Thomas Billop to Sir William Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Billop to Sir William Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 22, p. 166
- Date
- 21 August 1469
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir William Plompton', item 14; Kirby, item 17
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
17 Thomas Billop to Sir William Plumpton, 21 August 1469 (No. 22, p.
166)Right worshipfull Maister,a I recomend me vnto [you], praying you
that you will cause the clothe that the wooll was packed in for to come
againe with the shipp, for I borrow it wheare that ye saw that I borrow
<it>, of that of your servants aforetime haue borrowed two packcholthes
and other geare, which they had neuer againes. Letting you vnderstand
that I haue giuen the shipman of [. . .]b his hier xs, and he for to haue
his whole payment when he deliuers the goods which he receaued,
which is xxxiijs iiijd. Whereafore I pray you that ye see that he be
content of the said some, for I am nott in store, att this time, of money
for to gett your harvest with, withoutyn I might gett it of your tenants,
or ells for to take of your shepe siluer, and that I ware right lothe for
to do. Letting you witt alsoe that I haue bene in the Peake, and there
I cannott gett no money of Harry Fulgram, nor of John of Tor, nor no
other that [. . .]c owes you, but if I shold take of your cattell, and soe I
think for to do, for I haue no oxen to gett your corne with, nor none
I cannott gett carryed, for euery man is soe busie with their owne. For
whether is so latesum in this cuntrey that men can neither well gett
corne nor hay. Letting you witt that your tenant Nichole Bristow hath
not gotten but xij foder of hay, and it is nought good, and the corneland
is ouerflotin with water. Letting you witt that I haue gotten the hay in
Hesththorne meen that was left after Lammas Day, as ye commanded
me for to do. Letting you witt that I haue a counterpais [. . .]d wheith
of the wheight stone that the wooll was weyed with, & that ye se that
the stone be kept that the shipman brings. Also letting you witt that I
deliuered the shipman viij paire of blanketts that is nott in þe bill
indented, and a hanging of old linen cloth that the couerletts are
trussed in.Letting you witt that I was on St Lawrence Day att Melton [p. 167]
with iiijx of your shepe to sell, and could sell none of them but if I
wold have selled xx of the best of them for xiijd a peece, and therefore
I seld none. Letting you witt that I sent vnto you with William
Plompton1 & with William Marley2 vli and also xxvs which was
borrowed of Bryan Smith, which I must pay againe; & therefore I am
not perveyed of money for to gett your harvest with. Also that you gar
the malt be windowd, or it be laid in any garners, for ells there will
brede wyvills in it, for I could not gett it windowd before it went to
the ship, because that I could not gett no helpe; and therefore I
upheaped with a quarter, xxj quarters for xx quarters; and also six of
your cheeses hase two markes that I trow be the best of them.3 Noe
more I write to you at this time, but that the holy Trinity haue you
euer in his keeping. Written in hast by your servant, Thomas Billop,
att Kinoulton, the Munday afore St Bartholomew Day, 9 Edw. 4.e
Endorsed: Vnto my worshipfull master Sir William Plompton knighta Marginal note: 22.
b her deleted.
c he deleted.
d An illegible word deleted.
e Marginal note: Copied 21 January 1612, Friday.
1 Sir William’s illegitimate son, 86; App. II 53.
2 Probably brother of Isabel Marley, 12.
3 Given-Wilson comments on the propensity of the lesser nobility for stepping in and
out of direct management as need required, English Nobility, 95; Richmond, John Hopton,
31. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
Unto my worshipfull master Sir William Plompton, knight.
Right worshipfull maister, I recommend me unto you, praying
you that you will cause the clothe that the wooll was packed in
for to come againe with the shipp, for I borrow it wheare that ye
saw that I borrow it; of that of your servants aforetime have bor-
rowed two packcholthes and other geare, which they had never
againe: letting you understand that I have given the shipman of
his hier xs, and he for to have his whole payment, when he deliver
the goods which he receaved, which is xxxiijs iiijd. Whearfore I
pray you that ye see that he be content of the said some, for I
am nott in store att this time of money for to gett your harvest
with, withoutyn I might gett it of your tenaunts, or ells for the take
of your shepe silver, and that I ware right lothe for to do-letting
you witt alsoe that I have bene in the Peake and there I cannott
gett no money of Harry Fulgiam, nor of John of Tor, nor no other
that owes you, but if I shold take of your cattell, and soe I think
for to do; for I have no oxen to gett your corne with, nor none I
cannott gett carryed, for every man is soe busie with their owne:
for whether is so latesum in this cuntrey, that men can neither
well gett corne nor hay-letting you witt that your tenant Nichloe
Bristow hath not gotten but xii foder of hay, and it is nought
good, and the corneland is overflotin with water-letting you witt
that I have gotten the hay in Hesththornemeen that was left after
lammas day, as ye comaunded me for to do-letting you witt that
I have a counterpais wheith of the wheight stone that the wooll
was weyed with, and that ye se that the stone be kept that the
shipman brings. Also letting you witt that I delivered the ship-
man viij paire of blanketts, that is not in the bill indented, and a
hanging of old linen cloth that the coverletts are trussed in-letting
you witt that I was on St. Lawrence day att Melton with iiijx of
your shepe to sell, and could sell none of them, but if I wold have
selled xx of the best of them for xiijd a peece, and therefore I seld
none-letting you witt that I sent unto you with William Plomp-
tona and with William Marleyb vli, and also xxvs which was bor-
rowed of Bryan Smith, which I must pay againe, and therefore I
am not perveyed of money for to gett your harvest with-also that
you gar the malt be windowd, or it be laid in any garners, for ells
there will brede wyvolls in it, for I could nott gett it windowd
before it went to the ship, because that I could not gett no helpe,
and therefore I upheaped with a quarter, xxi quarters for xx quar-
ters; and also six of your cheeses hase two markes that I know
be the best of them. Noe more I write to you at this time but
that the holy Trinity have you ever in his keeping. Written in
hast by your servant THOMAS BILLOP att Kinalton,c the munday
afore St. Bartholomew day, 9? Edw. 4.(21st Aug. 1469.)
a William Plumpton, bastard son of Sir William Plumpton, Kt. (See Memoirs.)
b William Marley, it is presumed, was nephew to Sir William Plumpton, son of
Richard Marley and Alice Plumpton. Isabel Marley was their dughter. (See Letter X.)c Kinalton in com. Nott. a seat of Sir William Plumpton, kt. which came to him
from the Foljambes.