Thomas Henham to Dame Elizabeth Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Henham to Dame Elizabeth Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/240
- Date
- 1 August 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 225; Kingsford, Vol II, item 225
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
As to William Somer see No. 209. "Maysterys Hane" is Anne Riche,
see Nos. 222 and 224, From A.C., xlvi, 240.Jhesu. An?, xviij
Right Reverent and worschypfull lady, I recomaunde me unto your
goode ladyschyp, evermore desyring ffor to her off your goode wellfare,
the wyche I besche Jhesu longe to continue unto your hartys desyre
&c Fordermore, lady, ye schalle understonde that I have sent downe
by William Somer, bargemane of London, your beme and ij calys, the
wyche I wrothe a bylle unto William Platys off that he schulde resayve
yt at Hendelay and so conevay yt unto Stonor. Fordermore, lady, ye
schalle understonde that maysterys Hane, your dowter, ys all moste
hole, thankyd by Jhesu, and sche hys very mery. All so, lady, I beseke
your goode ladyschype that I mythe have cnowlage whedir that ye
wollede have hany bere or hale, that I schulde take in ayenst your
comyng home unto London. No more unto your ladyschype at thys
tyme but Jhesu have you in hys kepyng. Wretyn at London the ffyrst
day of Agust.By your prentes Thomas Henham.
Unto my Ryght Reverent and Worschypfull dame Elysabeth Stonor
thys letter be delyvered in hast, dd. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
As to William Somer see No. 209. “Maysterys Hane” is Anne Riche,
see Nos. 222 and 224. From A.C., xlvi, 240.Jhesu. Ano. xviij
Right Reverent and worschypfull lady, I recomaunde me unto your
goode ladyschyp, evermore desyring ffor to her off your goode wellfare,
the wyche I besche Jhesu longe to continue unto your hartys desyre
&c. Fordermore, lady, ye schalle understonde that I have sent downe
by William Somer, bargemane of London, your beme and ij calys, the
wyche I wrothe a bylle unto William Platys off that he schulde resayve
yt at Hendelay and so conevay yt unto Stonor. Fordermore, lady, ye
schalle understonde that maysterys Hane, your dowter, ys all moste
hole, thankyd by Jhesu, and sche hys very mery. All so, lady, I beseke
your goode ladyschype that I mythe have cnowlage whedir that ye
wollede have hany here or hale, that I schulde take in ayenst your
comyng home unto London. No more unto your ladyschype at thys
tyme but Jhesu have you in hys kepyng. Wretyn at London the ffyrst
day of Agust.By your prentes Thomas Henham.
Unto my Ryght Reverent and Worschypfull dame Elysabeth Stonor
thys letter be delyvered in hast, dd.