Thomas Hampton to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Hampton to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/168
- Date
- 2 January [?1479]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 236; Kingsford, Vol II, item 236
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR2 JAN. [? 1479]
As Stonor is a knight the most likely year is 1479. Since Stonor had a
wife alive 1480 would be impossible. The writer is Thomas Hampton orHampden of Kimble, see NOS. 65, 67. Stonor's kinswoman may be his sister
Elizabeth. For Waller see No. 320. From A.C., xlvi, 168.31Ryht worshypfull and feythfully lovyng Cosyn, I recomaunde unto
you. Syr, I was enformed by my sone Froste that hit lyked you upon
cominicacon had between you and Waller that ye lete hym understonde
in brefe termes, yef hym lyked the mariage betwen your kynneswoman
and hym, that he shold make hyr joyntour of xxti. li. worth londe acord-
yng to hys owne promyse, and elles ye lete hym understonde he shold
no ferther enter in cominicacon in the mater: and when he understode
your decre and jugement, he was therto agreable. Syr, I understonde
he entendeth to be with me in ij days after the xijth day. Syr, me
thoght by informacion of my sone Froste that he entendeth in most
hasty wyse to be maried: wherfor me semyth, savyng your better
advyse, that hit ys me to desyre of hym to be bounden and sum persons
with hym, that he shall be Ester day then next folowyng do make hyr
suer of hyr joyntour. Syr, that hit may plese you to lemyte me in what
sum I may desyr them to be bounden yn, I pray send me word by my
servaunt, the brynger of thys letter, and how longe ye entend to be
aboute home efter the xijth tyde. And good syr, that thys my sympyll
wrytyng may recommaund me to my good Cosyn, my lady your wyfe,
and Jhesu preserve you. Wryten in hast at Oldstoke the ij day of
Januer,By your owne Thomas Hampton.
To my Right worshypfull Cosyn, Syr William Stonor, be this letter
delivered. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR2 JAN. [? 1479]
As Stonor is a knight the most likely year is 1479. Since Stonor had a
wife alive 1480 would be impossible. The writer is Thomas Hampton or
Hampden of Kimble, see Nos. 65, 67. Stonor’s kinswoman may be his sister
Elizabeth. For Waller see No. 320. From A.C., xlvi, 168.Ryht worshypfull and feythfully lovyng Cosyn, I recomaunde unto
you. Syr, I was enformed by my sone Froste that hit lyked you upon
cominicacon had between you and Waller that ye lete hym understonde
in brefe termes, yef hym lyked the mariage betwen your kynneswoman
and hym, that he shold make hyr joyntour of xxti. li. worth londe acord-
yng to hys owne promyse, and elles ye lete hym understonde he shold
no ferther enter in cominicacon in the mater: and when he understode
your decre and jugement, he was therto agreable. Syr, I understonde
he entendeth to be with me in ij days after the xijth day. Syr, me
thoght by informacion of my sone Froste that he entendeth in most
hasty wyse to be maried: wherfor me semyth, savyng your better
advyse, that hit ys me to desyre of hym to be bounden and sum persons
with hym, that he shall be Ester day then next folowyng do make hyr
suer of hyr joyntour. Syr, that hit may plese you to lemyte me in what
sum I may desyr them to be bounden yn, I pray send me word by my
servaunt, the brynger of thys letter, and how longe ye entend to be
aboute home efter the xijth tyde. And good syr, that thys my sympyll
wrytyng may recommaund me to my good Cosyn, my lady your wyfe,
and Jhesu preserve you. Wryten in hast at Oldstoke the ij day of
Januer,By your owne Thomas Hampton.
To my Right worshypfull Cosyn, Syr William Stonor, be this letter