Thomas Henham to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Henham to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/171
- Date
- 16 July 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 222; Kingsford, Vol II, item 222
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
"Mistress Hane" is Anne Ryche, Lady Stonor's daughter: see No. 224.
From A.C., xlvi, 171.Jhesu. Ano lxxviii.
Ryght Reverent and worshypffull mayster, I recommaunde me unto
your goode maystershype, ever more desyryng to here off your goode
wellfare, þe wyche I be-sche Jhesu longe to continue unto your hartys
desyre. And fforder more, Syr, your maystershype shall understonde
that ther hys shypyde towarde unto Calys in your name, Syr Wyllm.
Stonor, knythe, and Thomas Betson, in the Jhesu off London, John
Lolyngton mayster under God, Summa ijm iiij C. xlviij Cottes felles.
Forder more your mayster schalle understonde that I sende dow[n]e by
John Talbose, your sarvaynte: Itm. your demy gowne off chamelet;
Itm. your demy gowne off blake pewke lynde with grene wellffete;
truste in a shete. Forder more, Syr, ye shall understonde that masterys
Hane hys well amendyde, blesyde by Jhesu, and hys in goode hallthe.
Forder more, Syr, your maystershype shall understonde that the hale
brewer callys apone me dayly sore ffore monay, the wyche I have wretyn
unto your maysterschype affor tyme, the Somma ys v. li. and hode
monay, the wyche he besekys your maysterschype that he mythe have
some monay in hande unto the tyme that your maysterschype come
unto London. All so, Syr, I beseke your maysterschype þat ye wylle
remember your brede baker at London, ffor he callys apone me daylle
ffor monay, the wyche some hys xxxv. s. and iiij d. No more unto your
maysterschype at thys tyme, butt all mythy Jhesu have you in hys
kepyng. Wretyn at London the xvj day off Jullii.By your prentes Thomas Henham.
Unto my Rygh honorable and myne in spesyale goode Mayster Syr
Willm. Stonor, Knyght, In þe maner at Stonor thys be delyvered. dd. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
“Mistress Hane” is Anne Ryche, Lady Stonor’s daughter: see No. 224.
From A.C., xlvi, 171.Jhesu. Ano lxxviii.
Ryght Reverent and worshypffull mayster, I recommaunde me unto
your goode maystershype, ever more desyryng to here off your goode
wellfare, þe wyche I be-sche Jhesu longe to continue unto your hartys
desyre. And fforder more, Syr, your maystershype shall understonde
that ther hys shypyde towarde unto Calys in your name, Syr Wyllm.
Stonor, knythe, and Thomas Betson, in the Jhesu off London, John
Lolyngton mayster under God, Summa ijm iiijC. xlviij Cottes felles.
Forder more your mayster schalle understonde that I sende dow[n]e by
John Talbose, your sarvaynte: Itm. your demy gowne off chamelet;
Itm. your demy gowne off blake pewke lynde with grene wellffete;
truste in a shete. Forder more, Syr, ye shall understonde that masterys
Hane hys well amendyde, blesyde by Jhesu, and hys in goode hallthe.
Forder more, Syr, your maystershype shall understonde that the hale
brewer callys apone me dayly sore ffore monay, the wyche I have wretyn
unto your maysterschype affor tyme, the Somma ys v. li. and hode
monay, the wyche he besekys your maysterschype that he mythe have
some monay in hande unto the tyme that your maysterschype come
unto London. All so, Syr, I beseke your maysterschype þat ye wylle
remember your brede baker at London, ffor he callys apone me daylle
ffor monay, the wyche some hys xxxv. s. and iiij d. No more unto your
maysterschype at thys tyme, butt all mythy Jhesu have you in hys
kepyng. Wretyn at London the xvj day off Jullii.By your prentes Thomas Henham.
Unto my Rygh honorable and myne in spesyale goode Mayster Syr
Willm. Stonor, Knyght, In þe maner at Stonor thys be delyvered. dd.