Thomas Gate to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Gate to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/52
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 130; Kingsford, Vol I, item 130
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Thomas Gate of Brutewell (i.e. Britwell, between Farnham and Hitcham),
sucks, alias of Wycombe, was escheator of the counties of Beds and Bucks
before 1467 (Cal. pat. Rolls, Edw. IV, ii, 390; cf. Lists and Indexes, xi, 268,
P.R.O.). A pedigree of Ramsey, ap. Harley MS., 1533, f. 57, gives the descent
of Thomas Ramsey from Richard Nernute. According to this pedigree Nernute
had a son Myles, whose daughter Isabel married Reginald Beauchamp; the
Beauchamp line of descent was Myles, Myles, John, Richard, Myles of
Hicham, and Robert; Robert's daughter Isabel married Thomas Ramsey,
father of the Thomas Ramsey who married Isabel Hampden, half-sister of
the first Thomas Stonor. The early part of this pedigree seems to be un-
trustworthy. Miles de Beauchamp held Hucham or Hitcham at his death in
1336 (Cal. Inq., viii, 149). He was probably the husband of the daughter of
Richard Nernute (or Noirnute). His heir was his grandson Miles (son of his
son Richard), who held Hucham in 1346 (Feudal Aids, i, 116). This Miles
was probably the father of Robert de Beauchamp, who was great-grandfather
of the Thomas Ramsey of 1474 and brother of Elizabeth, the ancestress of
Thomas Gate. In 1382 Isabella (or Elizabeth) de Beauchamp held Hucham
as heiress of Miles de Neirnut (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Richard II, ii, 193). Thomas
Worley occurs as a servant of Edward IV in 1465 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV,
i, 437). The date of this letter must be earlier than 1474 and later than 1460,
From A.C., xlvi, 52,Right wurshipfull and my especiall good master, y recomaunde me
unto you: prayng you hertly to shue me your favour after my deservynge,
and not without cause resonable to be of oþer disposicion, as my verry
trust is in you most syngulerly of all your blode and my knowlege.
Howe be it ye and oþer wurshipful haven lete be moved ayenst me by
Thomas Ramsey, your kynnesman and y his, wherof to me-werd he
makith gret straungenese: y merveile why: our faders, of whos sowlez
God have mercy, dyd nat so, for their moders weren cosyns germaynez
descended of Sir Milys Beauchamp, knyght, late lorde of the manor of
Hucham, litill Merlowe, Crowelton and Illesley, entailled to hym and
his wif and to ther heires generall,1 doughter to Sir Ric. Noirnute,
knyght, donor of the seid entaile, which Milys had issu Robert Beau-
champ, Bessayle of your kynnesman aforseid, and dame Elizabeth, my
Bealaylez, maried to John du Brutewell, myn auncestor: the denyer of
these premissez is oon of the causez of my writtyng to your mastership:
blame me nat of this, for it is resonable a gentilman to know his pedegre
and his possibilyte: seynt Poule foryete nat to write to the Romayns of
what lynage he was descended, Ad Romanos xjo. Also I merveile of
this unkyndnes of your seid kynnesman to me warde and my frends in
seying, writtyng and doyng, and hath in me found no cause nor occa-
cion, but alwey to my power tru lovyng and kynde, unto nowe late he
wrote to me a letter of unkyndnes, y trowe in hast, and so it was
answerd, wherof me repented. Howe be it myn entent was y wold nat
have the taile aforseid lost ne foryetten by hym, for y have seyn it in
his handes and red it, as y can remember hym well: for what cause
therfor our letterz of unkyndnes were made, and for that it pleassed hym
to take partie with straungers as to his blode both ayenst me and my
allye Thomas Worley, a servant of the kynges, as for the right of my
cosyn Kateryn his wif, havyng no resonable consideracion to my under-
standyng. Natherthelesse y shall abyde such direccion for my partie as
shall plese you to ordeyne or awise betwen us most convenyent to leve
and love in peas to the confort of our neyghbors and lovers, to God and
our selfes gret þleasure, which lorde preserve you and yours. Written
at Brutewell, the vth day of October in hast.Your servaunt, Th. Gate.
To the right wurshipfull Thomas Stonor, Esquier, this be delivered
in hast.1 "entailled . . . generall" has been inserted.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
[before 1474]
Thomas Gate of Brutewell (i.e. Britwell, between Farnham and Hitcham),
Bucks, alias of Wycombe, was escheator of the counties of Beds and Bucks
before 1467 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV, ii, 390; cf. Lists and Indexes, xi, 268,
P.R.O.). A pedigree of Ramsey, ap. Harley MS., 1533, f. 57, gives the descent
of Thomas Ramsey from Richard Nernute. According to this pedigree Nernute
had a son Myles, whose daughter Isabel married Reginald Beauchamp; the
Beauchamp line of descent was Myles, Myles, John, Richard, Myles of
Hicham, and Robert; Robert’s daughter Isabel married Thomas Ramsey,
father of the Thomas Ramsey who married Isabel Hampden, half-sister of
the first Thomas Stonor. The early part of this pedigree seems to be un-
trustworthy. Miles de Beauchamp held Hucham or Hitcham at his death in
1336 (Cal. Inq., viii, 149). He was probably the husband of the daughter of
Richard Nernute (or Noirnute). His heir was his grandson Miles (son of his
son Richard), who held Hucham in 1346 (Feudal Aids, i, 116). This Miles
was probably the father of Robert de Beauchamp, who was great-grandfather
of the Thomas Ramsey of 1474 and brother of Elizabeth, the ancestress of
Thomas Gate. In 1382 Isabella (or Elizabeth) de Beauchamp held Hucham
as heiress of Miles de Neirnut (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Richard II, ii, 193). Thomas
Worley occurs as a servant of Edward IV in 1465 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV,
i, 437). The date of this letter must be earlier than 1474 and later than 1460.
From A.C., xlvi, 52.Right wurshipfull and my especiall good master, y recomaunde me
unto you: prayng you hertly to shue me your favour after my deservynge,
and not without cause resonable to be of o er disposicion, as my verry
trust is in you most syngulerly of all your blode and my knowlege.
Howe be it ye and o er wurshipful haven lete be moved ayenst me by
Thomas Ramsey, your kynnesman and y his, wherof to me-werd he
makith gret straungenese: y merveile why: our faders, of whos sowlez
God have mercy, dyd nat so, for their moders weren cosyns germaynez
descended of Sir Milys Beauchamp, knyght, late lorde of the manor of
Hucham, litill Merlowe, Crowelton and Illesley, entailled to hym and
his wif and to ther heires generall,1 doughter to Sir Ric. Noirnute,
knyght, donor of the seid entaile, which Milys had issu Robert Beau-
champ, Bessayle of your kynnesman aforseid, and dame Elizabeth, my
Bealaylez, maried to John du Brutewell, myn auncestor: the denyer of
these premissez is oon of the causez of my writtyng to your mastership:
blame me nat of this, for it is resonable a gentilman to know his pedegre
and his possibilyte: seynt Poule foryete nat to write to the Romayns of
what lynage he was descended, Ad Romanos xjo. Also I merveile of
this unkyndnes of your seid kynnesman to me warde and my frends in
seying, writtyng and doyng, and hath in me found no cause nor occa-
cion, but alwey to my power tru lovyng and kynde, unto nowe late he
wrote to me a letter of unkyndnes, y trowe in hast, and so it was
answerd, wherof me repented. Howe be it myn entent was y wold nat
have the taile aforseid lost ne foryetten by hym, for y have seyn it in
his handes and red it, as y can remember hym well: for what cause
therfor our letterz of unkyndnes were made, and for that it pleassed hym
to take partie with straungers as to his blode both ayenst me and my
allye Thomas Worley, a servant of the kynges, as for the right of my
cosyn Kateryn his wif, havyng no resonable consideracion to my under-
standyng. Natherthelesse y shall abyde such direccion for my partie as
shall plese you to ordeyne or awise betwen us most convenyent to leve
and love in peas to the confort of our neyghbors and lovers, to God and
our selfes gret pleasure, which lorde preserve you and yours. Written
at Brutewell, the vth day of October in hast.Your servaunt, Th. Gate.
To the right wurshipfull Thomas Stonor, Esquier, this be delivered
in hast.1 entailled . . . generall has been inserted.