., xlvi, 100.Jhesu. M. iiijc lxxvj.
Ryght worchipffull my Ryght Syngguler good mayster, I recom-
maund me unto your good maysterschipe ever more dessyring to hereof your wellffare, the wyche I beseche Jhesu mayntene and contenew to
his plesur &c. Letyng your maysterschipe to wyt that I departyd
ffrome Sandewych the xj day off Aprell, and so cam unto Calys apone
sher thursday laste was with the wolle schipys; and so, blesside be
Jhesu, I have resayvid your wollys in ssafte. Fordermore, Syr, yeff yt
plesse your maystershipe for to understonde þis, I have ressayvid your
wollys as ffayer and as hole as any mannys in the fflete. More hover,
Syr, yeff yt plesse your maysterschipe ffor to understonde howne your
wolle was howsid ever dele by Ester even. Fordermore, Syr, yeff yt
plesse your maysterschipe ffor to understonde that the schepmen be
content and payde off thayer ffraythe. Fordermore, Syr, yeff hyt plesse
your maysterschipe ffor to understonde off your wollys howne maney I
have resayvid: Summa xxx sarplers ffyne Cottes wolle, and of M.1 Cottes
x sarplers and off ffyne yonge Cottes wolle vij sarplers and of M.1 yonge
Cottes iij sarplers and a sarpler of Refuse, Summa lj sarplers. All so,
Syr, yeff yt plese your maysterschipe ffor to understonde that I have
ressayvid a barell with harnes of peny, the wyche your maysterschipe
sapke [spake] unto me of at my departyng frome yow, and a nother
barell with harnes of bylys,1 the wych I have schipped hem unto London
in one of the wole schipys, the wyche ij barelys schulde be kep unto the
tyme that I com unto London my selffe. Fordermore, syr, yeff yt plese
your maysterschipe ffor to understonde that Thomas Betson cam unto
Calys the laste day of Aprill: and so he departyd in good helthe unto
Brugys mart the fyrst day ot May. No more unto your maister at thys
tyme: but allmythi Jhesu have you in hys kepyng. Wretyn at Calys
the first day of May.By your prentes Thomas Henham.
Unto my worschipffull and myne synguler master Willm. Stonor,
Squyer, of Oxford schyre, thys letter be delyvered in haste. dd. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
There is a merchant’s mark similar to that on the last letter. The wool
was housed by Easter Eve (13th April) Henham having reached Calais
on “Sher Thursday” or Shrove Thursday, the same day that he left
Sandwich. From A.C., xlvi, 100.Jhesu. M. iiijc lxxvj.
Ryght worchipffull my Ryght Syngguler good mayster, I recom-
maund me unto your good maysterschipe ever more dessyring to here
of your wellffare, the wyche I beseche Jhesu mayntene and contenew to
his plesur &c. Letyng your maysterschipe to wyt that I departyd
ffrome Sandewych the xj day off Aprell, and so cam unto Calys apone
sher thursday laste was with the wolle schipys; and so, blesside be
Jhesu, I have resayvid your wollys in ssafte. Fordermore, Syr, yeff yt
plesse your maystershipe for to understonde þis, I have ressayvid your
wollys as ffayer and as hole as any mannys in the fflete. More hover,
Syr, yeff yt plesse your maysterschipe ffor to understonde howne your
wolle was howsid ever dele by Ester even. Fordermore, Syr, yeff yt
plesse your maysterschipe ffor to understonde that the schepmen be
content and payde off thayer ffraythe. Fordermore, Syr, yeff hyt plesse
your maysterschipe ffor to understonde off your wollys howne maney I
have resayvid: Summa xxx sarplers ffyne Cottes wolle, and of M.1 Cottes
x sarplers and off ffyne yonge Cottes wolle vij sarplers and of M.1 yonge
Cottes iij sarplers and a sarpler of Refuse, Summa lj sarplers. All so,
Syr, yeff yt plese your maysterschipe ffor to understonde that I have
ressayvid a barell with harnes of peny, the wyche your maysterschipe
sapke [spake] unto me of at my departyng frome yow, and a nother
barell with harnes of bylys, the wych I have schipped hem unto London
in one of the wole schipys, the wyche ij barelys schulde be kep unto the
tyme that I com unto London my selffe. Fordermore, syr, yeff yt plese
your maysterschipe ffor to understonde that Thomas Betson cam unto
Calys the laste day of Aprill: and so he departyd in good helthe unto
Brugys mart the fyrst day of May. No more unto your maister at thys
tyme: but allmythi Jhesu have you in hys kepyng. Wretyn at Calys
the first day of May.By your prentes Thomas Henham.
Unto my worschipffull and myne synguler master Willm. Stonor,
Squyer, of Oxford schyre, thys letter be delyvered in haste. dd.1 Probably for “medell”; cf. “medell woll cottys wolde,” ap. Cely Papers,
p. 31.