Thomas Hampton to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Hampton to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/56
- Date
- 31 August [1462]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 67; Kingsford, Vol I, item 67
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR31 AUG. [1462]
This seems to be later in date than No. 65. For the reasons stated in the
Note on that letter the year must have been 1462. As to Sir John Beynton,
see p. lvi above. From A.C., xlvi, 56.20Rythe wurschypf[ull Co]syn, I recommaunde me to yow, letyng yow
understande Þat my Suster Swete ffulherteyly dayly praying Godd for
yourre gode. S[yr, sche recomaunds] her to yow, s[pec]yally prayng
yow to do your tender dyligens as unto the parson of Sylverton for Þe
hafyng of p[rofe . . .]. Syr, ye were no rather gon fro my house but
?e parsons man came unto us and lete my Suster understande ?at his
mayster had ff[ound] fayre evydens under seale to profe Thomas to be
sone of syr Water Romsey and Jahne, his ffurst wyff, and with ?at sche
wuld ordeyne a suffycyaunte persone to be bounde with here in maner
and forme, as we ben boundyn and as ye must nedys see: ffor Þe sayde
Obligacion moste nedys be delyveryd by your hands or by ?e hand of
Phylyp Pymme acordyng to an endenture made betwene Þe parson man
and [. . . Mo]reover, Syr, in eny wyse Þat we may haf notyse of Þe
parson what maner tytull Wykes made ffor Stapulham ayenst hym and
ayenste Syr J. Beynton, Knyth, and thyf hit were by d[er]ayng,1 Þat in eny
wyse Þat we may haf a copye of hit; and thyf hit be by wey of ple, Þat
we may haf Þe Record and what yere hit was, and what terme: and Þat
?e parson wull stere theym Þat were of Beyntons Counsell and his to be
of owr Counsell for owr mony. And also, Syr, I lete yow wyte Þer schall
no more be don to Þe offyse ffyndyng in no wyse. Hyth wat ye may
?at ye were wyth uns, ye schall understande a beter meane &c. on.
Remembre . . . my lord of Suthfolke wull be in the mater and he be
made on of ?e ffeffes, as ye wull desyr hym ye or naye, or m . . . ch
on as ye dar truste: the mater ys beter ?en we understode, a grete
dell, Þankyd be Godd. No more to yow at ?is tyme, but he Þat made
both yow and me preserve us in perpetuyte, Amen.Wrytyn at London in Our Palys of the Flete,21 Þe laste daye of August.
By your owne Thomas Hampton.
Gode syr, I pray yow remembre Mowne in your comyng homeward
Þat he woll be my gode Cosyn, Þer ys non oÞer mene, but ?e Kyng
wull haf mony me semyth by Fowler.Unto my ryght Wurshypfull Cosyn, Thomas Stonor, be thys de-
lyveryd in hast.1 Hampton wrote "dayng" with an otiose abbreviation mark at the end (as also
appears in "ffyndyng" and "Kyng" lower down); he probably meant "derayne".22 - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
STONOR31 AUG. [1462]
This seems to be later in date than No. 65. For the reasons stated in the
Note on that letter the year must have been 1462. As to Sir John Beynton,
see p. lvi above. From A.C., xlvi, 56.Rythe wurschypf[ull Co]syn, I recommaunde me to yow, letyng yow
understande þat my Suster Swete ffulherteyly dayly praying Godd for
yourre gode. S[yr, sche recomaunds] her to yow, s[pec]yally prayng
yow to do your tender dyligens as unto the parson of Sylverton for þe
hafyng of p[rofe . . .]. Syr, ye were no rather gon fro my house but
þe parsons man came unto us and lete my Suster understande þat his
mayster had ff[ound] fayre evydens under seale to profe Thomas to be
sone of syr Water Romsey and Jahne, his ffurst wyff, and with þat sche
wuld ordeyne a suffycyaunte persone to be bounde with here in maner
and forme, as we ben boundyn and as ye must nedys see: ffor þe sayde
Obligacion moste nedys be delyveryd by your hands or by þe hand of
Phylyp Pymme acordyng to an endenture made betwene þe parson man
and [. . . Mo]reover, Syr, in eny wyse þat we may haf notyse of þe
parson what maner tytull Wykes made ffor Stapulham ayenst hym and
ayenste Syr J. Beynton, Knyth, and thyf hit were by d[er]ayng,1 þat in eny
wyse þat we may haf a copye of hit; and thyf hit be by wey of ple, þat
we may haf þe Record and what yere hit was, and what terme: and þat
þe parson wull stere theym þat were of Beyntons Counsell and his to be
of owr Counsell for owr mony. And also, Syr, I lete yow wyte þer schall
no more be don to þe offyse ffyndyng in no wyse. Hyth wat ye may
þat ye were wyth uns, ye schall understande a beter meane &c. on.
Remembre . . . my lord of Suthfolke wull be in the mater and he be
made on of þe ffeffes, as ye wull desyr hym ye or naye, or m . . . ch
on as ye dar truste: the mater ys beter þen we understode, a grete
dell, þankyd be Godd. No more to yow at þis tyme, but he þat made
both yow and me preserve us in perpetuyte, Amen.Wrytyn at London in Our Palys of the Flete, þe laste daye of August.
By your owneThomas Hampton.
Gode syr, I pray yow remembre Mowne in your comyng homward
þat he woll be my gode Cosyn, þer ys non oþer mene, but þe Kyng
wull haf mony me semyth by Fowler.Unto my ryght Wurshypfull Cosyn, Thomas Stonor, be thys de-
lyveryd in hast.1 Hampton wrote “dayng” with an otiose abbreviation mark at the end (as also
appears in “ffyndyng” and “Kyng” lower down); he probably meant “derayne”.