Thomas Denyes to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Denyes to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 26
- Date
- 3 May 1454
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 245
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
To my Maister Paston.
RIGHT reverent and wurshipfull Sir, and myn especiall
good maister, I recomaund me to you. And for as
moche as oon Lord above giffeth and takith as hym
plesith, I thank His grace of every thyng; and for the bounte
that ye shew to me in this troble, I haf no spirite to thank you
as I shuld. Sir, as for certeyn evidence of myn touchyng your
place in Seint Andrues Parissh, my wif tellith me that she lefft
thaym in a chest at Ovyes shette; the key ther of she hath
sent now to Ovy also. And as for more evidence, sum is in
the kepyng of Frere John Mendham, wherto I beseche your
maistership that ye wole se for the sauf and secreet kepyng
therof. God wote my wif delyvered all, myn unwetyng; ever
therfore I doute, trustyng with such hope as is be lefft me to
the best, with Godds grace.Othre evidence of myn is at Folsham, I wote not with
whome. I thank God of my conyng; but as sone as I may
know, I shal write to you. Wherfore, sith it is thus, I beseche
your maistershep disdeigne not, but for our Lords love ye
vouchsauf to take it to you, or to se that it be sauf, if it plese
you. And that ye wole send for John Maile, for I conceyve
hym right feithfull to me, and I am enfourmed that he is gretly
manasid for me. And that ye vouchsauf to do put hym in
comfort that I lese not his good wille, and that ye shew hym
your good maistership and favor that he be holpen and not
hurt for me. Ferthermore, I wrote to you for such smal
thynges as I had leid to plegge to you for such good as that I
borwid of you. Wheryn I beseche your maistership that if
my frends pay you accordyng to my writyng, that ye than
vouchsaf to do the said plegges be sent hider to me by such
conduyte as your wisdam like to avise, and that they myght be
here by the iiijto die of the xvcim 1 of Ester, for than is my
grettest jouparte touchyng myn imprisonement; for sith myn
enmyes coude not avail to send me to the castel of Bristow
(which was their purpose, whan thei undirstood the disposicion
of the Comons Hous agayn their billes), ever sith they make
a privy labor to haf me remevid, and I wote not whedir, ne
wethir that tyme I shal be sent to the Kynges Bench, and abide
ther, or remittyd hider agayn.Neverthelesse, if I haf releve of such pouer godes as shuld
be myn by reson, than I hope to do better, and sumwhat to
aquyte, wherby I hope to put my frends in gretter corage to do
for me. And if I haf no releve, than can I nomore, but all
refere to God as I do daily. Wherefore, if ye be not paied, I
pray you to councell my said frendes to send me suche mony
as thei may gete of myn agayn that day, ever your maistership
and wisdam seyng to the conduyte therof. More over, I doute
lest that Richard Davy of his untrouth enfourme myn enmys
wher such pouer thyng as I haf is, to that intent that thei may
riffel and dispoil all. Wherof, if such case hapne, I can no
ferthre, but I besech your help in every thyng. It is yours all,
ther is a dede of gifft therof to you among myn evidence, as ye
vouchsauff to do or do to be don in every thyng I holde me
content. And Al myghti God preserve you.Wretyn in non hertis ease at Flete, the iij. day of Maii.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] For the date of this letter it may be sufficient to
refer the reader to Letters 238 and 239 preceding. Both Denyes and his wife are here
still in prison, but he expresses himself grateful to Paston for efforts made in his
behalf.1 The fourth day of the quinzaine of Easter.
MAY 31454